74 research outputs found

    Methodological and Practical Considerations in Rapid Qualitative Research: Lessons Learned From a Team-Based Global Study During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Rapid qualitative research (RQR) studies are increasingly employed to inform decision-making in public health emergencies. Despite this trend, there remains a lack of clarity around what these studies actually involve in terms of methodological processes and practical considerations or challenges. Our team conducted a global RQR study during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide a detailed account of our methodological processes and decisions taken related to ethics, study design, and analysis. We describe how we navigated limitations on time and resources. We draw attention to several elements that operated as facilitators to the rapid launch and completion of this study. Rendering methodological considerations and rationales for specific RQR studies explicit and available for consideration by others can contribute to the validity of RQR, support further discussion and development of RQR methods, and make findings for particular studies more credible

    Measuring self-care in the general adult population : Development and psychometric testing of the Self-Care Inventory

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    Background Self-care is important at all stages of life and health status to promote well-being, prevent disease, and improve health outcomes. Currently, there is a need to better conceptualize self-care in the general adult population and provide an instrument to measure self-care in this group. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the Self-Care Inventory (SCI), a theory-based instrument to measure self-care in the general adult population. Methods Based on the Middle Range Theory of Self-Care, the 20-item SCI was developed with three scales: Self-Care Maintenance (8 items), Self-Care Monitoring (6 items), and Self-Care Management (6 items). A cross sectional study with a US-based sample (n = 294) was conducted to test the SCI. Internal validity was assessed with Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Internal consistency reliability was assessed with Cronbach alpha for unidimensional scales or composite reliability and the global reliability index for multidimensional scales. Construct validity was investigated with Pearson correlation to test the relationship between general self-efficacy, positivity, stress, and self-care scores. Results The Self-Care Maintenance and Management scales were multidimensional and the Self-Care Monitoring scale was unidimensional. The global reliability index for multidimensional scales was 0.85 (self-care maintenance) and 0.88 (self-care management). Cronbach alpha coefficient of the self-care monitoring scale was 0.88. Test-retest reliability was 0.81 (self-care maintenance), 0.91 (self-care monitoring), and 0.76 (self-care management). The General Self-Efficacy Scale was positively related to all three self-care scale scores: self-care maintenance r = 0.46, p < 0. 001, self-care monitoring r = 0.31, p < 0. 001, and self-care management r = 0.32, p < 0. 001. The positivity score was positively related to self-care maintenance (r = 0.42, p < 0. 001), self-care monitoring (r = 0.29, p < 0. 001), and self-care management (r = 0.34, p < 0. 001) scores. The perceived stress was positively related to the self-care management (r = 0.20, p < 0. 001) score. Conclusions The SCI is a theoretically based instrument designed to measure self-care in the general adult population. Preliminary evidence of validity and reliability supports its use in the general adult population

    Synchrotron characterization of hexagonal and cubic lipidic phases loaded with azolate/phosphane gold(I) compounds: a new approach to the uploading of gold(I)-based drugs

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    none9Gold(I) phosphane compounds have recently attracted a renewed interest as potential new protagonists in cancer therapy. A class of phosphane gold(I) complexes containing azolate ligands has been successfully tested against several cancer cell lines and, in particular, against basal-like breast (BLB) cancer, a form characterized by strongly severe diagnosis and short life lapse after classic chemotherapy. Even though the anticancer activity of gold(I) phosphane compounds is thoroughly ascertained, no study has been devoted to the possibility of their delivery in nanovectors. Herein, nonlamellar lyotropic liquid crystalline lipid nanosystems, a promising class of smart materials, have been used to encapsulate gold(I) azolate/phosphane complexes. In particular, ((triphenylphosphine)-gold(I)-(4,5-dichloroimidazolyl-1H-1yl)) (C-I) and ((triphenylphosphine)-gold(I)-(4,5-dicyanoimidazolyl-1H-1yl)) (C-II) have been encapsulated in three different lipid matrices: monoolein (GMO), phytantriol (PHYT) and dioleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). An integrated experimental approach involving X-ray diffraction and UV resonant Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy, based on synchrotron light and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, has been employed to establish the effects of drug encapsulation on the structure and phase behavior of the host mesophases. The results indicate that gold(I) complexes C-I and C-II are successfully encapsulated in the three lipid matrices as evidenced by the drug-induced phase transitions or by the changes in the mesophase lattice parameters observed in X-ray diffraction experiments and by the spectral changes occurring in UV resonant Raman spectra upon loading the lipid matrices with C-I and C-II.openPaola Astolfi, Michela Pisani, Elisabetta Giorgini, Barbara Rossi, Alessandro Damin, Francesco Vita, Oriano Francescangeli, Lorenzo Luciani, Rossana GalassiAstolfi, Paola; Pisani, Michela; Giorgini, Elisabetta; Rossi, Barbara; Damin, Alessandro; Vita, Francesco; Francescangeli, Oriano; Luciani, Lorenzo; Galassi, Rossan

    How to Design a Qualitative Health Research Study. Part 1: Design and Purposeful Sampling Considerations

