41 research outputs found

    Measuring the ringdown scalar polarization of gravitational waves in Einstein scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    We model the scalar waves produced during the ringdown stage of binary black hole coalescence in Einstein scalar Gauss-Bonnet (EsGB) gravity, using numerical relativity simulations of the theory in the decoupling limit. Through a conformal coupling of the scalar field to the metric in the matter-field action, we show that the gravitational waves in this theory can have a scalar polarization. We model the scalar quasi-normal modes of the ringdown signal in EsGB gravity, and quantify the extent to which current and future gravitational wave detectors could observe the spectrum of scalar radiation emitted during the ringdown phase of binary black hole coalescence. We find that within the limits of the theory's coupling parameters set by current theoretical and observational constraints, the scalar ringdown signal from black hole remnants in the 101103M10^1 - 10^3 \, M_{\odot} mass range is expected to be well below the detectability threshold with the current network of gravitational-wave detectors (LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA), but is potentially measurable with next-generation detectors such as the Einstein Telescope.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures, to match published version in Phys. Rev.

    Inverse-chirp signals and spontaneous scalarisation with self-interacting potentials in stellar collapse

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    We study how the gravitational wave signal from stellar collapse in scalar-tensor gravity varies under the influence of scalar self-interaction. To this end, we extract the gravitational radiation from numerical simulations of stellar collapse for a range of potentials with higher-order terms in addition to the quadratic mass term. Our study includes collapse to neutron stars and black holes and we find the strong inverse-chirp signals obtained for the purely quadratic potential to be exceptionally robust under changes in the potential at higher orders; quartic and sextic terms in the potential lead to noticeable differences in the wave signal only if their contribution is amplified, implying a relative fine-tuning to within 5 or more orders of magnitude between the mass and self-interaction parameters.This work was supported by the European Union’s H2020 ERC Consolidator Grant “Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory” grant agreement no. MaGRaTh–646597 funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 690904, the COST Action Grant No. CA16104, from STFC Consolidator Grant No. ST/P000673/1, the SDSC Comet and TACC Stampede2 clusters through NSFXSEDE Award Nos. PHY-090003, and Cambridge’s CSD3 system system through STFC capital grants ST/P002307/1 and ST/R002452/1, STFC operations grant ST/R00689X/1 and DiRAC Allocation ACTP186. R.R.-M. acknowledges support by a STFC studentship

    Stochastic gravitational wave background from supernovae in massive scalar-tensor gravity

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    In massive scalar-tensor gravity, core-collapse supernovae are strong sources of scalar-polarized gravitational waves. These can be detectable out to large distance. The dispersive nature of the propagation of waves in the massive scalar field mean the gravitational wave signals are long lived and many such signals can overlap to form a stochastic background. Using different models for the population of supernova events in the nearby universe, we compute predictions for the energy-density in the stochastic scalar-polarized gravitational wave background from core-collapse events in massive scalar-tensor gravity for theory parameters that facilitate strong scalarization. The resulting energy density is below the current constraints on a Gaussian stochastic gravitational wave background but large enough to be detectable with the current generation of detectors when they reach design sensitivity, indicating that it will soon be possible to place new constraints on the parameter space of massive scalar-tensor gravity.Comment: to match published version in Phys.Rev.

    TIGER: A data analysis pipeline for testing the strong-field dynamics of general relativity with gravitational wave signals from coalescing compact binaries

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    The direct detection of gravitational waves with upcoming second-generation gravitational wave detectors such as Advanced LIGO and Virgo will allow us to probe the genuinely strong-field dynamics of general relativity (GR) for the first time. We present a data analysis pipeline called TIGER (Test Infrastructure for GEneral Relativity), which is designed to utilize detections of compact binary coalescences to test GR in this regime. TIGER is a model-independent test of GR itself, in that it is not necessary to compare with any specific alternative theory. It performs Bayesian inference on two hypotheses: the GR hypothesis HGR\mathcal{H}_{\rm GR}, and HmodGR\mathcal{H}_{\rm modGR}, which states that one or more of the post-Newtonian coefficients in the waveform are not as predicted by GR. By the use of multiple sub-hypotheses of HmodGR\mathcal{H}_{\rm modGR}, in each of which a different number of parameterized deformations of the GR phase are allowed, an arbitrarily large number of 'testing parameters' can be used without having to worry about a model being insufficiently parsimonious if the true number of extra parameters is in fact small. TIGER is well-suited to the regime where most sources have low signal-to-noise ratios, again through the use of these sub-hypotheses. Information from multiple sources can trivially be combined, leading to a stronger test. We focus on binary neutron star coalescences, for which sufficiently accurate waveform models are available that can be generated fast enough on a computer to be fit for use in Bayesian inference. We show that the pipeline is robust against a number of fundamental, astrophysical, and instrumental effects, such as differences between waveform approximants, a limited number of post-Newtonian phase contributions being known, the effects of neutron star spins and tidal deformability on the orbital motion, and instrumental calibration errors.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Version as appears in Phys. Rev.

    Structure of Neutron Stars in Massive Scalar-Tensor Gravity

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    We compute families of spherically symmetric neutron-star models in two-derivative scalar-tensor theories of gravity with a massive scalar field. The numerical approach we present allows us to compute the resulting spacetimes out to infinite radius using a relaxation algorithm on a compactified grid. We discuss the structure of the weakly and strongly scalarized branches of neutron-star models thus obtained and their dependence on the linear and quadratic coupling parameters α0, β0 between the scalar and tensor sectors of the theory, as well as the scalar mass μ. For highly negative values of β0, we encounter configurations resembling a “gravitational atom”, consisting of a highly compact baryon star surrounded by a scalar cloud. A stability analysis based on binding-energy calculations suggests that these configurations are unstable and we expect them to migrate to models with radially decreasing baryon density and scalar field strength

    Long-Lived Inverse Chirp Signals from Core-Collapse in Massive Scalar-Tensor Gravity.

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    This Letter considers stellar core collapse in massive scalar-tensor theories of gravity. The presence of a mass term for the scalar field allows for dramatic increases in the radiated gravitational wave signal. There are several potential smoking gun signatures of a departure from general relativity associated with this process. These signatures could show up within existing LIGO-Virgo searches