2 research outputs found

    Estimates of genetic divergence in cowpea by multivariate analysis in different environments

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    Cowpea is a legume of great importance in the Brazilian nutrition, mainly in the Northeast region. Despite the low yield of Brazilian cowpea, the species presents a genetic potential to be explored. Thus, this work aimed to characterize the genetic diversity of cowpea genotypes by agronomic traits and select genotypes for possible crosses by multivariate analysis. Four value for cultivation and use tests were carried out with cowpea genotypes in 2005 and 2006, in the municipalities of Aquidauana, Chapadão do Sul, and Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with 20 genotypes and four replications. The evaluated traits were value for cultivation, plant lodging, pod length, grain weight of five pods, number of grains per pod, pod weight, severity of powdery mildew, and grain yield. To estimate the genetic diversity among the genotypes, the optimization methods of Tocher and UPGMA were used. The generalized distance of Mahalanobis was used as a dissimilarity measure. The clustering methods revealed genetic variability among the cowpea genotypes evaluated. The methods used formed a different number of groups for each environment. Genotypes TE97-309G-24, MNC99-542F-5, BRS Paraguaçu, BRS Paraguaçu, BR 17-Gurguéia, and CNC x 409-11F-P2 can be used to obtain promising combinations and high genetic variability

    Breeding for kino reduction in hybrids clones of Corymbia sp. and Eucalyptus sp.

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    As espécies do gênero Corymbia e seus híbridos apresentam alto crescimento e alta densidade da madeira, resistência ao “distúrbio fisiológico” e à maioria das pragas e doenças que causam danos às florestas de eucalipto. Contudo, a maioria dos genótipos apresenta exsudação de kino. A seleção de genótipos com menor exsudação de kino é uma alternativa viável, porém, é necessário considerar a produtividade, visto que o desafio principal do melhoramento florestal é a aumento da sua produtividade. Dessa forma este trabalho objetivou estudar diferentes metodologias de avaliação da produção de kino visando seleção genética e selecionar clones com menor exsudação de kino e maior produtividade. Aos 32 meses avaliou-se o incremento médio anual (IMA) e a incidência (11 e 12), comprimento (Cl e C2) e peso do kino pelas metodologias do pilodyn com casca (1) e pilodyn sem casca (2) em 21 clones híbridos, sendo 16 de Corymbia e 5 de Eucalyptus spp. Os efeitos de clone foram significativos para todas as características ao nível de probabilidade de 5% pelo teste LRT, com exceção da característica C2. As características da metodologia 1, apresentaram maiores valores de herdabilidade e acurácia, sendo a característica Il, a que apresentou os melhores resultados (0,2976 e 0,8995, respectivamente), sendo a mais indicada para avaliação de kino. Dessa forma, para construir o índice de seleção, utilizou-se a incidência da metologia | (Il) e o incremento médio anual (IMA). A correlação entre estas características foram positivas. O ganho (%) com a seleção dos 5 primeiros colocados em relação a média da população foi de 22,25 para IMA e 3,38 para I. O ganho genético para ambas as características foi positivo, sendo uma estratégia viável para o melhoramento das espécies do gênero Corymbia. Palavras-chave: Gomose. Melhoramento florestal. Seleção simultânea.Species of the genus Corymbia and its hybrids exhibit high growth and high wood density, resistance to "physiological disturbance" and most of the pests and diseases that cause damage to eucalyptus forests. However, most genotypes exhibit kino exudation. The selection of genotypes with lower kino exudation is a viable alternative, however, 1t Is necessary to consider productivity, since the main challenge of forest improvement 1s to increase its productivity. In this way, this work aimed to study different methodologies of evaluation of kino production for genetic selection and to select clones with lower kino exudation and higher productivity. The mean annual increment (IMA) and incidence (11 and 12), length (Cl and C2) and weight of kino were evaluated by the methodologies of pilodyn with bark (1) and pilodyn without bark (2) in 21 hybrid of Corymbia spp. and hybrids of Eucalyptus spp. The clone effects were significant for all characteristics at the 5% probability level by the LRT test, with the exception of characteristic C2. The characteristics of methodology 1 presented higher values of heritability and accuracy, with I1 being the one with the best results (0.2996 and 0.8995, respectively), being the most indicated for kino evaluation. Thus, to construct the selection index, we used the incidence of metology 1 ([1) and the mean annual increment (IMA). The correlation between these characteristics was positive. The gain (%) with the selection of the first 5 placed in relation to the mean of the population was of 22.25 for IMA and 3.38 for I. The genetic gain for both characteristics was positive, being a viable strategy for the improvement of the species of the genus Corymbia. Keywords: Gummy desease. Forest breeding. Simultaneous selection.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic