41 research outputs found

    Prospecting a Possible Quadratic Wormhole Between Quantum Mechanics and Plurality

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    We illustrate some formal symmetries between Quadratic Funding (Buterin et al., 2019), a mechanism for the (approximately optimal) determination of public good funding levels, and the Born (1926) rule in Quantum Mechanics, which converts the wave representation into a probability distribution, through a bridging formulation we call "Quantum Quartic Finance". We suggest further directions for investigating the practical utility of these symmetries. We discuss potential interpretations in greater depth in a companion blog post

    Casimir Effect Between World-Branes in Heterotic M-Theory

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    We study a non-supersymmetric E8×Eˉ8E_8\times\bar E_8 compactification of M-theory on S1/Z2S^1/Z_2, related to the supersymmetric E8×E8E_8\times E_8 theory by a chirality flip at one of the boundaries. This system represents an M-theory analog of the D-brane anti-D-brane systems of string theory. Alternatively, this compactification can be viewed as a model of supersymmetry breaking in the ``brane-world'' approach to phenomenology. We calculate the Casimir energy of the system at large separations, and show that there is an attractive Casimir force between the E8E_8 and Eˉ8\bar E_8 boundary. We predict that a tachyonic instability develops at separations of order the Planck scale, and discuss the possibility that the M-theory fivebrane might appear as a topological defect supported by the E8×Eˉ8E_8\times\bar E_8 system. Finally, we analyze the eventual fate of the configuration, in the semiclassical approximation at large separations: the two ends of the world annihilate by nucleating wormholes between the two boundaries.Comment: 26 pp, 3 figures, harvmac (b); v2: typos correcte

    Deconstructing Noncommutativity with a Giant Fuzzy Moose

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    We argue that the worldvolume theories of D-branes probing orbifolds with discrete torsion develop, in the large quiver limit, new non-commutative directions. This provides an explicit `deconstruction' of a wide class of noncommutative theories. This also provides insight into the physical meaning of discrete torsion and its relation to the T-dual B field. We demonstrate that the strict large quiver limit reproduces the matrix theory construction of higher-dimensional D-branes, and argue that finite `fuzzy moose' theories provide novel regularizations of non-commutative theories and explicit string theory realizations of gauge theories on fuzzy tori. We also comment briefly on the relation to NCOS, (2,0) and little string theories.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, typos caught and refs added; expanded interpretation of discrete torsio

    D-Sitter Space: Causal Structure, Thermodynamics, and Entropy

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    We study the entropy of concrete de Sitter flux compactifications and deformations of them containing D-brane domain walls. We determine the relevant causal and thermodynamic properties of these "D-Sitter" deformations of de Sitter spacetimes. We find a string scale correspondence point at which the entropy localized on the D-branes (and measured by probes sent from an observer in the middle of the bubble) scales the same with large flux quantum numbers as the entropy of the original de Sitter space, and at which Bousso's bound is saturated by the D-brane degrees of freedom (up to order one coefficients) for an infinite range of times. From the geometry of a static patch of D-Sitter space and from basic relations in flux compactifications, we find support for the possibility of a low energy open string description of the static patch of de Sitter space.Comment: 46 pages, harvmac big; 14 figure

    Clean Time-Dependent String Backgrounds from Bubble Baths

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    We consider the set of controlled time-dependent backgrounds of general relativity and string theory describing ``bubbles of nothing'', obtained via double analytic continuation of black hole solutions. We analyze their quantum stability, uncover some novel features of their dynamics, identify their causal structure and observables, and compute their particle production spectrum. We present a general relation between squeezed states, such as those arising in cosmological particle creation, and nonlocal theories on the string worldsheet. The bubble backgrounds have various aspects in common with de Sitter space, Rindler space, and moving mirror systems, but constitute controlled solutions of general relativity and string theory with no external forces. They provide a useful theoretical laboratory for studying issues of observables in systems with cosmological horizons, particle creation, and time-dependent string perturbation theory.Comment: 38 pages, harvmac big, 6 figure

    On Smooth Time-Dependent Orbifolds and Null Singularities

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    We study string theory on a non-singular time-dependent orbifold of flat space, known as the `null-brane'. The orbifold group, which involves only space-like identifications, is obtained by a combined action of a null Lorentz transformation and a constant shift in an extra direction. In the limit where the shift goes to zero, the geometry of this orbifold reproduces an orbifold with a light-like singularity, which was recently studied by Liu, Moore and Seiberg (hep-th/0204168). We find that the backreaction on the geometry due to a test particle can be made arbitrarily small, and that there are scattering processes which can be studied in the approximation of a constant background. We quantize strings on this orbifold and calculate the torus partition function. We construct a basis of states on the smooth orbifold whose tree level string interactions are nonsingular. We discuss the existence of physical modes in the singular orbifold which resolve the singularity. We also describe another way of making the singular orbifold smooth which involves a sandwich pp-wave.Comment: 24 pages, one figur

    Pass-Through, Welfare, and Incidence under Imperfect Competition

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    政策の費用対効果を考えるための新たな枠組みの提案 --生産、消費、労働など多分野への応用に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-07-27.To tax or not to tax, is that even a question?: Resolving issues related to tax efficiency assessments. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-07-28.This paper provides a comprehensive framework to study welfare effects of multiple policy interventions and other external changes under imperfect competition with emphasis on specific and ad valorem taxation as a leading case. Specifically, in relation to tax pass-through, we provide “sufficient statistics” formulas for two welfare measures under a fairly general class of demand, production cost, and market competition. The measures are (i) marginal value of public funds (i.e., the marginal change in consumer and producer surplus relative to an increase in the net cost to the government), and (ii) incidence (i.e., the ratio of a marginal change in consumer surplus to a marginal change in producer surplus). We begin with the case of symmetric firms facing both unit and ad valorem taxes to derive a simple and empirically relevant set of formulas. Then, we provide a substantial generalization of these results to encompass firm heterogeneity by using the idea of tax revenue that is specified as a general function parameterized by a vector of policy instruments including government and non-government interventions and costs other than taxation