77 research outputs found

    Structural synaptic plasticity across sleep and wake

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    Sleep quality relates to emotional reactivity via intracortical myelination

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    A good quality and amount of sleep are fundamental to preserve cognition and affect. New evidence also indicates that poor sleep is detrimental for brain myelination. In this study, we test the hypothesis that sleep quality and/or quantity relate to variability in cognitive and emotional function via the mediating effect of inter-individuals differences in proxy neuroimaging measures of white-matter integrity and intra-cortical myelination. By employing a demographically and neuropsychologically well-characterized sample of healthy people drawn from the Human Connectome Project (n=974), we found that quality and amount of sleep were only marginally linked to cognitive performance. In contrast, poor quality and short sleep increased negative affect (i.e., anger, fear, and perceived stress) and reduced life satisfaction and positive emotionality. At the brain level, poorer sleep quality and shorter sleep duration related to lower intra-cortical myelin in the mid-posterior cingulate cortex (p=0.038), middle temporal cortex (p=0.024), and anterior orbitofrontal cortex (OFC, p=0.034) but did not significantly affect different measures of white-matter integrity. Finally, lower intra-cortical myelin in the OFC mediated the association between poor sleep quality and negative emotionality (p<0.05). We conclude that intra-cortical myelination is an important mediator of the negative consequences of poor sleep on affective behaviour

    Sleep and Wake Affect Glycogen Content and Turnover at Perisynaptic Astrocytic Processes

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    Astrocytic glycogen represents the only form of glucose storage in the brain, and one of the outcomes of its breakdown is the production of lactate that can be used by neurons as an alternative energetic substrate. Since brain metabolism is higher in wake than in sleep, it was hypothesized that glycogen stores are depleted during wake and replenished during sleep. Furthermore, it was proposed that glycogen depletion leads to the progressive increase in adenosine levels during wake, providing a homeostatic signal that reflects the buildup of sleep pressure. However, previous studies that measured glycogen dynamics across the sleep/wake cycle obtained inconsistent results, and only measured glycogen in whole tissue. Since most energy in the brain is used to sustain synaptic activity, here we employed tridimensional electron microscopy to quantify glycogen content in the astrocytic processes surrounding the synapse. We studied axon-spine synapses in the frontal cortex of young mice after ~7 h of sleep, 7–8 h of spontaneous or forced wake, or 4.5 days of sleep restriction. Relative to sleep, all wake conditions increased the number of glycogen granules around the synapses to a similar extent. However, progressively longer periods of wake were associated with progressively smaller glycogen granules, suggesting increased turnover. Despite the increased number of granules, in all wake conditions the estimated amount of glucose within the granules was lower than in sleep, indicating that sleep may favor glucose storage. Finally, chronic sleep restriction moved glycogen granules closer to the synaptic cleft. Thus, both short and long wake lead to increased glycogen turnover around cortical synapses, whereas sleep promotes glycogen accumulation

    Region-Specific Dissociation between Cortical Noradrenaline Levels and the Sleep/ Wake Cycle

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    The activity of the noradrenergic system of the locus coeruleus (LC) is high in wake and low in sleep. LC promotes arousal and EEG activation, as well as attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. These functions rely on prefrontal cortex and are impaired by sleep deprivation, but the extent to which LC activity changes during wake remains unclear. Moreover, it is unknown whether noradrenergic neurons can sustain elevated firing during extended wake. Recent studies show that relative to LC neurons targeting primary motor cortex (M1), those projecting to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have higher spontaneous firing rates and are more excitable. These results suggest that noradrenaline (NA) levels should be higher in mPFC than M1, and that during prolonged wake LC cells targeting mPFC may fatigue more

    Effects of Chronic Sleep Restriction on Transcriptional Sirtuin 1 Signaling Regulation in Male Mice White Adipose Tissue

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    Chronic sleep restriction (CSR) is a prevalent issue in modern society that is associated with several pathological states, ranging from neuropsychiatric to metabolic diseases. Despite its known impact on metabolism, the specific effects of CSR on the molecular mechanisms involved in maintaining metabolic homeostasis at the level of white adipose tissue (WAT) remain poorly understood. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the influence of CSR on sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) signaling pathway in the WAT of young male mice. Both genes interact with specific targets involved in multiple metabolic processes, including adipocyte differentiation, browning, and lipid metabolism. The quantitative PCR (qPCR) results demonstrated a significant upregulation of SIRT-1 and some of its target genes associated with the transcriptional regulation of lipid homeostasis (i.e., PPAR alpha, PPAR gamma, PGC-1 alpha, and SREBF) and adipose tissue development (i.e., leptin, adiponectin) in CSR mice. On the contrary, DNA-binding transcription factors (i.e., CEBP-beta and C-myc), which play a pivotal function during the adipogenesis process, were found to be down-regulated. Our results also suggest that the induction of SIRT1-dependent molecular pathways prevents weight gain. Overall, these findings offer new, valuable insights into the molecular adaptations of WAT to CSR, in order to support increased energy demand due to sleep loss

