64 research outputs found

    Predatory interactions between Cape fur seals and seabirds at Ichaboe Island, Namiba

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    Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this documentDissertation (MSc (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2005.Zoology and Entomologyunrestricte

    White certificates and white certificate trading schemes as greenhouse gas mitigation policy options for South Africa

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    A white certificate, which is also referred to as an Energy Saving Certificate (ESC), or an Energy Efficiency Credit (EEC), is an instrument awarded by an authorisation body to guarantee that a specific amount of energy savings has been achieved. Each certificate is a unique and traceable commodity carrying a property right over a certain amount of additional energy savings and certifying that the benefit of these savings has not been accounted for elsewhere (EuroWhiteCert Project, 2006)

    Emissions trading as a policy option for greenhouse gas mitigation in South Africa

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    An emissions trading scheme (ETS) is based on the allocation of allowances to emit pollutants, which in the case of climate change are greenhouse gases. Allowances are allocated to a defined set of emitters, who are required to hold sufficient allowances to cover their emissions at the end of a compliance period, or face penalties. Scarcity is created in the scheme through the allocation of fewer allowances than emissions, resulting in emitters having to choose between reducing their emissions in line with their allowance allocations, or purchasing additional allowances to cover their excess emissions levels

    Assisting Africa: a critical analysis of technical assistance in low carbon development practice

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    Climate change mitigation efforts are increasingly forming part of the agendas of African nations, particularly since the inclusion of voluntary targets for these countries within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement of 2015. This focus towards the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, together with the need to achieve development objectives, has become combined in the practice of ‘low carbon development’ within developing countries. Technical assistance programmes have been set up to support the achievement of low carbon development, and these activities typically flow from the global North to Africa. However the power structures and flows of benefit that underlie these practices have not been the subject of much enquiry and are largely occluded within the climate change mitigation community of practice. With the inclusion of climate change mitigation targets for developing countries together with a direct call for increased capacity building within the Paris Agreement, the volume of technical assistance support focused towards Africa is likely to increase. As such the need to consider what effective technical assistance, that is both equitable and appropriate to the African context, might look like becomes a priority. This study engages with these issues. By considering the literature arising from decolonial studies and development theory together with bringing to the fore the perceptions of African climate change mitigation professionals, it provides a critical analysis of the tacit assumptions that are legitimated within the technical assistance practice in climate change mitigation. The study finds that current modes of technical assistance practice within low carbon development continues to entrench the hegemonic nature of knowledge of the global North, and perpetuates the placement of Africa in a position of extraversion towards the North, assuming African government and climate change practitioners as lacking in knowledge and expertise. The study advocates for a more equal and bilateral flow of knowledge between the two regions in order for African nations to faster and more effectively reach the twin goals of development and mitigation within Africa. It considers the lack of the critical theories of decolonial studies and development theory in climate change scholarship (particularly the absence of African voices in the debate) and brings these alternative voices and theories into low carbon development technical assistance practice

    The criminalization of HIV and the significance of knowledge: a comparative study

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    Throughout history, epidemics have been endemic to the human experience.1 Medical epidemics can cause both fear and panic among citizens around the globe,2 as can be evidenced by the approaches taken for venereal disease in the past and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the present. Legal intervention for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections demonstrate how criminalization can be used as a tool to reinforce existing stigmas that separate the sick from the healthy by establishing a moral link between sickness and unlawfulness, especially in matters where sexual conduct is a factor.3 The spheres of public health and criminal law are both aimed at the protection of public welfare and safety in their attempt to neutralize harmful elements in society, whether such harm is evidenced by a disease-causing biological agent or the reckless conduct of individuals.4 The enquiry into the suitability of criminal law as a method of addressing the problem of HIV transmission was necessitated by an awareness of scientific and medical progress in HIV treatment. Currently, criminal law is applied in dealing with HIV transmission in South Africa, and little cognisance is taken of scientific and medical knowledge. South Africa has endorsed the recommendations made by the United Nations to utilise existing criminal laws in the event that it needs to be applied to cases of HIV transmission.5 This study acknowledges the application of criminal laws where HIV transmission occurs as a result of the accused person’s intentional act or omission. The law applicable to HIV transmission in South Africa and certain states in the United States of America (United States) is discussed. The study serves to indicate that, whether general or HIV-specific criminal law is imposed, criminal laws cannot contain HIV transmission, but only serve to particularly address harm suffered

    Emissions trading as a policy option for greenhouse gas mitigation in South Africa

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    Emissions trading is fast becoming one of the most popular policy instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions internationally. This hybrid instrument combines the certainty of mitigation volume delivered by regulation, whilst also harnessing the power of the market through an economic approach to deliver migitation price discovery and least cost mitigation opportunities. Theoretically, this is a powerful combination. However, the realities of uncertainty and lack of information result in international emissions trading experience deviating substantially from the instrument’s theoretical potential. This is of particular relevance in a developing country context. Scheme design is therefore very important to counter these market failures, and policymakers are required to strike a balance between this and introducing distortions. Given that the instrument is in its infancy, performance of the various schemes up and running internationally is inconclusive. Emissions trading proponents argue that the benefits will be realised over time, once the initial teething problems are overcome. The paper is the result of research conducted in 2008 and presented at the South African Climate Policy Summit in 2009. It considers theory and international experience in application to the potential establishment of an emissions trading scheme in South Africa. Lack of data, capacity and experience with markets in the energy sector present complications in the use of the instrument as a central part of the nation’s mitigation policy suite, as do market concentration issues. Should an emissions trading be proposed, the paper argues for ways in which its design could address these complications, and align with the current energy security imperative resulting from the electricity crisis in the country, the twin political objectives of poverty reduction and employment creation of the recently elected government, and the timeframes proposed by the Long Term Mitigation Scenarios

