1,294 research outputs found

    Urban railway traffic noise: Looking for the minimum cost for the whole community

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    Nowadays, railway traffic noise is acknowledged to negatively impact the wellbeing of the whole community, particularly in urban environments. Unfortunately, the traditional approach to support decision making in noise reduction intervention seems to start only from the compliance to the regulations in place, rather than from the identification of an optimal trade-off between the cost of the annoyance of the community and the cost of the intervention. An advanced approach is proposed, which starts from any annoyance due to traffic noise, and which aims at identifying an optimal trade-off by means of evaluation of the minimum cost for the whole community. A case study in a railway noise-affected urban cluster of Milan, Italy, has been performed, which is representative of any urban environment affected by traffic noise. The sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the approach (the size of the buildings; the level of railway traffic; the cost per square meter of the acoustic barriers) shows that the results are robust and reliable, and in the specific case a noise reduction of 15 to 25 dB is optimal for the community

    Universal rates for reactive ultracold polar molecules in reduced dimensions

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    Analytic expressions describe universal elastic and reactive rates of quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional collisions of highly reactive ultracold molecules interacting by a van der Waals potential. Exact and approximate calculations for the example species of KRb show that stability and evaporative cooling can be realized for spin-polarized fermions at moderate dipole and trapping strength, whereas bosons or unlike fermions require significantly higher dipole or trapping strengths.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring the impact of innovation implementation on supply chain configuration

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    Considering the foreseen digital transformation and rapid dissemination of technological innovations, this paper investigates what happens along the supply chain (SC) when process and product innovation practices are implemented. The research examines the SC strategy and configuration of four product families; it considers the configuration to incorporate the whole range of SC functions and relationships. The paper addresses the little attention paid to the process innovation dimension in SC literature, and develops a framework capturing the dynamics between innovation implementation and configuration decisions and settings. The provided analyses guide practitioners on better management of innovation implementation along the supply chain

    Improving eco-efficiency through waste reduction beyond the boundaries of a firm: Evidence from a multiplant case in the ceramic industry

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    To pursue eco-efficiency, one of the most important principles is the sustainable use of resources. The challenge in resource use improvement lies in a clear assessment of resource utilization. However, this evaluation is currently performed within the scope of a company and such an approach is not sustainable anymore in a world with increasingly complex production systems. This paper provides a decision support system (DSS) to disclose where wastes absorb resource capacity of a whole production system beyond the boundaries of a firm. In this way, an intervention priority plan can be established to effectively improve the eco-efficiency of production systems by considering interactions among players of a multiplant or supply chain context. An implementation of the DSS is proposed for the ceramic industry to test it and explore the potential benefits. Results confirm that the DSS can effectively enable different actors to understand how significant inter-firm saving opportunities can be identified

    Impulsivity Markers in Parkinsonian Subthalamic Single-Unit Activity

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    Impulsive-compulsive behaviors are common in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. However, the basal ganglia dysfunctions associated with high impulsivity have not been fully characterized. The objective of this study was to identify the features associated with impulsive-compulsive behaviors in single neurons of the subthalamic nucleus (STN)

    A Cloud-Based Tool for Integrating Occupational Risk Assessment Within Management Systems for {SMEs}

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    About 67% of workers employed in the industrial and service sectors in the European Union are currently contracted by Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which represent the economic heart of the European economy. However, this strength is counterbalanced by a considerably higher overall accident rate compared to Large Enterprises (LEs), and this trend seems to be confirmed worldwide. Moreover, most available tools for risk assessment and occupational health and safety (OHS) management are originally designed to fit the needs of LEs, resulting in a gap for SMEs. Therefore, the effective management of OHS in SMEs has become a crucial issue for researchers, practitioners and policymakers, aiming to improve the social and economic sustainability of small companies. The main purpose of this study is to provide guidelines to implement effective risk assessment processes and integrate them with OHS management systems in SMEs. A literature analysis of risk assessment and OHS management in SMEs highlights the main findings and gaps. Then, the three-phases methodology adopted is presented, outlining the main steps and outputs of the project. Finally, the web-based software tool for OHS risk analysis and management, designed to answer the specific needs of SMEs, is presented

    Enabling effective implementation of occupational safety and health interventions

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    Background The design, implementation, and evaluation are three important stages of occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions. Historically, there has been a tendency to prioritize implementation, often neglecting detailed design and rigorous outcome evaluation. Currently, much has changed, and contemporary approaches recognize the interdependence of these stages, considering them integral to the success of any intervention. This work presents a comprehensive procedure for implementing interventions, not only to ensure short-term effectiveness but also their long-term sustainability through continuous monitoring. The focus is on a national OSH project introducing a near-miss management system (NMS) in Italy. Methods Initial meetings were convened among project partners, complemented by interviews with diverse stakeholders, to plan implementation steps and test the NMS. Tailored questionnaires were designed for diverse stakeholder groups – initial promoters, company managers and employers, and employees – facilitating targeted implementation, and three case studies were started in Italian regions to assess the structured implementation, involving intervention promoters and collaborating companies. Results The primary outcome is the development of practical tools, specifically three questionnaires, which are considered valuable for establishing an effective implementation strategy, meticulously designed to facilitate ongoing monitoring of processes and continual enhancement of instruments intended for NMS integration within companies. Conclusions This work lays the foundation for successful NMS implementation in Italy and, although the outlined procedure had specific objectives, it also provides valuable insights applicable to enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of interventions across diverse contexts. It underscores the importance of comprehensive planning, stakeholder engagement, and continuous evaluation in achieving lasting OSH interventions

    Beyond OCRA: Predictive UL-WMSD risk assessment for safe assembly design

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    In terms of occupational safety, one of the most important areas to consider is that of Upper-Limb Work-related MusculoSkeletal Disorders (UL-WMSDs), i.e. work-related disorders due to biomechanical overload of the upper limbs caused by protracted movements and/or repeated efforts throughout the workday. To estimate the risk associated with these disorders, the method known as the OCRA (OCcupational Repetitive Actions) Index is universally accepted; based on observation, it provides an index whose value is related to the expected percentage of pathological cases among the entire working population. This work introduces a different perspective to the problem in order to provide designers with a method - PRASAD: Predictive Risk Assessment for Safe Assembly Design - that makes them aware of the issues related to UL-WMSDs, starting from the earliest stages of the design of a new product and the related assembly workstation, well earlier than observing the activities associated to its production, that is when the assembly workstation is fully set and running. The main advantage of the method lies in the outcome, the PRASAD Index, which is fully comparable with the OCRA Index, so that the proposal leverages on the well-known OCRA standard approach. The new method, aimed at a use in the design phase (of a new workstation for a new product), is potentially useful for a conventional risk assessment of existing workstations as well: it combines the rapidity of a checklist for the initial screening with a level of detail that is characteristic of advanced methods, such as the OCRA Index. Finally, PRASAD represents an innovation in the risk assessment of UL-WMSDs because of its feature of modelling the concept of "Technical Actions", which enables estimating (and taking into account) the repetitiveness of tasks, based on technical design and production management data
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