13 research outputs found

    The Choice of Technology and Equipment for Coal Seamsof Different Bedding Excavation at Kuzbass Surface MinesBased on Digging Capacity and Unit Costs

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    The paper deals with an approach to the choice of equipment and technological schemes for the extraction of coal seams of different bedding by excavators of high specific productivity. A wide variety of mining and geological conditions for the coal seams bedding in the quarry fields of Kuzbass (Western Siberia, Russia) determines the use of a variety of high-performance excavation (rope and hydraulic shovels, hydraulic backhoes, draglines) and transport (dump trucks, railway trains, draglines) equipment used in various technological schemes. The problem lies in the choice of the excavator type and the technological scheme of its use for extracting coal from seams with different dip angles and thickness within the boundaries of one quarry field in order to achieve maximum productivity and economic efficiency of the entire site development. This article substantiates the analysis of the present and promising coal mining technologies using mechanical shovels, draglines and hydraulic backhoes in order to determine the optimal technological schemes for specific conditions. The basic principle of the proposed idea is to ensure the maximum ratio of the excavator's actual performance and unit costs, taking into account geological conditions and coal loss during extraction. In this regard, based on the analysis, the article presents recommendations for choosing a technological scheme when replacing equipment based on mining and geological conditions. Under certain circumstances, the analysis may result in a recommendation for a complete replacement of the excavator fleet. The advantage of the presented method, along with computational efficiency and visualization, is the applicability for the analysis of technological schemes of any complexity, which makes it possible to use it for the design of sections that develop complex-structured coal deposit

    Analysis of the Negative Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology on the Environment

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    The development of the oil and gas industry around the world is connected with the development of unconventional fields, such as shale oil, using modern technologies, for example, rotary steerable systems, which allow more accurate and high-quality work on well construction, as well as multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, allowing more efficient extracting of hydrocarbons from the deposits. However, like any mining of minerals, the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials has a harmful effect on the ecology of the area in which the extraction takes place. This occurs due to the use of a large number of chemical compounds, a small proportion of processing of rocks obtained during drilling, cleaning up territories to create infrastructure for organizing the extraction work of raw materials. The introduction of new fields into development leads to the increase in the level of industrial pollution of the environment. The impact of hydraulic fracturing technology on the environmental situation in the field is considered in the article. The author analyzes the impact of this method of increasing oil development on the environment, the experience of using this technology abroad, as well as government regulation of the use of this technology by producing companies around the world

    The Convergent Structural Base of Sustainable Development in the 21st Century

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    Sustainable development is a symbiosis of technological and social progress, as well as responsible environmental management, should not rely on old industries that actively consume non-renewable natural resources, but on new, convergent-technological ones. In this paradigm, the environmental safety of future generations is formed by structural shifts in the economies of advanced countries caused by the expansion of technological convergence. Technological convergence – the result of accelerating scientific and technological progress in the 21st century – has a transformative effect on the economies of developed countries, forming a new type of sectorial genesis. It is not related to the deepening of sectorial specialization or inter-industry cooperation within the framework of the evolution of basic technologies, but to the emergence of technologies of a fundamentally new type, formed as a result of the merger of know-how from different industries. The structural shifts arising from technological convergence do not have the historical analogues and forms of regulation developed by industrial policies of developed countries. The article outlines the key statements of the the impact of convergent technologies on the structural base of sustainable development

    Prospects for the Use of Technology of Rotary Steerable Systems for the Directional Drilling

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    In the process of gradual reorientation of the oil industry to the production of heavy hydrocarbons, inaccessible to traditional methods of production, the need arises for the application of modern technological solutions. One of these technologies is directional drilling, which poses new challenges for drilling equipment, such as facilitating sliding - changing the angle of well bore, improving the cleaning of the wellbore, reducing the risks of differential sticking, overcoming resistance during horizontal drilling, etc. A modern technological solution is rotary steerable systems (RSS) representing a new generation of downhole systems used in directional drilling. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of RSS technology, its modifications, gives a classification, also provides a comparative analysis of well wiring using rotary steerable systems and, the most widely used, mud motor

    Czynnik ludzki jako ważny element sukcesu w realizacji nowych rozwiązań zarządzania

