33 research outputs found

    Attention capture in birds performing an auditory streaming task.

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    Numerous animal models have been used to investigate the neural mechanisms of auditory processing in complex acoustic environments, but it is unclear whether an animal's auditory attention is functionally similar to a human's in processing competing auditory scenes. Here we investigated the effects of attention capture in birds performing an objective auditory streaming paradigm. The classical ABAB… patterned pure tone sequences were modified and used for the task. We trained the birds to selectively attend to a target stream and only respond to the deviant appearing in the target stream, even though their attention may be captured by a deviant in the background stream. When no deviant appeared in the background stream, the birds experience the buildup of streaming process in a qualitatively similar way as they did in a subjective paradigm. Although the birds were trained to selectively attend to the target stream, they failed to avoid the involuntary attention switch caused by the background deviant, especially when the background deviant was sequentially unpredictable. Their global performance deteriorated more with increasingly salient background deviants, where the buildup process was reset by the background distractor. Moreover, sequential predictability of the background deviant facilitated the recovery of the buildup process after attention capture. This is the first study that addresses the perceptual consequences of the joint effects of top-down and bottom-up attention in behaving animals

    Social isolation produces no effect on ultrasonic vocalization production in adult female CBA/CaJ mice.

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    Mice produce ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) in a wide variety of social contexts, including courtship, investigation, and territorial defense. Despite the belief that mouse USVs are innate, social experience may be necessary for mice to learn the appropriate situation to emit USVs. Mouse USVs have been divided into categories based on their spectrotemporal parameters, but it is currently unclear if social experience changes these parameters (e.g., frequency and duration) or the proportion of calls from each category produced. Social isolation has been found to influence USV production in male mice. To investigate the influence of social isolation on vocal behavior in female mice, recordings were made of USVs emitted to unfamiliar male and female mice by subjects with one of three types of social experience. Twenty-four adult female CBA/CaJ mice either lived alone, lived with other females only, or lived with other females and had limited access to a male. Mice were recorded while in isolation, ensuring all recorded USVs were from the female of interest. Vocalizations were separated into nine categories and peak frequency, duration, and bandwidth were measured for every call. Socially isolated mice did not produce significantly more USVs or USV types than socially experienced mice. Social isolation did not have a significant effect on the features of USVs, suggesting production of USVs may not be learned in female mice

    Correction: Experience with speech sounds is not necessary for cue trading by budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus).

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177676.]

    CBA/CaJ mouse ultrasonic vocalizations depend on prior social experience.

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    Mouse ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) have variable spectrotemporal features, which researchers use to parse them into different categories. USVs may be important for communication, but it is unclear whether the categories that researchers have developed are relevant to the mice. Instead, other properties such as the number, rate, peak frequency, or bandwidth of the vocalizations may be important cues that the mice are using to interpret the nature of the social interaction. To investigate this, a comprehensive catalog of the USVs that mice are producing across different social contexts must be created. Forty male and female adult CBA/CaJ mice were recorded in isolation for five minutes following either a one-hour period of isolation or an exposure to a same- or opposite-sex mouse. Vocalizations were separated into nine categories based on the frequency composition of each USV. Additionally, USVs were quantified based on the bandwidth, duration, peak frequency, total number, and proportion of vocalizations produced. Results indicate that mice differentially produce their vocalizations across social encounters. There were significant differences in the number of USVs that mice produce across exposure conditions, the proportional probability of producing the different categories of USVs across sex and conditions, and the features of the USVs across conditions. In sum, there are sex-specific differences in production of USVs by laboratory mice, and prior social experiences matter for vocalization production. Furthermore, this study provides critical evidence that female mice probably produce vocalizations in opposite-sex interactions, which is important because this is an often overlooked variable in mouse communication research

    Auditory temporal resolution in birds: discrimination of harmonic complexes.

