9 research outputs found

    Crop Updates - 2003 Weeds

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    This session covers Thirty four papers from different authors INTRODUCTION INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT IWM system studies/demonstration sites Six years of IWM investigation – what does it tell us? Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting and Research Services Pty Ltd Long term herbicide resistance site, the final chapter, Peter Newman and Glen Adam, Department of Agriculture Management of skeleton weed (chondrilla juncea) in a cropping rotation in Western Australia, J. R. Peirce and B. J. Rayner, Department of Agriculture WEED BIOLOGY AND COMPETITION Annual ryegrass seedbanks: The good, the bad and the ugly, Kathryn J. Steadman1, Amanda J. Ellery2 and Sally C. Peltzer3 , 1WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA, 2CSIRO Plant Industry, 3 Department of Agriculture Annual ryegrass seeds after-ripen faster during a hot summer, Kathryn J. Steadman1, Gavin P. Bignell1 and Amanda J. Ellery2, 1WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA, 2CSIRO Plant Industry Predicting annual ryegrass dormancy from climatic variables, Amanda Ellery, Andrew Moore, Sandy Nedelkos, Ross Chapman, CSIRO Plant Industry Removing dormancy in annual ryegrass seeds for early herbicide resistance testing, Kathryn J. Steadman and Mechelle J. Owen, WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA Annual ryegrass germination responds to nitrogen, Amanda Ellery1, Simone Dudley1 and Robert Gallagher2, 1CSIRO Plant Industry, 2Washington State University The agro-ecology of Malva parviflora (small flowered mallow), Pippa J. Michael, Kathryn J. Steadman and Julie A. Plummer, Western Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia The looming threat of wild radish, Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture IWM TOOLS Double knock, how close can we go? Peter Newman and Glen Adam, Department of Agriculture Double knock herbicide effect on annual ryegrass, Catherine Borger, Abul Hashem and Nerys Wilkins, Department of Agriculture Tactical techniques for managing Annual Ryegrass, Sally Peltzer1, Alex Douglas1, Fran Hoyle1, Paul Matson1 and Michael Walsh2 Department of Agriculture and 2Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative. Weed control through soil inversion, Sally Peltzer, Alex Douglas and Paul Matson, Department of Agriculture The burning issues of annual ryegrass seed control, Darren Chitty and Michael Walsh, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA No sign of chaff-cart resistant ryegrass! David Ferris, WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative UWA PACKAGES AND MODELLING Conserving glyphosate susceptibility – modelling past, present and future us. Paul Neve1, Art Diggle2, Patrick Smith3 and Stephen Powles1 ,1Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia, 2Department of Agriculture, 3CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems WEEDEM: A program for predicting weed emergence in Western Australia, Michael Walsh,1 David Archer2, James Eklund2 and Frank Forcella2, 1Western Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative, UWA, 2USDA-Agricultural Research Service, 803 Iowa Avenue, Morris, MN 56267, USA Weed and herbicide management for long term profit: A workshop, Alister Draper1 and Rick Llewellyn12, 1WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, 2School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia HERBICIDE RESISTANCE Alternative herbicides for control of triazine and diflufenican multiple resistant wild radish, Aik Cheam1, Siew Lee1, David Nicholson1 and Mike Clarke2 1Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, 2Bayer CropScience Resistance of wild mustard biotype to ALS-inhibiting herbicides in WA Wheatbelt, Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture Glyphosate-resistant ryegrass biotypes in the WA wheatbelt, Abul Hashem, Catherine Borger and Nerys Wilkins, Department of Agriculture Implications of herbicide rates for resistance management, Paul Neve, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Putting a price on herbicide resistance, Rick Llewellyn, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics/WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia Herbicide resistance from over the fence: Mobility and management, Debbie Allena, Rick Llewellynb, aUniversity of Western Australia, 4th year student, 2002. Mingenew-Irwin Group, bSchool of Agricultural and Resource Economics/Western Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia HERBICIDE TOLERANCE Herbicide tolerance of new barley varieties, Harmohinder S. Dhammu and Terry Piper, Department of Agriculture Herbicide tolerance of new lupins, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper and David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture Herbicide tolerance of new field pea varieties, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper and David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture Herbicide tolerance of new lentil varieties, H.S. Dhammu, T.J. Piper and L.E. Young, Department of Agriculture HERBICIDES – NEW PRODUCTS/PRODUCT USES; USE Kill half leaf ryegrass with Spray.Seed® at night, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture CLEARFIELD™ wheat to control hard-to-kill weeds, Abul Hashem, Catherine Borger and Nerys Wilkins, Department of Agriculture Diuron, a possible alternative to simazine pre-emergent in lupins, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture Dual Gold® soft on barley, soft on weeds in dry conditions, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture Dual Gold® soft on lupins, soft on ryegrass in dry conditions, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agricultur

