71 research outputs found

    Effects of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Cognitive Functions in Healthy Young and Older Adults

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    Recently, transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) has emerged as a tool to enhance human cognitive processes. Here, we provide a brief summary of the rationale behind tACS-induced effects on task-relevant brain oscillations and associated cognitive functions and review previous studies in young subjects that have applied tACS in cognitive paradigms. Additionally, we present pilot data where we administered theta-tACS (6 Hz) over the temporoparietal cortex and a supraorbital reference for 20 min during implicit language learning in healthy young (mean/SD age: 22/2) and older (mean/SD age: 66/4) adults, in a sham-controlled crossover design. Linear mixed models revealed significantly increased retrieval accuracy following tACS-accompanied associative learning, after controlling for session order and learning success. These data provide the first implementation of tACS during cognitive performance in older adults and support recent studies suggesting that tACS in the theta frequency range may serve as a tool to enhance cognition, possibly through direct modulation of task-relevant brain oscillations. So far, studies have been heterogeneous in their designs, leaving a number of issues to be addressed in future research, including the setup of electrodes and optimal stimulation frequencies to be employed, as well as the interaction with age and underlying brain pathologies in specific patient populations

    Asymmetric Contributions of the Fronto-Parietal Network to Emotional Conflict in the Word–Face Interference Task

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    The fronto-parietal network is involved in top-down and bottom-up processes necessary to achieve cognitive control. We investigated the role of asymmetric enhancement of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (lDLPFC) and right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) in cognitive control under conditions of emotional conflict arising from emotional distractors. The effects of anodal tDCS over the lDLPFC/cathodal over the rPPC and the effects of anodal tDCS over the rPPC/cathodal over the lDLPFC were compared to sham tDCS in a double-blind design. The findings showed that anodal stimulation over the lDLPFC reduced interference from emotional distractors, but only when participants had already gained experience with the task. In contrast, having already performed the task only eliminated facilitation effects for positive stimuli. Importantly, anodal stimulation of the rPPC did not affect distractors’ interference. Therefore, the present findings indicate that the lDLPFC plays a crucial role in implementing top-down control to resolve emotional conflict, but that experience with the task is necessary to reveal this role

    When less is more: Evidence for a facilitative cathodal tDCS effect in attentional abilities

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    Many previous studies reported that the hyperpolarization of cortical neurons following cathodal stimulation (in transcranial direct current stimulation) has resulted in cognitive performance degradation. Here, we challenge this assumption by showing that cathodal stimulation will not always degrade cognitive performance. We used an attentional load paradigm in which irrelevant stimuli are processed only under low but not under high attentional load. Thirty healthy participants were randomly allocated into three interventional groups with different brain stimulation parameters (active anodal posterior parietal cortex [PPC], active cathodal PPC, and sham). Cathodal but not anodal stimulation enabled flanker processing even in high-loaded scenes. A second experiment was carried out to assert whether the improved flanker processing under cathodal stimulation is because of altered attention allocation between center and surround or, alternatively, enhanced attentional resources. In this experiment, the flanker was presented centrally. The results of Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1's finding of improved flanker processing. We interpret the results from these two experiments as evidence for the ability of cathodal stimulation to enhance attentional resources rather than simply change attention allocation between center and periphery. Cathodal stimulation in high-loaded scenes can act like a noise filter and may in fact enhance cognitive performance. This study contributes to understanding the way the PPC is engaged with attentional functions and explains the cathodal effects, which thus might lead to more efficient brain stimulation protocols. © 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Null tDCS Effects in a Sustained Attention Task: The Modulating Role of Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate sustained attention through modulation of the fronto-cerebral network with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and control participants. Thirty-seven participants (21 with ADHD) underwent three separate sessions (baseline, active tDCS, and sham) and performed the MOXO Continuous Performance Test (CPT). We applied double anodal stimulation of 1.8 mA tDCS for 20 min over the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), with the cathode over the cerebellum. Baseline session revealed significant differences between ADHD and control participants in the MOXO-CPT attention and hyperactivity scores, validating the MOXO as a diagnostic tool. However, there were no tDCS effects in most MOXO-CPT measures, except hyperactivity, due to a significant learning effect. We conclude that learning and repetition effects in cognitive tasks need to be considered when designing within-subjects tDCS experiments, as there are natural improvements between sessions that conceal potential stimulation effects

    Magnetic stimulation of the left visual cortex impairs expert word recognition

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    One of the hallmarks of expert reading is the ability to identify arrays of several letters quickly and in parallel. Such length-independent reading has only been found for word stimuli appearing in the right visual hemifield (RVF). With left hemifield presentation (LVF), response times increase as a function of word length. Here we investigated the comparative efficiency with which the two hemispheres are able to recognize visually presented words, as measured by word length effects. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left occipital cortex disrupted expert processing of the RVF such that a length effect was created (Experiment 1). Right occipital rTMS, on the other hand, had no such effect on RVF words and nor did it modulate the length effect already present in the LVF. Experiment 2 explored the time course of these TMS-induced effects by applying single pulses of TMS at various stimulus-onset asynchronies for the same task. We replicated the TMS-induced length effect for RVF words, but only when a single pulse was applied to the left visual cortex 80 msec after target presentation. This is the first demonstration of TMS-induced impairment producing a word length effect, and as such confirms the specialization of the left hemisphere in word recognition. It is likely that anatomical differences in the pathway linking retinal input to higher level cortical processing drive this effect
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