    Probiotics Supplementation Attenuates Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Induced by Chronic Sleep Restriction

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    Background: Insufficient sleep is a serious public health problem in modern society. It leads to increased risk of chronic diseases, and it has been frequently associated with cellular oxidative damage and widespread low-grade inflammation. Probiotics have been attracting increasing interest recently for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Here, we tested the ability of probiotics to contrast oxidative stress and inflammation induced by sleep loss. Methods: We administered a multi-strain probiotic formulation (SLAB51) or water to normal sleeping mice and to mice exposed to 7 days of chronic sleep restriction (CSR). We quantified protein, lipid, and DNA oxidation as well as levels of gut-brain axis hormones and pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the brain and plasma. Furthermore, we carried out an evaluation of microglia morphology and density in the mouse cerebral cortex. Results: We found that CSR induced oxidative stress and inflammation and altered gut-brain axis hormones. SLAB51 oral administration boosted the antioxidant capacity of the brain, thus limiting the oxidative damage provoked by loss of sleep. Moreover, it positively regulated gut-brain axis hormones and reduced peripheral and brain inflammation induced by CSR. Conclusions: Probiotic supplementation can be a possible strategy to counteract oxidative stress and inflammation promoted by sleep loss

    Sleep Consolidates Motor Learning of Complex Movement Sequences in Mice

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    Introduction: Sleep-dependent consolidation of motor learning has been extensively studied in humans, but it remains unclear why some, but not all, learned skills benefit from sleep. Aims and methods: Here, we compared 2 different motor tasks, both requiring the mice to run on an accelerating device. In the rotarod task, mice learn to maintain balance while running on a small rod, while in the complex wheel task, mice run on an accelerating wheel with an irregular rung pattern. Results: In the rotarod task, performance improved to the same extent after sleep or after sleep deprivation (SD). Overall, using 7 different experimental protocols (41 sleep deprived mice, 26 sleeping controls), we found large interindividual differences in the learning and consolidation of the rotarod task, but sleep before/after training did not account for this variability. By contrast, using the complex wheel, we found that sleep after training, relative to SD, led to better performance from the beginning of the retest session, and longer sleep was correlated with greater subsequent performance. As in humans, the effects of sleep showed large interindividual variability and varied between fast and slow learners, with sleep favoring the preservation of learned skills in fast learners and leading to a net offline gain in the performance in slow learners. Using Fos expression as a proxy for neuronal activation, we also found that complex wheel training engaged motor cortex and hippocampus more than the rotarod training. Conclusions: Sleep specifically consolidates a motor skill that requires complex movement sequences and strongly engages both motor cortex and hippocampus

    Characterization of Subcellular Organelles in Cortical Perisynaptic Astrocytes

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    Perisynaptic astrocytic processes (PAPs) carry out several different functions, from metabolite clearing to control of neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity. All these functions are likely orchestrated by complex cellular machinery that resides within the PAPs and relies on a fine interplay between multiple subcellular components. However, traditional transmission electron microscopy (EM) studies have found that PAPs are remarkably poor of intracellular organelles, failing to explain how such a variety of PAP functions are achieved in the absence of a proportional complex network of intracellular structures. Here, we use serial block-face scanning EM to reconstruct and describe in three dimensions PAPs and their intracellular organelles in two different mouse cortical regions. We described five distinct organelles, which included empty and full endosomes, phagosomes, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae, distributed within three PAPs categories (branches, branchlets, and leaflets). The majority of PAPs belonged to the leaflets category (~60%), with branchlets representing a minority (~37%). Branches were rarely in contact with synapses (<3%). Branches had a higher density of mitochondria and ER cisternae than branchlets and leaflets. Also, branches and branchlets displayed organelles more frequently than leaflets. Endosomes and phagosomes, which accounted for more than 60% of all the organelles detected, were often associated with the same PAP. Likewise, mitochondria and ER cisternae, representing ~40% of all organelles were usually associated. No differences were noted between the organelle distribution of the somatosensory and the anterior cingulate cortex. Finally, the organelle distribution in PAPs did not largely depend on the presence of a spine apparatus or a pre-synaptic mitochondrion in the synapse that PAPs were enwrapping, with some exceptions regarding the presence of phagosomes and ER cisternae, which were slightly more represented around synapses lacking a spine apparatus and a presynaptic mitochondrion, respectively. Thus, PAPs contain several subcellular organelles that could underlie the diverse astrocytic functions carried out at central synapses