756 research outputs found

    Closing the gap? Overcoming limitations in sociomaterial accounts of early literacy

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    This article uses a sociomaterial perspective to explore how deficit views of young children’s language and literacy are sustained and can be challenged. Foregrounding the notion of multiplicity, it considers how diverse sociomaterial relations work to uphold particular kinds of practice and particular arrangements of bodies and things over others. These relations may interfere with and interface with each other in different ways, sometimes sustaining but also potentially disrupting deficit discourses and practices. Our sociomaterial perspective is illustrated with a short vignette from a study of children and touchscreen tablets in an early years setting. An initial analysis is followed by a series of alternate and tentative tracings of other kinds of relations that play through those moments. The article contributes to debates about social inequality by troubling the certainties generated though deficit models of children’s literacy, whilst working proactively to envision and produce alternate possibilities that foreground the potentialities generated as people and other materials assemble together

    The Effect of Shift Structure on Performance

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    The effect of shift structure on worker performance and productivity is of increasing interest to firms and regulatory bodies. Using approximately 743,000 emergency medical incidents attended by 2,381 paramedics in Mississippi, we evaluate the extent that paramedics\u27 performance toward the end of shifts is impacted by shift length. We find evidence that performance deteriorates toward the end of long shifts, and argue that fatigue is the mediating factor. Our calculations imply that such deterioration may result in a 0.76 percent increase in 30-day mortality. These findings have implications for workforce organization, calling attention to regulation designed to limit extended work hours

    Couples’ dyadic coping in the context of child-related stressors: A systematic review across three decades

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    The relevance of dyadic coping (DC), a concept how couples cope with stressors together, has been established in different contexts (e.g., daily hassles, mental and physical health) and is related to different outcomes such as relationship satisfaction, relationship quality and stability, psychological well-being, and child behavior. The current systematic review aims at providing an integration of the field of research on couple’s DC with child-related stressors which are understood as demands that arise for couples due to becoming or being parents. DC and related search terms were used for the literature search in PsycINFO, Psyndex, and Medline. We included 55 publications (reporting empirical data on 6,779 couples in total) including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods studies published between 1990 and 2020. We applied a narrative synthesis approach organizing the results around six identified areas of child-related stressors: pregnancy and transition to parenthood, parenting, child mental health, child disability, child chronic physical illness, and child death. Overall, results show the importance of DC for both individual and relationship functioning in the context of child-related stress. Surprisingly, effects of parental DC on child outcomes remained understudied, although the existing studies yield promising results for child adjustment. In conclusion, adapting a “we”-perspective, mutual understanding and support is of importance not only to overcome the stressor but also to grow together as a couple. As DC plays a significant role for couples to cope in a resilient way when facing child-related stressors it should be more promoted in couple- and family counseling and therapy

    Limiting the effects of earthquakes on gravitational-wave interferometers

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    Ground-based gravitational wave interferometers such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) are susceptible to high-magnitude teleseismic events, which can interrupt their operation in science mode and significantly reduce the duty cycle. It can take several hours for a detector to stabilize enough to return to its nominal state for scientific observations. The down time can be reduced if advance warning of impending shaking is received and the impact is suppressed in the isolation system with the goal of maintaining stable operation even at the expense of increased instrumental noise. Here we describe an early warning system for modern gravitational-wave observatories. The system relies on near real-time earthquake alerts provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Hypocenter and magnitude information is generally available in 5 to 20 minutes of a significant earthquake depending on its magnitude and location. The alerts are used to estimate arrival times and ground velocities at the gravitational-wave detectors. In general, 90\% of the predictions for ground-motion amplitude are within a factor of 5 of measured values. The error in both arrival time and ground-motion prediction introduced by using preliminary, rather than final, hypocenter and magnitude information is minimal. By using a machine learning algorithm, we develop a prediction model that calculates the probability that a given earthquake will prevent a detector from taking data. Our initial results indicate that by using detector control configuration changes, we could prevent interruption of operation from 40-100 earthquake events in a 6-month time-period

    Accuracy of Emergency Medical Services Dispatcher and Crew Diagnosis of Stroke in Clinical Practice.