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    The modern period of industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of competition and sustainable development requires innovative activity. Activity in this area manifests itself best when development and innovations related to it are properly managed. Therefore, innovation management and their development become the basis for the development of enterprises in Kazakhstan. Management procedures now, and even more in the near future, must take into account innovation in both manufacturing processes, services and education at all levels from primary to university. Particular attention should be paid to preparing especially young people to understand and accept the upcoming changes. Because success depends on the people who implement innovations and those who use innovations. The key to success is undoubtedly the proper management of this process. To find out how important the success of implementations from employees were, the Impact Studies of employees who directly face these changes were conducted. This study analyzes the stages of industry development with their characteristic management strategies and their impact on employees. The purpose of this study is to analyze the readiness of future employees in Kazakhstan to make new management decisions related to the rapidly growing development of technical progress in industrial enterprises. Comparative study of development, and also presents the methodology for its calculation. The study was conducted at universities in Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. The results obtained show that any new management decisions in the work of enterprises in Kazakhstan and other countries, implemented using new approaches and tools, ensuring the efficiency and satisfaction of the company's employees, are also considered as the basis for the continuous development of employees.Współczesny okres rozwoju przemysłowego Republiki Kazachstanu w warunkach konkurencji i zrównoważonego rozwoju wymaga innowacyjnej aktywności. Aktywność w tym obszarze przejawia się najlepiej gdy rozwój i innowacje z tym związane są odpowiednio zarządzane. Dlatego zarządzanie innowacjami i ich rozwój stają się podstawą rozwoju przedsiębiorstw w Kazachstanie. Procedury zarządcze już teraz, a jeszcze bardziej w najbliższej przyszłości muszą uwzględniać innowacyjność zarówno w procesach wytwarzania, usługach jak i w edukacji na każdym jej stopniu od szkół podstawowych do wyższych uczelni. W sposób szczególny należy zwracać uwagę na przygotowanie szczególnie młodych ludzi do zrozumienia i akceptacji nadchodzących zmian. Bo sukces zależy właśnie od ludzi tych wdrażających innowacje i tych korzystających z innowacji. Kluczem do sukcesu jest niewątpliwie odpowiednie zarządzanie tym procesem. Aby przekonać się jak istotne jest powodzenie wdrożeń od pracowników przeprowadzono Badania wpływu pracowników, którzy bezpośrednio zmierzą się z tymi zmianami. W niniejszym badaniu przeanalizowano etapy rozwoju branży z ich charakterystycznymi strategiami zarządzania i ich wpływem na pracowników. Celem tego opracowania jest analiza stanu gotowości przyszłych pracowników w Kazachstanie do podejmowania nowych decyzji zarządczych związanych z szybko rosnącym rozwojem postępu technicznego w przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych. Studium porównawcze rozwoju, a także przedstawia metodologię jego obliczania. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na uniwersytetach w Kazachstanie, Rosji i Uzbekistanie. Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że wszelkie nowe decyzje zarządcze w pracy przedsiębiorstw w Kazachstanie i innych krajach, wdrażane przy użyciu nowych podejść i narzędzi, zapewniające wydajność i satysfakcją pracowników przedsiębiorstwa, są również uważane za podstawę ciągłego rozwoju pracowników

    Convergence as a Structural Goal of Sustainable Economic Development: the Overview of Approaches

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    The processes of a green economy development, changes in approaches to the production and use of energy, the emergence of new sources of investment in the technological transition - all this is a consequence and, at the same time, the cause of structural shifts in the economies of advanced countries. In this light, the technological backwardness of the Russian economy, caused by a negative structural shift during the period of market reforms, impedes the transition to a green economy, rationalization of the use of natural resources and reduction of environmental pollution. Therefore, the development of theoretical provisions for the convergence of environmental and economic policies, the development of appropriate incentives for business are considered as an important step in the transition to sustainable development. For this purpose, the authors examine the original approaches to various paths of transition to sustainable development caused by structural shifts of a convergent nature in the economy

    Features of the development of human capital in Kemerovo mining region

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    Significant impact on the formation and use of human capital are exerted by factors and conditions that correspond to the levels of government and form continuously interconnected and warring groups. Combined socio- economic category “human capital” was formed as a result of notable changes in the human as the main productive force and socio-economic subject of society. Practice shows that regions with significant human capital are in a better position compared to competitors that do not have similar advantages. Targeted projects of the formation and use of human regional capital such as the international acceleration program “Russian-Chinese Youth Business Incubator” allows not only effectively form and use the human capital of the region, but also increase its competitiveness

    National Technology Initiative as a Platform for the Diffusion of Convergent Technologies in the Russian Mining Industry

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    In recent decades, the global processes of technological development of industry, due to innovative modernization, have become comprehensive, affecting both manufacturing and raw materials industries. One of the components of global technological modernization is technological convergence – the combination of technologies from different industries, resulting in a inter-industry genesis of new production methods. Despite the fact that technological convergence is transforming, first of all, the industries associated with the deep processing of raw materials and highly intelligent intangible production, mining industry is in the greatest need for modernization. This is due to turbulent demand and volatile prices for mineral resources in the global market, with the widespread introduction of energy and resource saving technologies. Therefore, the mining sector of the Russian economy is looking for a "fulcrum" in initiating the diffusion of convergent technologies in mining and management processes of industrial enterprises. This "fulcrum" is intended to be the National Technology Initiative, the key target markets of which are fully consistent with the technological requirements of the Russian mining complex

    Innovations in Monitoring Conveyor Belts with Implemented RFID Technology

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    Belt conveyors are used as efficient conveyance systems for the continuous transportation of materials. However, they are also used for a wide range of applications in the transport of ores and non-metallic materials. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system represents a key technology in many industries due to its ability of automatic data processing. The purpose of the present article is to discuss the implementation of RFID tags into fabric conveyor belts as carriers of the information on conveyor belts (ozone-induced ageing or accelerated thermal ageing, damage to cover layers and the carcass, and ignition). During the monitoring, it is important to record conveyor belt failures and damage causes, as well as other problems arising during the use of belt conveyors. The article presents the results of the experimental research on RFID tags and the analysis of their behaviour in accelerated thermal ageing. This facilitates simulating the conditions of hot vulcanisation of conveyor belts, especially when splicing (as well as producing) them, and of ozone-induced ageing of conveyor belts. The output of the article is the verification of the possibility to implement the RFID technology in the transport of mineral materials by belt conveyance systems in real operations

    Geometrical Tests of Powered Roof Support Positioning in a Longwall Complex

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    A powered roof support protects people and equipment in the longwall from potential danger posed by the surrounding rock mass. The study to determine the position of the powered roof support was conducted in an active longwall. The research team made measurements of the geometric height of the powered roof support structure located in the longwall complex. The main objective of this study was to determine the position of the powered roof support in actual underground conditions. The analysis of the results provided data on whether the assumed height of the longwall was maintained during operation of the complex