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    In this first part of the article, we aim to provide health researchers with an understanding of how to design a qualitative health research study, including: topic identification, design selec- tion, and engagement in reflexivity. We offer practical guidance for writing an overarching question using a novel framework that helps develop a clearly articulated question that includes the following elements: emphasis, purposeful sampling, phenomenon of interest, and context. We then expand on specific methodological issues: study designs, contexts, sampling, and recruitment. Finally, we provide examples of qualitative health research studies that illustrate the application of different research designs. In part two of this article, we will discuss how to prepare for going into the field, how to generate, manage and analyse data, and plan for the dissemination of qualitative health research. Keywords: Research Methodology, Qualitative Research, Qualitative Health Research, Research Design, Purposeful Sample, RecruitmentCome Disegnare uno Studio di Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa. Parte 1: Considerazioni sui Disegni e sul Campionamento PropositivoAttraverso le nostre esperienze di insegnamento della ricerca qualitativa agli studenti in varie discipline sanitarie, abbiamo concluso che molti ricercatori alle prime armi richiedono un supporto chiaro, pratico e focalizzato per sviluppare protocolli di ricerca. In questa prima parte di articolo, miriamo a fornire ai ricercatori sanitari una comprensione di come proget- tare uno studio qualitativo sulla ricerca sanitaria, tra cui: identificazione dell'argomento, sele- zione del disegno e del coinvolgimento nella riflessività. Offriamo una guida pratica per scri- vere una domanda utilizzando una nuova framework che aiuta a sviluppare una domanda chiaramente articolata che include i seguenti elementi: enfasi, campionamento propositivo, fenomeno di interesse e contesto. Quindi, esponiamo questioni metodologiche specifiche: disegno di studio, contesti, campionamento e reclutamento. Infine, forniamo esempi di studi qualitativi di ricerca sanitaria tratti dalla letteratura. Nella seconda parte dell'articolo, discu- teremo come prepararsi per andare sul campo, come generare, gestire e analizzare i dati e pianificare la diffusione della ricerca qualitativa sanitaria. Parole Chiave: Metodologia della ricerca, Ricerca Qualitativa, Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa, Disegni di Ricerca, Campionamento Propositivo, Reclutamento

    How to critically appraise a qualitative health research study

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     Evidence-based nursing is a process that requires nurses to have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to critically reflect on their practice, articulate structured questions, and then reliably search for research evidence to address the questions posed. Many types of research evidence are used to inform decisions in health care and findings from qualita- tive health research studies are useful to provide new insights about individuals' experi- ences, values, beliefs, needs, or perceptions. Before qualitative evidence can be utilized in a decision, it must be critically appraised to determine if the findings are trustworthy and if they have relevance to the identified issue or decision. In this article, we provide practical guidance on how to select a checklist or tool to guide the critical appraisal of qualitative studies and then provide an example demonstrating how to apply the critical appraisal process to a clinical scenario.Keywords: critical appraisal, qualitative health research, rigor, trustworthiness, evidence-based nursing, evidence-informed decision makingCome valutare criticamente uno studio di ricerca sanitaria qualitativa RIASSUNTO L'Evidence-Based Nursing Ë un processo che richiede agli infermieri di avere le conoscenze, le competenze e la fiducia necessarie per riflettere criticamente sulla loro pratica, articolare domande strutturate e poi cercare in modo affidabile la letteratura per rispondere alle domande poste. Ci sono molti tipi di evidence che vengono utilizzate per informare le decisioni nell'as- sistenza sanitaria e i risultati di studi di ricerca qualitativa sanitaria sono utili per fornire nuove intuizioni sulle esperienze, i valori, le convinzioni, i bisogni o le percezioni degli individui. Prima che l'evidence qualitativa possa essere utilizzata in una decisione, deve essere valutata criticamente per determinare se i risultati sono affidabili e se hanno rilevanza per la questione o la decisione identificata. In questo articolo forniamo una guida pratica su come selezionare una checklist o uno strumento per guidare la valutazione critica degli studi qualitativi e, poi, forniamo un esempio che dimostra come applicare il processo di valutazione critica a uno scenario clinico. Parole chiave: Valutazione Critica, Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa, Rigore, AffidabilitaÌ€, Evidence-Based Nursing, Evidence-Informed Decision Makin

    How to Design a Qualitative Health Research Study. Part 2: Data Generation and Analysis Considerations

