41 research outputs found

    Tradition and Innovation: From Worksite Plans to Digital Models

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    The study and analysis of archaeological elements often ranges from very large sites to small objects. This difference in size and type is also present during survey and representation. This idea sparked the proposed study of worksite plans that constitute the only firm link between historical architecture and its representation. The objective is to develop a new interpretation of worksite plans merging massive acquisition technologies with digital representation. The topic is associated with studies on the origins of architectural drawing based on the interdisciplinary union between architecture and archaeology. The objective is to critically interpret worksite plans in order to establish and classify a study methodology. Based on these premises, we examined the key relationship between the metric/formal construction of a 2D drawing (plan) with a 3D model (ideal model). The study is part of the now consolidated drawing/survey/design process which is based on objective/real drawings and leads to a 3D/ideal mode

    Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis.

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    Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc) is primarily manifested by scleroderma renal crisis (SRC). More than 30 years ago, it was the main cause of death in these patients. The use of AC inhibitors has modified the prognosis and nowadays SRC has become a much more easily treatable complication of SSc. Furthermore, although there are still many patients who do not survive to this complication, the early diagnosis and prompt therapy of SRC can have an excellent outcome. Renal abnormalities independent of SRC are possible but are attributed to different pathogenetic mechanisms. Further understanding of pathogenesis of SRC may lead to additional improvement in the therapy of this serious complication

    PDIA3 expression is altered in the limbic brain regions of triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    In the present study, we used a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) (3×Tg-AD mice) to longitudinally analyse the expression level of PDIA3, a protein disulfide isomerase and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone, in selected brain limbic areas strongly affected by AD-pathology (amygdala, entorhinal cortex, dorsal and ventral hippocampus). Our results suggest that, while in Non-Tg mice PDIA3 levels gradually reduce with aging in all brain regions analyzed, 3×Tg-AD mice showed an age-dependent increase in PDIA3 levels in the amygdala, entorhinal cortex, and ventral hippocampus. A significant reduction of PDIA3 was observed in 3×Tg-AD mice already at 6 months of age, as compared to age-matched Non-Tg mice. A comparative immunohistochemistry analysis performed on 3×Tg-AD mice at 6 (mild AD-like pathology) and 18 (severe AD-like pathology) months of age showed a direct correlation between the cellular level of Aβ and PDIA3 proteins in all the brain regions analysed, even if with different magnitudes. Additionally, an immunohistochemistry analysis showed the presence of PDIA3 in all post-mitotic neurons and astrocytes. Overall, altered PDIA3 levels appear to be age- and/or pathology-dependent, corroborating the ER chaperone's involvement in AD pathology, and supporting the PDIA3 protein as a potential novel therapeutic target for the treatment of AD

    Sigma-2 Receptors as Potential Novel Biomarkers During the Progression of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) into Prostate Cancer

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    Abstract: BPH could be considered the most common benign tumor for men between 60 and 75 years of age. PSA is an unsatisfactory biomarker to define BPH progression to cancer. Recently, sigma-2 receptors have been recognized in several prostate cancer cell lines such as PC-3, DU-145 and LNCaP. It is reported that, in some cases, BPH could progress to malignancy and this progression can not easily be monitored by biomarkers such as PSA. In this paper we investigated 10 specimens from TURP, finding overexpression of sigma-2 receptors in two of these specimens (specimen 1 and 2) accompanied by 4 ng/mL PSA values. We hypothesize that the presence of sigma-2 receptors is related to a BPH progressing in prostate cancer. A possible correlation between sigma-2 receptors and PSA values could be useful to identify this pathological progression

    Chronobiologic study of the GH-IGF1 axis and the ageing immune system

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    One of the many systems that weakens as we age is our immune system and there is a reduction in the GH-IGF1 axis activity with increasing age. In this study we evaluated the immune system and the GH-IGF1 axis function in healthy ageing. CD3, CD4, CD20, CD25, HLA-DR and GH showed acrophase during the night, whereas CD8, CD16 and TCRγδ expressing cells showed acrophase during the day. MESOR of CD3 was higher in the old aged subjects, MESOR of CD20 and CD20 values at 14:00h and at 02:00h were higher in the young middle aged subjects, MESOR of CD25 and CD25 values at 10:00 were higher in the elderly subjects, MESOR of HLA-DR was higher in the young middle aged subjects, whereas MESOR of DR+T cells and HLA-DR at 02:00h were higher in the elderly subjects, MESOR of TCRγδ bearing cells was higher in the elderly subjects, GH value at 18:00h was also higher in the elderly subjects, and MESOR of IGF1 was higher in the young middle aged subjects. There was a statistically significant difference for the acrophases of CD25, HLA-DR and IGF1. There were different and opposing correlations among lymphocyte subpopulations and GH-IGF1 axis hormones in young and middle aged subjects in comparison with old aged subjects. Linear regression evidenced a statistically significant positive trend between age and the 24h mean of CD3 and CD25 and a statistically significant negative trend between age and the 24h mean of CD20 and GH. In conclusion, ageing is associated with an altered GH and IGF1 secretion, with decreased peripheral B cell compartment, increased peripheral T cell compartment and alterations of circadian rhythmicity

    transthoracic ultrasound versus intraoperative ultrasound in patients with pulmonary fibrosis reappraisal of artifacts