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    The ability of three species of birds to discriminate among selected harmonic complexes with fundamental frequencies varying from 50 to 1000 Hz was examined in behavioral experiments. The stimuli were synthetic harmonic complexes with waveform shapes altered by component phase selection, holding spectral and intensive information constant. Birds were able to discriminate between waveforms with randomly selected component phases and those with all components in cosine phase, as well as between positive and negative Schroeder-phase waveforms with harmonic periods as short as 1-2 ms. By contrast, human listeners are unable to make these discriminations at periods less than about 3-4 ms. Electrophysiological measures, including cochlear microphonic and compound action potential measurements to the same stimuli used in behavioral tests, showed differences between birds and gerbils paralleling, but not completely accounting for, the psychophysical differences observed between birds and humans. It appears from these data that birds can hear the fine temporal structure in complex waveforms over very short periods. These data show birds are capable of more precise temporal resolution for complex sounds than is observed in humans and perhaps other mammals. Physiological data further show that at least part of the mechanisms underlying this high temporal resolving power resides at the peripheral level of the avian auditory system

    Influence of Sound Source Location on the Behavior and Physiology of the Precedence Effect in Cats

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    Psychophysical experiments on the precedence effect (PE) in cats have shown that they localize pairs of auditory stimuli presented from different locations in space based on the spatial position of the stimuli and the interstimulus delay (ISD) between the stimuli in a manner similar to humans. Cats exhibit localization dominance for pairs of transient stimuli with |ISDs| from ∼0.4 to 10 ms, summing localization for |ISDs| < 0.4 ms and breakdown of fusion for |ISDs| > 10 ms, which is the approximate echo threshold. The neural correlates to the PE have been described in both anesthetized and unanesthetized animals at many levels from auditory nerve to cortex. Single-unit recordings from the inferior colliculus (IC) and auditory cortex of cats demonstrate that neurons respond to both lead and lag sounds at ISDs above behavioral echo thresholds, but the response to the lag is reduced at shorter ISDs, consistent with localization dominance. Here the influence of the relative locations of the leading and lagging sources on the PE was measured behaviorally in a psychophysical task and physiologically in the IC of awake behaving cats. At all configurations of lead-lag stimulus locations, the cats behaviorally exhibited summing localization, localization dominance, and breakdown of fusion. Recordings from the IC of awake behaving cats show neural responses paralleling behavioral measurements. Both behavioral and physiological results suggest systematically shorter echo thresholds when stimuli are further apart in space

    Number of vocalizations across exposure conditions.

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    <p><b>(a)</b> Box plot showing the range of vocalizations produced across exposure conditions, the median (line in the box), and 95% confidence intervals. The black dots represent data points that lie outside the 10<sup>th</sup> and 90<sup>th</sup> percentiles. The isolate condition is shown in black, the same-sex condition is shown in gray, and the opposite sex condition is shown in white. The * represent significantly different conditions. <b>(b)</b> Box plot showing the range of vocalizations produced across exposure conditions, the median (line in the box), and 95% confidence intervals. The black dots represent data points that lie outside the 10<sup>th</sup> and 90<sup>th</sup> percentiles. The left half of the figure is females and the right half of the figure is males. The isolated condition is shown in black, the same-sex exposure condition is shown in gray, and the opposite-sex exposure condition is shown in white.</p

    Spectrograms of synthetic speech syllables with high F1 frequency, "da" (upper box) and "ta" (lower box).

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    <p>The F1 frequency for both syllables at the onset of voicing is 750 Hz. Both stimuli are 255 ms in duration.</p

    The mean proportion of USV types produced by males and females across exposure conditions.

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    <p>The left column is females and the right column is males. The top row is the isolated condition, the middle row is the same sex exposure condition, and the bottom row is the opposite sex exposure condition. The different colors/shadings represent the mean proportion of each of the nine different categories of ultrasonic vocalizations.</p

    Phoneme boundaries (in ms) for the low and high F1 onset <i>da-ta</i> continua and the amount of shift in the phoneme boundary (in ms).

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    <p>Phoneme boundaries (in ms) for the low and high F1 onset <i>da-ta</i> continua and the amount of shift in the phoneme boundary (in ms).</p