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    In the first part of this article, we introduced methodological issues associated with study design, research questions, contexts, sampling, and recruiting for qualitative health research studies. Here, in this second part of the article, we continue providing health researchers with information on how to design a qualitative health research study and we aim to prepare novice researchers for entering the field. Specifically, by providing considerations for selecting data gathering strategies, differentiation of types of qualitative data and practical tips on how to go into the field. Then, we will briefly discuss data management, analysis and dissemination.Keywords: Research Methodology, Qualitative Research, Qualitative Health Research, Research Design, Data gathering, Data analysis. Come disegnare uno studio di ricerca sanitaria qualitativa. Parte 2: Considerazioni su generazione e analisi dei datiNella prima parte di questo articolo, abbiamo introdotto questioni metodologiche associate alla progettazione dello studio, domande di ricerca, contesto, campionamento e reclutamento per studi di ricerca qualitativa sanitaria. In questa seconda parte dell'articolo, continuiamo a fornire ai ricercatori della salute informazioni su come progettare uno studio di ricerca qualitativa sanitaria e ci proponiamo di preparare i ricercatori alle prime armi per andare sul campo. In particolare, fornendo considerazioni per la selezione della strategia di raccolta dati, differenziazione dei tipi di dati qualitativi e consigli pratici su come andare sul campo. Dopodiché, discuteremo brevemente la gestione, l'analisi e la diffusione dei dati.Parole Chiave: Metodologia della ricerca, Ricerca Qualitativa, Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa, Disegni di Ricerca, Raccolta Dati, Analisi dei dat

    An Introduction to Qualitative Health Research - Un'introduzione alla ricerca sanitaria qualitativa

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    Within the context of evidence-informed decision making, health care professionals are critical consumers of research evidence. Clinician scientists, including nurse researchers, play a central role in producing this research evidence to inform and improve health practice, education, and policy. Health research is commonly conducted within one of three different paradigms: quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods. Each research approach is underpinned with unique philosophic assumptions, methods, and rhetoric. The evidence produced within each paradigm is necessary to provide health care decision-makers with information about the complex, and intrinsically diverse, human experiences of health and illness. Qualitative health research has been defined as a discipline, which has its roots in qualitative research and yet is unique in its focus, methods, and rules. The focus of qualitative health research is to describe, explore, and explain the health-illness continuum and issues specific to health services or policy contexts. Research designs unique to conducting qualitative health research include qualitative description, interpretive description, focused ethnography, and case study. Each qualitative health research design helps to logically and pragmatically determine the appropriate methods to use to: 1) define a purposeful sample; 2) identify appropriate strategies for data collection; 3) rigorously apply analytic techniques to the gathered data; and 4) present valid findings. In health, qualitative studies are often an integral component of program evaluations to identify and describe contextual factors related to individuals, teams, organizations or social structures that inhibit or facilitate the successful adoption, implementation and delivery of an intervention or program. Findings from qualitative studies can also inform the development of theoretically and contextually relevant assessment tools that can be used in practice.Keywords: Research Methodology, Qualitative Research, Qualitative Health Research, Research DesignUn'introduzione alla ricerca sanitaria qualitativaNel contesto dell'evidence informed decision making, i professionisti della salute sono utilizzatori critici di evidence. I ricercatori clinici, inclusi i ricercatori infermieristici, hanno un ruolo centrale nel produrre queste evidence per informare e migliorare la pratica clinica, la formazione e le politiche sanitarie. La ricerca sanitaria è generalmente condotta con uno dei tre diversi paradigmi: quantitativo, qualitativo o misto. Ogni approccio di ricerca è sostenuto da dei propri presupposti filosofici, dai propri metodi e dalla propria retorica. Le evidence prodotte attraverso ciascun paradigma sono necessarie per fornire a chi prende decisioni evidence informed nell'ambito della salute, informazioni circa la complessa, ed intrinsecamente diversa, esperienza umana di salute e malattia. La ricerca sanitaria qualitativa è stata definita come una disciplina, che ha le sue radici nella ricerca qualitativa eppure è unica nel suo focus, nei metodi e nelle regole. Il focus specifico della ricerca sanitaria qualitativa è quello di descrivere, esplorare e spiegare il continuum salute-malattia e argomenti specifici al contesto dei servizi alla salute e delle politiche sanitarie. I disegni di ricerca specifici per la conduzione di ricerca sanitaria qualitativa includono: qualitative description, interpretive description, focused ethnography e case study. Ogni disegno di ricerca sanitaria aiuta a determinare logicamente e pragmaticamente i metodi appropriati da utilizzare per: 1) definire un campionamento propositivo; 2) identificare strategie appropriate per la raccolta dati; 3) applicare ai dati raccolti rigorose tecniche analitiche; 4) presentare risultati valide. In sanití , gli studi qualitativi sono spesso una parte integrale della valutazione delle politiche, per identificare e descrivere fattori contestuali legati a individui, team, organizzazioni o strutture sociali che agiscono come barriere o facilitatori per un'adozione, implementazione o erogazione di un intervento o programma. I risultati derivanti da studi qualitativi possono inoltre informare lo sviluppo di strumenti di valutazione rilevanti teoreticamente e contestualmente che possono essere utilizzati nella pratica.Parole Chiave: Metodologia della ricerca, Ricerca Qualitativa, Ricerca Sanitaria Qualitativa, Disegni di Ricerca"

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p &lt; 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p &lt; 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p &lt; 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p &lt; 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p &lt; 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice


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    Luciani Massimo, Manetti Michela. Italie. In: Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle, 23-2007, 2008. Constitution et liberté d'expression - Famille et droits fondamentaux. pp. 327-341