    White Certificates and White Certificate Trading Schemes as greenhouse gas mitigation policy options for South Africa

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    AbstractEnergy efficiency activities driven by White Certificate Trading schemes (WCT) achieve the objective of conserving energy, and in most circumstances, also that of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The potential therefore exists that both objectives could be targeted by a single policy mechanism. Energy efficiency activities are important from a GHG mitigation perspective as they represent some of the least costly GHG mitigation activities available to economies. However, there are some significant differences between the use of a direct policy instrument to target GHG emissions mitigation, and the use of an indirect instrument such as WCT, whose direct policy objective is to achieve energy efficiency. Most importantly, WCT utilises intensity targets, whereas GHG mitigation is required by science to comprise absolute reductions. International experience does however suggest that white certificates can be fully fungible with a GHG mitigation policy instrument such as an emissions trading scheme, as long as double counting rules are firmly in place, and the design of the schemes are compatible.Given that 80 percent of the South African GHG emissions are energy related, with energy efficiency measures in industry, commerce and the residential sector representing the bulk of negative cost mitigation options available in the economy, energy efficiency has an important role to play in the country’s mitigation strategy.This paper presents results on research into WCT as a policy option for South Africa conducted in 2008 and presented at the Climate Change Summit 2009.  It investigates in particular the Electricity Conservation Scheme (ECS) as an option for incorporating a WCT mechanism.There is limited experience and therefore analysis on WCS available to date, and even less on the potential interaction and linkages of WCS and emissions trading schemes. This paper therefore identifies signific

    Comparison of liposomal encapsulated and non-formulated fulvic acid on proliferation, oxidative stress and cell death in cancer cell lines

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    National Research Foundationhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1e2m2Y5LoP9EYUziKsd0w8qCJW8nQdvOr/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CEIJlI-XNUtxMQ6_4CAtIqNxoBb90IH3?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ge_ZUDz07kS3X6dw4FLdlPkQ_YMd7xyl?usp=sharin

    Emissions trading as a policy option for greenhouse gas mitigation in South Africa

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    Emissions trading is fast becoming one of the most popular policy instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions internationally. This hybrid instrument combines the certainty of mitigation volume delivered by regulation, whilst also harnessing the power of the market through an economic approach to deliver migitation price discovery and least cost mitigation opportunities. Theoretically, this is a powerful combination.However, the realities of uncertainty and lack of information result in international emissions trading experience deviating substantially from the instrument’s theoretical potential. This is of particular relevance in a developing country context. Scheme design is therefore very important to counter these market failures, and policymakers are required to strike a balance between this and introducing distortions. Given that the instrument is in its infancy, performance of the various schemes up and running internationally is inconclusive. Emissions trading proponents argue that the benefits will be realised over time, once the initial teething problems are overcome. The paper is the result of research conducted in 2008 and presented at the South African Climate Policy Summit in 2009. It considers theory and international experience in application to the potential establishment of an emissions trading scheme in South Africa. Lack of data, capacity and experience with markets in the energy sector present complications in the use of the instrument as a central part of the nation’s mitigation policy suite, as do market concentration issues. Should an emissions trading be proposed, the paper argues for ways in which its design could address these complications, and align with the current energy security imperative resulting from the electricity crisis in the country, the twin political objectives of poverty reduction and employment creation of the recently elected government, and the timeframes proposed by the Long Term Mitigation Scenarios

    Targeting the oncogenic TBX3:nucleolin complex to treat multiple sarcoma subtypes

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    Sarcomas are diverse cancers of mesenchymal origin, with compromised clinical management caused by insufficient diagnostic biomarkers and limited treatment options. The transcription factor TBX3 is upregulated in a diverse range of sarcoma subtypes, where it plays a direct oncogenic role, and it may thus represent a novel therapeutic target. To identify versatile ways to target TBX3, we performed affinity purification coupled by mass spectrometry to identify putative TBX3 protein cofactors that regulate its oncogenic activity in sarcomas. Here we identify and validate the multifunctional phosphoprotein nucleolin as a TBX3 cofactor. We show that nucleolin is co-expressed with TBX3 in several sarcoma subtypes and their expression levels positively correlate in sarcoma patients which are associated with poor prognosis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that nucleolin and TBX3 interact in chondrosarcoma, liposarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma cells where they act together to enhance proliferation and migration and regulate a common set of tumor suppressor genes. Importantly, the nucleolin targeting aptamer, AS1411, exhibits selective anti-cancer activity in these cells and mislocalizes TBX3 and nucleolin to the cytoplasm which correlates with the re-expression of the TBX3/nucleolin target tumor suppressors CDKN1A (p21CIP1) and CDKN2A (p14ARF). Our findings provide the first evidence that TBX3 requires nucleolin to promote features of sarcomagenesis and that disruption of the oncogenic TBX3-nucleolin interaction by AS1411 may be a novel approach for treating sarcomas
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