    Crop Updates 2006 - Weeds

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    This session covers thirty seven papers from different authors: 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, Alexandra Douglas, CONVENOR – WEEDS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPRAY TECHNOLOGY 2. Meeting the variable application goals with new application technology, Thomas M. Wolf, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre 3. Spray nozzles for grass weed control, Harm van Rees, BCG (Birchip Cropping Group) 4. Boom sprayer setups – achieving coarse droplets with different operating parameters, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting 5. Complying with product label requirements, Bill Gordon, Bill Gordon Consulting 6. IWM a proven performer over 5 years in 33 focus paddocks, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 7. Crop topping of wild radish in lupins and barley, how long is a piece of string? Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 8. Determining the right timing to maximise seed set control of wild radish, Aik Cheam and Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture 9. Why weed wiping varies in success rates in broadacre crops? Aik Cheam1, Katherine Hollaway2, Siew Lee1, Brad Rayner1 and John Peirce1,1Department of Agriculture, 2Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 10. Are WA growers successfully managing herbicide resistant annual ryegrass? Rick Llewellynabc, Frank D’Emdena, Mechelle Owenb and Stephen Powlesb aCRC Australian Weed Management, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia; bWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia. cCurrent address: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems 11. Do herbicide resistant wild radish populations look different? Michael Walsh, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia 12. Can glyphosate and paraquat annual ryegrass reduce crop topping efficacy? Emma Glasfurd, Michael Walsh and Kathryn Steadman, Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia 13. Tetraploid ryegrass for WA. Productive pasture phase AND defeating herbicide resistant ryegrass, Stephen Powlesa, David Ferrisab and Bevan Addisonc, aWA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, University of Western Australia; bDepartment of Agriculture, and cElders Limited 14. Long-term management impact on seedbank of wild radish with multiple resistance to diflufenican and triazines, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, Dave Nicholson and Ruben Vargas, Department of Agriculture 15. East-west crop row orientation improves wheat and barley yields, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins and Catherine Borger3, Department of Agriculture, 3WAHRI, The University ofWestern Australia 16. Competitiveness of different lupin cultivars with wild radish, Dr Shahab Pathan, Dr Bob French and Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture 17. Managing herbicide resistant weeds through farming systems, Kari-Lee Falconer, Martin Harries and Chris Matthews, Department of Agriculture 18. Lupins tolerate in-row herbicides well, Peter Newman and Martin Harries, Department of Agriculture 19. Summer weeds can reduce wheat grain yield and protein, Dr Abul Hashem1, Dr Shahab Pathan1 and Vikki Osten3, 1Department Agriculture, 3Senior Agronomist, CRC for Australian Weed Management, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries 20. Diuron post-emergent in lupins, the full story, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 21. Double incorporation of trifluralin, Peter Newman and Glenn Adam, Department of Agriculture 22. Herbicide tolerance of narrow leafed and yellow lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 23. MIG narrow leaf lupin herbicide tolerance trial, Richard Quinlan, Planfarm Pty Ltd, Trials Coordinator MIG; Debbie Allen, Research Agronomist – MIG 24. Herbicide tolerance of new albus lupins, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 25. Field pea x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture 26. Faba bean variety x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour and Harmohinder Dhammu, Research Officers, and Pam Burgess, Department of Agriculture 27. Herbicide tolerance of new Kabili chickpeas, Harmohinder Dhammu, Owen Coppen and Chris Roberts, Department of Agriculture 28. Timing of phenoxys application in EAG Eagle Rock, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 29. Herbicide tolerance of new wheat varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture 30. Lathyrus sativus x herbicide tolerance, Mark Seymour, Department of Agriculture 31. Tolerance of annual pasture species to herbicides and mixtures containing diuron, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 32. The impact of herbicides on pasture legume species – a summary of scientific trial results across 8 years, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 33. The impact of spraytopping on pasture legume seed set, Christiaan Valentine and David Ferris, Department of Agriculture 34. Ascochyta interaction with Broadstrike in chickpeas, H.S. Dhammu1, A.K. Basandrai2,3, W.J. MacLeod1, 3 and C. Roberts1, 1Department of Agriculture, 2CSKHPAU, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour (HP), India and 3CLIMA 35. Best management practices for atrazine in broadacre crops, John Moore, Department of Agriculture, Neil Rothnie, Chemistry Centre of WA, Russell Speed, Department of Agriculture, John Simons, Department of Agriculture, and Ted Spadek, Chemistry Centre of WA 36. Biology and management of red dodder (Cuscuta planiflolia) – a new threat to the grains industry, Abul Hashem, Daya Patabendige and Chris Roberts, Department Agriculture 37. Help the wizard stop the green invaders! Michael Renton, Sally Peltzer and Art Diggle, Department of Agricultur


