14 research outputs found

    GWAS + Replication, Validation and Overall <i>P</i>-values for susceptibility loci identified from the Overall meta-analysis (P<2.5×10<sup>−5</sup>).

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    <p>SNPs are ordered by chromosome and position (NCBI Build 36.1, hg18) with the major/minor alleles (positive strand) and corresponding gene (underlined) or nearest annotated genes (+/−500 kb). For each phase of the study, GWAS + Replication, Validation and Overall (GWAS+Replication+T2DM+IRAS+IRASFS) analyses, the minor allele frequency (MAF) in controls, additive <i>P</i>-value and odds ratio (OR) with associated 95% confidence interval (CI) with respect to the minor allele is listed.</p

    Genome-Wide Association Study Results.

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    <p>Results are adjusted for admixture using PC1 as a covariate in the analysis. <i>P</i>-values are shown under the additive model. The blue line at -log<sub>10</sub>(<i>P</i>-value) = 3 represents an additive <i>P</i>-value = 0.001 and the red line at -log<sub>10</sub>(<i>P</i>-value) = 5 represents a <i>P</i>-value = 1.0×10<sup>−5</sup>.</p

    Regional association plots for <i>LHX2</i> and <i>RREB1</i> in GIANT consortium with participants of European ancestry.

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    <p>The blue arrow points to the index SNPs identified from the samples of African ancestry and red arrow points to the best SNPs in GIANT consortium samples of European ancestry.</p

    Interrogation of best SNPs with the smallest p-value within known EA loci in AA for trait WHR ratio adjusted for BMI.

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    <p>The index SNPs are from Heid et al, Nature Genetics 2010 <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003681#pgen.1003681-Heid1" target="_blank">[17]</a>. Note that <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003681#pgen-1003681-t003" target="_blank"><b>Tables 3</b></a> and <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003681#pgen-1003681-t004" target="_blank"><b>4</b></a> show different information for the same loci (<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003681#pgen-1003681-t003" target="_blank"><b>Table 3</b></a> for index SNP and <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003681#pgen-1003681-t004" target="_blank"><b>Table 4</b></a> for best SNPs with the smallest p-value).</p>1<p>effect allele/other allele.</p>2<p>effect allele frequency.</p>3<p>number of independent (typed) SNPs interrogated in AA sample.</p>4<p>Bonferroni p-value threshold (0.05/N<sup>3</sup>).</p>5<p>HapMAP LD information.</p>6<p>one-side test p-value.</p>7<p>P<sub>2GC</sub>: double GC-corrected p-value.</p

    SNPs associated with waist-related trait at p<5.0E-6 in Stage 1.

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    1<p>effect allele/other allele.</p>2<p>effect allele frequency.</p>3<p>one-side test p-value.</p>4<p>P<sub>2GC</sub>: double GC-corrected p-value.</p

    Cross-trait associations for novel loci from Stage1 + Stage 2 in participants of African ancestry.

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    1<p>effect allele/other allele.</p>2<p>effect size based on Stage 1 and Stage 2 combined sample.</p

    Regional association plots based on single GC-corrected p-value for <i>LHX2</i> and <i>RREB1</i>, Stage 1 only.

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    <p>MAF = minor allele frequency. The p-values for the index SNP rs2075064 in <i>LHX2</i> loci are 5.5E-8, 0.03, and 2.2E-8 for Stage 1, Stage 2 and joint analysis. The p-values for the index SNP rs6931262 at <i>RREB1</i> loci are 5.3E-8, 0.02 and 2.5E-8 for Stage 1, Stage 2 and joint analysis. The double GC-corrected p-value for the joint analysis are 6.5E-8, 5.7E-8 and 1.8E-6 for rs2075064, rs6931262 and rs1294410, respectively.</p

    Study sample characteristics.

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    <p>Study sample characteristics.</p