388 research outputs found

    On the formal structure of logarithmic vector fields

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    In this article, we prove that a free divisor in a three dimensional complex manifold must be Euler homogeneous in a strong sense if the cohomology of its complement is the hypercohomology of its logarithmic differential forms. F.J. Calderon-Moreno et al. conjectured this implication in all dimensions and proved it in dimension two. We prove a theorem which describes in all dimensions a special minimal system of generators for the module of formal logarithmic vector fields. This formal structure theorem is closely related to the formal decomposition of a vector field by Kyoji Saito and is used in the proof of the above result. Another consequence of the formal structure theorem is that the truncated Lie algebras of logarithmic vector fields up to dimension three are solvable. We give an example that this may fail in higher dimensions.Comment: 13 page

    Derivations of negative degree on quasihomogeneous isolated complete intersection singularities

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    J. Wahl conjectured that every quasihomogeneous isolated normal singularity admits a positive grading for which there are no derivations of negative weighted degree. We confirm his conjecture for quasihomogeneous isolated complete intersection singularities of either order at least 3 or embedding dimension at most 5. For each embedding dimension larger than 5 (and each dimension larger than 3), we give a counter-example to Wahl's conjecture.Comment: 11 page

    Quasihomogeneity of curves and the Jacobian endomorphism ring

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    We give a quasihomogeneity criterion for Gorenstein curves. For complete intersections, it is related to the first step of Vasconcelos' normalization algorithm. In the process, we give a simplified proof of the Kunz-Ruppert criterion.Comment: 9 page

    Partial normalizations of coxeter arrangements and discriminants

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    We study natural partial normalization spaces of Coxeter arrangements and discriminants and relate their geometry to representation theory. The underlying ring structures arise from Dubrovin’s Frobenius manifold structure which is lifted (without unit) to the space of the arrangement. We also describe an independent approach to these structures via duality of maximal Cohen–Macaulay fractional ideals. In the process, we find 3rd order differential relations for the basic invariants of the Coxeter group. Finally, we show that our partial normalizations give rise to new free divisors

    Gevrey expansions of hypergeometric integrals II

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    We study integral representations of the Gevrey series solutions of irregular hypergeometric systems under certain assumptions. We prove that, for such systems, any Gevrey series solution, along a coordinate hyperplane of its singular support, is the asymptotic expansion of a holomorphic solution given by a carefully chosen integral representation.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Quasihomogeneity of curves and the jacobian endomorphism ring.

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    We give a quasihomogeneity criterion for Gorenstein curves. For complete intersections, it is related to the fi rst step of Vasconcelos' normalization algorithm. In the process, we give a simpli ed proof of the Kunz-Ruppert criterion

    Dual logarithmic residues and free complete intersections

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    This preprint is the same as a preprint with the same title in Arxiv . org, version V3We introduce a dual logarithmic residue map for hypersurface singularities and use it to answer a question of Kyoji Saito. Our result extends a theorem of Lê and Saito by an algebraic characterization of hypersurfaces that are normal crossing in codimension one. For free divisors, we relate the latter condition to other natural conditions involving the Jacobian ideal and the normalization. This leads to an algebraic characterization of normal crossing divisors. We suggest a generalization of the notions of logarithmic vector fields and freeness for complete intersections. In the case of quasihomogeneous complete intersection space curves, we give an explicit description