3 research outputs found

    Achados endoscopico e citologico das vias respiratorias de potros puro sangue Ingles em inicio de treinamento no Joquei Clube Do Parana

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    Title, abstract and keywords are in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Title in English: Respiratory endoscopic and cytological findings in English thoroughbred foals in the beginning of their training at Jockey Club of ParanaO sistema respiratório de dezesseis potros PSI, com dois anos, em início de treinamento no Jóquei Clube do Paraná, foi avaliado através da videoendoscopia e citologia do aspirado traqueobrônquico. Observou-se que em sete destes animais (43,75%) foi diagnosticada hiperplasia folicular linfóide de grau III (intenso) e, nos demais (56,25%), grau II (moderado). No momento do exame, houve deslocamento do palato mole de forma persistente em dois animais (12,5%) e de forma intermitente, em outros três (18,75%). Foi constatada epiglote com aspecto frágil em apenas um animal e observada hemiplegia laríngea (grau II) em outros dois casos. Ainda, constatou-se secreção traqueobrônquica em dez animais (62,5%), em sete dos quais (70%) foi realizado aspirado e exame citológico. = The respiratory system of sixteen 2-year-old thoroughbred foals in the beginning of their training at Jóquei Club do Paraná was evaluated through videoendoscopy and tracheobronchial cytology. Seven horses (43.75%) presented (severe) level III follicular hyperplasia, and the others (56.25%) level II (moderate). At the moment of the exam there was persistent soft palate displacements in two animals (12.5%), and intermittent in three (18.75%). The epiglottis was found to be fragile in only one animal, and the level II laryngeal hemiplegia was diagnosed in two other cases. Ten animals (62.5%) presented tracheobronchial secretion, and the aspirate and cytological exams were carried out in seven (70%). = El sistema respiratório de dieciséis potros PSI con dos años, a principio de entrenamiento en el Jóquei Clube do Paraná, fue evaluado a través de videoendoscopia y citología del aspirado traqueobrónquico. Se observó que en siete de estos animales (43,75%) se diagnosticó hiperplasia folicular linfoide de grado III (intenso), y en los demás (56,25%) grado II (moderado). En el momento del examen, hubo desplazamiento del palato blando de forma persistente en dos animales (12,5%) y de forma intermitente, en otros tres (18,75%). Fue comprobada Epiglotis con aspecto frágil en solamente un animal y observada Hemiplejía Laríngea (grado II) en otros dos casos. Todavía, se observó secreción traqueobrónquica en diez animales (62,5%), en siete de los cuales (70%) fue realizado aspirado y examen citológico.Luiz César Pereira Santos, Pedro Vicente Michelotto Júnior, Denise Adamczyk Kozemjaki

    Fish oil supplementation decreases oxidative stress but does not affect platelet-activating factor bioactivity in lungs of asthmatic rats

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    Dietary fish oil supplementation increases the content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in cellular membranes. The highly unsaturated nature of n-3 PUFA could result in an enhanced lipid peroxidation in the oxidative environment characteristic of asthma. The oxidative reaction cascade culminates in an increased production of components associated to oxidative stress and of an important proinflammatory mediator platelet-activating factor (PAF)-like lipid. We evaluated the effect of fish oil supplementation in asthmatic rats upon the PAF bioactivity and parameters related to oxidative stress in the lung. Fish oil supplementation of asthmatic rats resulted in lower concentrations of nitrite (1.719 ± 0.137 vs. 2.454 ± 0.163 nmol/mL) and lipid hydroperoxide (72.190 ± 7.327 vs. 120.200 ± 11.270 nmol/mg protein). In asthmatic animals, fish oil increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (EC (33.910 ± 2.325 vs. 24.110 ± 0.618 U/mg protein) and glutathione peroxidase (EC (164.100 ± 31.250 vs. 12.590 ± 5.234 U/mg protein). However, fish oil did not affect PAF bioactivity in lung tissue of asthmatic rats (0.545 ± 0.098 340/380 vs. 0.669 ± 0.101 340/380 nm ratio). Considering the two-step process—oxidative stress and PAF bioactivity—fish oil exhibited a divergent action on these aspects of asthmatic inflammation, since the supplement lowered oxidative stress in the lungs of asthmatic rats, presenting an antioxidant effect, but did not affect PAF bioactivity. This suggests a dual effect of fish oil on oxidative stress and inflammation in asthma