43 research outputs found

    Kinetic Cell-Based Morphological Screening: Prediction of Mechanism of Compound Action and Off-Target Effects

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    SummaryWe describe a cell-based kinetic profiling approach using impedance readout for monitoring the effect of small molecule compounds. This noninvasive readout allows continuous sampling of cellular responses to biologically active compounds and the ensuing kinetic profile provides information regarding the temporal interaction of compounds with cells. The utility of this approach was tested by screening a library containing FDA approved drugs, experimental compounds, and nature compounds. Compounds with similar activity produced similar impedance-based time-dependent cell response profiles (TCRPs). The compounds were clustered based on TCRP similarity. We identified novel mechanisms for existing drugs, confirmed previously reported calcium modulating activity for COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib, and identified an additional mechanism for the experimental compound monastrol. We also identified and characterized a new antimitotic agent. Our findings indicate that the TCRP approach provides predictive mechanistic information for small molecule compounds

    Mindfulness to Manage Moral Injury: Rationale and Development of a Live Online 7-Week Group Intervention for Veterans with Moral Injury

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    BACKGROUND: Military service puts service members at risk for moral injury. Moral injury is an array of symptoms (e.g., guilt, shame, anger) that develop from events that violate or transgress one\u27s moral code. OBJECTIVE: We describe adaption of in-person mindfulness training program, Mindfulness to Manage Chronic Pain (MMCP), to address symptoms of moral injury to be delivered live via the web. We discuss how we will assess benchmarks (i.e., recruitment, credibility and acceptability, completion rates, and adherence) of the Mindfulness to Manage Moral Injury (MMMI) program. METHODS: Aim 1: To develop and then adapt the MMCP program based on feedback from experts and veterans who took part in Study 1. Aim 2: To develop an equally intensive facilitator-led online Educational Support (ES) program to serve as a comparison intervention and conduct a run-through of each program with 20 veterans (10 MMMI; 10 ES). Aim 3: To conduct a small-scale randomized controlled trial (N = 42 veterans; 21 MMMI; 21 ES) in which we will collect pre-post-test and weekly benchmark data for both refined intervention arms. RESULTS: Study 1 and 2 are completed. Data collection for Study 3 will be completed in 2022. CONCLUSION: MMMI is designed to provide a live facilitated mindfulness program to address symptoms of moral injury. If Study 3 demonstrates good benchmarks, with additional large-scale testing, MMMI may be a promising treatment that can reach veterans who may not seek traditional VAMC care and/or who prefer a web-based program

    A general modeling and visualization tool for comparing different members of a group: application to studying tau-mediated regulation of microtubule dynamics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Innumerable biological investigations require comparing collections of molecules, cells or organisms to one another with respect to one or more of their properties. Almost all of these comparisons are performed manually, which can be susceptible to inadvertent bias as well as miss subtle effects. The development and application of computer-assisted analytical and interpretive tools could help address these issues and thereby dramatically improve these investigations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed novel computer-assisted analytical and interpretive tools and applied them to recent studies examining the ability of 3-repeat and 4-repeat tau to regulate the dynamic behavior of microtubules in vitro. More specifically, we have developed an automated and objective method to define growth, shortening and attenuation events from real time videos of dynamic microtubules, and demonstrated its validity by comparing it to manually assessed data. Additionally, we have used the same data to develop a general strategy of building different models of interest, computing appropriate dissimilarity functions to compare them, and embedding them on a two-dimensional plot for visualization and easy comparison. Application of these methods to assess microtubule growth rates and growth rate distributions established the validity of the embedding procedure and revealed non-linearity in the relationship between the tau:tubulin molar ratio and growth rate distribution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work addresses the need of the biological community for rigorously quantitative and generally applicable computational tools for comparative studies. The two-dimensional embedding method retains the inherent structure of the data, and yet markedly simplifies comparison between models and parameters of different samples. Most notably, even in cases where numerous parameters exist by which to compare the different samples, our embedding procedure provides a generally applicable computational strategy to detect subtle relationships between different molecules or conditions that might otherwise escape manual analyses.</p

    Induction of type I and type III interferons by Borrelia burgdorferi correlates with pathogenesis and requires linear plasmid 36.