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    In the last years, transthoracic ultrasound (TUS) has regained a growing interest from both clinicians and radiologists as a useful and non-invasive diagnostic tool for the study of many pleuro-pulmonary conditions, including interstitial lung diseases. Intraoperative lung ultrasound (ILU) is an ultrasound technique, developed for lung surface assessment during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery procedures. It has been developed considering ultrasound basic physics principles for images generation and interpretation. Most of the TUS findings are due to the high difference in acoustic impedance between the chest-wall structures and the air in the lungs. In this brief communication, we compared ILU and TUS images in interstitial lung diseases. Most of the TUS artifacts-based diagnostic algorithms should be reappraised

    La chiesa dell’ASP Beata Lucia di Narni. Storia, arte, progetti e restauri

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    L’illuminata politica di riscoperta del patrimonio dell’ASP Beata Lucia, condotta nell’ultimo quinquennio dal Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’Ente con il fondamentale sostegno della Fondazione CARIT, ha permesso di gettare le basi per uno studio sistematico dell’importante istituzione narnese sotto molteplici aspetti. Questo percorso, iniziato con l’indispensabile riordino dell’Archivio Storico ad opera di Laura Pennoni, sotto l’alta sorveglianza della Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica dell’Umbria, ha consentito di pubblicare, già nel 2019, un volume che, oltre a evidenziare il lavoro svolto, è servito a tracciare alcune vie di ricerca sull’istituzione narnese, ormai presente in città da più di due secoli e mezzo. Nel libro citato non ha potuto trovare spazio uno studio specifico sulla chiesa annessa al brefotrofio dedicata alla beata Lucia, per ragioni editoriali e per l’intrinseca complessità dell’argomento, pertanto il presente volume, in un certo senso, viene a colmare una lacuna della pubblicazione precedente. L’occasione propizia per studiare la chiesa, fortunatamente, si è presentata quando l’Ente ha manifestato la volontà di porre mano al rifacimento del manto di copertura, al recupero dei locali sottotetto e all’adeguamento dell’impianto elettrico, sotto l’alta sorveglianza della Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio dell’Umbria e grazie ad un finanziamento del GAL Ternano. Questi lavori, a cui devono aggiungersi i restauri delle tele esposte in chiesa e i saggi stratigrafici sulle pareti, sempre condotti sotto l’alta sorveglianza della Soprintendenza ma finanziati dalla Fondazione CARIT e da privati cittadini, infatti, non furono effettuati durante il consistente intervento di restauro condotto sul resto dell’immobile negli anni a cavallo del Duemila, a causa dell’elevato impegno economico. Pertanto è sembrato opportuno compiere gli studi e le indagini multidisciplinari sull’edificio di culto, confluiti in questo libro, per agevolare al meglio i lavori di restauro conservativo dell’immobile. Il volume, pertanto, presenta le conclusioni di un lavoro condotto in sinergia da studiosi di eterogenee specializzazioni, secondo una metodologia d'intervento ormai consolidata che vede lo studio storico e artistico come primo elemento per un’accurata conoscenza del bene, seguito dal rilievo quale approfondimento della conoscenza materiale, morfologica, spaziale e geometrica, entrambi propedeutici agli interventi di restauro. Il presente libro, infatti, si apre con un testo introduttivo di carattere storico-artistico e con uno che pone riflessioni approfondite sul rilievo laser scanner condotto sulla chiesa (in collaborazione con Roberto Barni), redatti, seguendo i rispettivi campi di ricerca, dai sottoscritti. A questi testi seguono una disamina del progetto di restauro architettonico di Claudio Di Loreto e Mariachiara Ferrone, un testo relativo ai saggi stratigrafici effettuati all’interno della chiesa dai restauratori dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia, a firma di Simone Colalucci, Filomena Di Stasio e Paola Pogliani e quello sul restauro delle tele dipinte che la decorano, come la magnifica pala dell’altar maggiore di Stefano Parrocel e la Vergine Addolorata di Filippo Agricola, redatto da Simone Deturres

    Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis

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    Kidney involvement in systemic sclerosis (SSc) is primarily manifested by scleroderma renal crisis (SRC). More than 30 years ago, it was the main cause of death in these patients. The use of AC inhibitors has modified the prognosis and nowadays SRC has become a much more easily treatable complication of SSc. Furthermore, although there are still many patients who do not survive this complication, the early diagnosis and prompt therapy of SRC can have an excellent outcome. Renal abnormalities independent of SRC are possible but are attributed to different pathogenetic mechanisms. Further understanding of pathogenesis of SRC may lead to additional improvement in the therapy of this serious complication