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    Theta-Gamma Coupling and Working Memory in Alzheimer’s Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Working memory deficits are common among individuals with Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Yet, little is known about the mechanisms underlying these deficits. Theta-gamma coupling—the modulation of high-frequency gamma oscillations by low-frequency theta oscillations—is a neurophysiologic process underlying working memory. We assessed the relationship between theta-gamma coupling and working memory deficits in AD and MCI. We hypothesized that: (1) individuals with AD would display the most significant working memory impairments followed by MCI and finally healthy control (HC) participants; and (2) there would be a significant association between working memory performance and theta-gamma coupling across all participants. Ninety-eight participants completed the N-back working memory task during an electroencephalography (EEG) recording: 33 with AD (mean ± SD age: 76.5 ± 6.2), 34 with MCI (mean ± SD age: 74.8 ± 5.9) and 31 HCs (mean ± SD age: 73.5 ± 5.2). AD participants performed significantly worse than control and MCI participants on the 1- and 2-back conditions. Regarding theta-gamma coupling, AD participants demonstrated the lowest level of coupling followed by the MCI and finally control participants on the 2-back condition. Finally, a linear regression analysis demonstrated that theta-gamma coupling (β = 0.69, p < 0.001) was the most significant predictor of 2-back performance. Our results provide evidence for a relationship between altered theta-gamma coupling and working memory deficits in individuals with AD and MCI. They also provide insight into a potential mechanism underlying working memory impairments in these individuals

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dysregulated cellular programs in the inflamed epithelium of Crohn's disease patients.

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    <p><strong>Crohn’s disease (CD) is a complex inflammatory disorder of incompletely understood molecular aetiology. We generated a large single-cell RNA sequencing dataset from the terminal ileal biopsies of two independent cohorts comprising a total of 50 CD patients and 71 healthy controls. We performed transcriptomic analyses to reveal genes, cell types and mechanisms perturbed in CD, leveraging the power of the two cohorts to confirm our findings and assess replicability. In addition to mapping widespread alterations in cytokine signalling, we provide evidence of pan-epithelial upregulation of MHC class I genes and pathways in CD. Using non-negative matrix factorization we revealed intra- and inter-cellular upregulation of expression programs such as G-protein coupled receptor signalling and interferon signalling, respectively, in CD. We observed an enrichment of CD heritability among marker genes for various activated T cell types and myeloid cells, supporting a causal role for these cell-types in CD aetiology. Comparisons between our discovery and replication cohort revealed significant variation in differential gene-expression replicability across cell types. B, T and myeloid cells showed particularly poor replicability, suggesting caution should be exercised when interpreting unreplicated differential gene-expression result in these cell types. Overall, our results provide a rich resource for identifying cell-type specific biomarkers of Crohn’s disease and identifying genes, cell types and pathways that are causally and replicably associated with disease.</strong></p&gt

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dysregulated cellular programs in the inflamed epithelium of Crohn's disease patients.

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    <p><strong>Crohn’s disease (CD) is a complex inflammatory disorder of incompletely understood molecular aetiology. We generated a large single-cell RNA sequencing dataset from the terminal ileal biopsies of two independent cohorts comprising a total of 50 CD patients and 71 healthy controls. We performed transcriptomic analyses to reveal genes, cell types and mechanisms perturbed in CD, leveraging the power of the two cohorts to confirm our findings and assess replicability. In addition to mapping widespread alterations in cytokine signalling, we provide evidence of pan-epithelial upregulation of MHC class I genes and pathways in CD. Using non-negative matrix factorization we revealed intra- and inter-cellular upregulation of expression programs such as G-protein coupled receptor signalling and interferon signalling, respectively, in CD. We observed an enrichment of CD heritability among marker genes for various activated T cell types and myeloid cells, supporting a causal role for these cell-types in CD aetiology. Comparisons between our discovery and replication cohort revealed significant variation in differential gene-expression replicability across cell types. B, T and myeloid cells showed particularly poor replicability, suggesting caution should be exercised when interpreting unreplicated differential gene-expression result in these cell types. Overall, our results provide a rich resource for identifying cell-type specific biomarkers of Crohn’s disease and identifying genes, cell types and pathways that are causally and replicably associated with disease.</strong></p&gt

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dysregulated cellular programs in the inflamed epithelium of Crohn's disease patients.

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    <p><strong>Crohn’s disease (CD) is a complex inflammatory disorder of incompletely understood molecular aetiology. We generated a large single-cell RNA sequencing dataset from the terminal ileal biopsies of two independent cohorts comprising a total of 50 CD patients and 71 healthy controls. We performed transcriptomic analyses to reveal genes, cell types and mechanisms perturbed in CD, leveraging the power of the two cohorts to confirm our findings and assess replicability. In addition to mapping widespread alterations in cytokine signalling, we provide evidence of pan-epithelial upregulation of MHC class I genes and pathways in CD. Using non-negative matrix factorization we revealed intra- and inter-cellular upregulation of expression programs such as G-protein coupled receptor signalling and interferon signalling, respectively, in CD. We observed an enrichment of CD heritability among marker genes for various activated T cell types and myeloid cells, supporting a causal role for these cell-types in CD aetiology. Comparisons between our discovery and replication cohort revealed significant variation in differential gene-expression replicability across cell types. B, T and myeloid cells showed particularly poor replicability, suggesting caution should be exercised when interpreting unreplicated differential gene-expression result in these cell types. Overall, our results provide a rich resource for identifying cell-type specific biomarkers of Crohn’s disease and identifying genes, cell types and pathways that are causally and replicably associated with disease.</strong></p&gt