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate recognition of stroke symptoms by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is necessary for timely care of acute stroke patients. We assessed the accuracy of stroke diagnosis by EMS in clinical practice in a major US city. METHODS AND RESULTS: Philadelphia Fire Department data were merged with data from a single comprehensive stroke center to identify patients diagnosed with stroke or TIA from 9/2009 to 10/2012. Sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) were calculated. Multivariable logistic regression identified variables associated with correct EMS diagnosis. There were 709 total cases, with 400 having a discharge diagnosis of stroke or TIA. EMS crew sensitivity was 57.5% and PPV was 69.1%. EMS crew identified 80.2% of strokes with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) ≥5 and symptom durationmodel, correct EMS crew diagnosis was positively associated with NIHSS (NIHSS 5-9, OR 2.62, 95% CI 1.41-4.89; NIHSS ≥10, OR 4.56, 95% CI 2.29-9.09) and weakness (OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.35-3.85), and negatively associated with symptom duration \u3e270 min (OR 0.41, 95% CI 0.25-0.68). EMS dispatchers identified 90 stroke cases that the EMS crew missed. EMS dispatcher or crew identified stroke with sensitivity of 80% and PPV of 50.9%, and EMS dispatcher or crew identified 90.5% of patients with NIHSS ≥5 and symptom duration \u3c6 \u3eh. CONCLUSION: Prehospital diagnosis of stroke has limited sensitivity, resulting in a high proportion of missed stroke cases. Dispatchers identified many strokes that EMS crews did not. Incorporating EMS dispatcher impression into regional protocols may maximize the effectiveness of hospital destination selection and pre-notification

    The appearance of literacy in new communicative practices: interrogating the politics of noticing

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    This conceptual article examines how ready-made assumptions about literacy both frame and limit understandings of new communicative practices in educational contexts. Proposing a tripartite heuristic that interrogates the appearance of literacy in terms of emergence, semblance, and performance, it uses stories from a study of touchscreen tablets in one early years setting to illustrate the social-material arrangements associated with moments when tablets became texts to be looked at, shared or made. We argue that a sociomaterial sensibility can not only sensitise researchers to new communicative practices, but also to the ways in which sociomaterial arrangements help to construct habits of noticing often active in accounts of literacy practice and research. It is our contention that exploring the relations between emergence, semblance and performance is particularly valuable at a time when conceptualisations of literacy are being challenged in response to diversifying communicative practices

    Comparison of the Canadian vs. the international risk scoring tool for respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis in moderate-to-late preterm infants

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    AimThe study objective was to compare the Pediatric Investigators Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada risk scoring tool (CRST) that determines need for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) prophylaxis in infants 33–35 weeks gestational age during the RSV season, with the newly developed international risk scoring tool (IRST).MethodsChildren 33–35 weeks gestational age born during the 2018–2021 RSV seasons were prospectively identified following birth and scored with the validated CRST and IRST, that comprises seven and three variables respectively, into low- moderate- and high-risk groups that predict RSV-related hospitalization. Correlations between total scores on the two tools, and cut-off scores for the low-, moderate- and high-risk categories were conducted using the Spearman rank correlation.ResultsOver a period of 3 RSV seasons, 556 infants were scored. Total risk scores on the CRST and the IRST were moderately correlated (rs = 0.64, p < 0.001). A significant relationship between the risk category rank on the CRST and the risk category rank on the IRST (rs = 0.53; p < 0.001) was found. The proportion of infants categorized as moderate risk for RSV hospitalization by the CRST and IRST were 19.6% (n = 109) and 28.1% (n = 156), respectively.ConclusionThe IRST may provide a time-efficient scoring alternative to the CRST with three vs. seven variables, and it selects a larger number of infants who are at moderate risk for RSV hospitalization for prophylaxis. A cost-utility analysis is necessary to justify country-specific use of the IRST, while in Canada a cost comparison is necessary between the IRST vs. the currently approved CRST prior to adoption
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