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    The capacity for Borrelia burgdorferi to cause disseminated infection in humans or mice is associated with the genotype of the infecting strain. The cytokine profiles elicited by B. burgdorferi clinical isolates of different genotype (ribosomal spacer type) groups were assessed in a human PBMC co-incubation model. RST1 isolates, which are more frequently associated with disseminated Lyme disease in humans and mice, induced significantly higher levels of IFN-α and IFN-λ1/IL29 relative to RST3 isolates, which are less frequently associated with disseminated infection. No differences in the protein concentrations of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 or TNF-α were observed between isolates of differing genotype. The ability of B. burgdorferi to induce type I and type III IFNs was completely dependent on the presence of linear plasmid (lp) 36. An lp36-deficient B. burgdorferi mutant adhered to, and was internalized by, PBMCs and specific dendritic cell (DC) subsets less efficiently than its isogenic B31 parent strain. The association defect with mDC1s and pDCs could be restored by complementation of the mutant with the complete lp36. The RST1 clinical isolates studied were found to contain a 2.5-kB region, located in the distal one-third of lp36, which was not present in any of the RST3 isolates tested. This divergent region of lp36 may encode one or more factors required for optimal spirochetal recognition and the production of type I and type III IFNs by human DCs, thus suggesting a potential role for DCs in the pathogenesis of B. burgdorferi infection

    Follow-up of a historic cohort of children treated for severe acute malnutrition between 1988 and 2007 in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Background: It is well documented that treatment for severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is effective. However, little is known about the long-term outcomes for children treated for SAM. We sought to trace former SAM patients 11 to 30 years after their discharge from hospital, and to describe their longer-term survival and their growth to adulthood. Methods A total of 1,981 records of subjects admitted for SAM between 1988 and 2007 were taken from the archives of Lwiro hospital, in South Kivu, DRC. The median age on admission was 41 months. Between December 2017 and June 2018, we set about identifying these subjects (cases) in the health zones of Miti-Murhesa and Katana. For deceased subjects, the cause and year of death were collected. A Cox proportional hazards multivariate regression analysis was used to identify the death-related factors. For the cases seen, age- and gender-matched community controls were selected for a comparison of anthropometric indicators. Results: A total of 600 subjects were traced, and 201 subjects were deceased. Of the deceased subjects, 65·6% were under 10 years old at the time of their death. Of the deaths, 59·2% occurred within 5 years of discharge from hospital. The main causes of death were malaria (14·9%), kwashiorkor (13·9%), respiratory infections (10·4%), and diarrhoeal diseases (8·9%). The risk of death was higher in subjects with SAM, MAM combined with CM, and in male subjects, with HRs* of 1·83 (p = 0·043), 2.35 (p = 0·030) and 1.44 (p = 0·013) respectively. Compared with their controls, the cases had a low weight (-1·7 kg, p = 0·001), short height [sitting (-1·3 cm, p = 0·006) and standing (-1·7 cm, p = 0·003)], short legs (-1·6 cm, p = 0·002), and a small mid-upper arm circumference (-3·2mm, p = 0·051). There was no difference in terms of BMI, thoracic length, or head and thoracic circumference between the two groups. Conclusion: SAM during childhood has lasting negative effects on growth to adulthood. In addition, these adults have characteristics that may place them at risk of chronic non-communicable diseases later in lif

    Data Output for Using Mindfulness to Manage Moral Injury in Veterans: Outcomes of an Initial Live Web-based Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Three data files contain the syntax and outcomes reported in the manuscript, “Using Mindfulness to Manage Moral Injury in Veterans: Outcomes of an Initial Live Web-based Randomized Controlled Trial.