2 research outputs found

    Case Report: Patient with Hepatitis C, p-ANCA, and Cryoglobulin Antibodies Presenting with Necrotizing Crescentic p-ANCA Glomerulonephritis

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    Hepatitis C (HCV) infection has a prevalence of 3 million infected individuals in the United States, according to recent Center for Disease Control reports, and can have various renal manifestations. Cryoglobulins, antibodies that precipitate at colder temperatures in vitro, are a relatively common cause of renal disease in HCV infection. The cryoglobulin proteins can form occlusive aggregates in small glomerular capillary lumina or deposit in other areas of the glomerulus, resulting in hypocomplementemia, proteinuria, hematuria, and renal injury. The typical biopsy pattern is that of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN). There are, however, other HCV-related patterns of glomerular injury. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) are known to exist in HCV-infected patients. In many reported cases, ANCA serologic testing may appear positive due to cross-reactivity of the immune assays; however, the biopsy findings do not support ANCA-associated crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN)/vasculitis as the primary cause of glomerular injury. There are rare reports of microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) p-ANCA vasculitis, in patients with HCV infection. In comparison with the MPGN pattern of cryoglobulinemic glomerular injury, biopsies from these HCV-infected patients with concomitant MPA revealed a crescentic GN, associated with normal serum complement levels. We present a case of HCV-associated glomerular disease with the surprising biopsy finding of necrotizing and crescentic p-ANCA GN, with a background, low-grade mesangial immune complex GN. Thus, p-ANCA disease should also be considered in HCV-infected patients, in addition to the more typical lesions of MPGN or cryoglobulinemic GN

    Anti-GD2 synergizes with CD47 blockade to mediate tumor eradication

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    The disialoganglioside GD2 is overexpressed on several solid tumors, and monoclonal antibodies targeting GD2 have substantially improved outcomes for children with high-risk neuroblastoma. However, approximately 40% of patients with neuroblastoma still relapse, and anti-GD2 has not mediated significant clinical activity in any other GD2+ malignancy. Macrophages are important mediators of anti-tumor immunity, but tumors resist macrophage phagocytosis through expression of the checkpoint molecule CD47, a so-called 'Don't eat me' signal. In this study, we establish potent synergy for the combination of anti-GD2 and anti-CD47 in syngeneic and xenograft mouse models of neuroblastoma, where the combination eradicates tumors, as well as osteosarcoma and small-cell lung cancer, where the combination significantly reduces tumor burden and extends survival. This synergy is driven by two GD2-specific factors that reorient the balance of macrophage activity. Ligation of GD2 on tumor cells (a) causes upregulation of surface calreticulin, a pro-phagocytic 'Eat me' signal that primes cells for removal and (b) interrupts the interaction of GD2 with its newly identified ligand, the inhibitory immunoreceptor Siglec-7. This work credentials the combination of anti-GD2 and anti-CD47 for clinical translation and suggests that CD47 blockade will be most efficacious in combination with monoclonal antibodies that alter additional pro- and anti-phagocytic signals within the tumor microenvironment