17 research outputs found

    Alleviation of migraine symptoms by application of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation to myofascial trigger points of neck and shoulder muscles - A randomized trial

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    Migraine is a burdensome disease with an especially high prevalence in women between the age of 15 and 49 years. Non-pharmacological, non-invasive therapeutic methods to control symptoms are increasingly in demand to complement a multimodal intervention approach in migraine. Thirty-seven subjects (age: 25.0 +/- 4.1 years;36 females) diagnosed with high-frequency episodic migraine who presented at least one active myofascial trigger point (mTrP) in the trapezius muscles and at least one latent mTrP in the deltoid muscles bilaterally prospectively underwent six sessions of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation (rPMS) over two weeks. Patients were randomly assigned to receive rPMS applied to the mTrPs of the trapezius (n = 19) or deltoid muscles (n = 18). Whereas the trapezius muscle is supposed to be part of the trigemino-cervical complex (TCC) and, thus, involved in the pathophysiology of migraine, the deltoid muscle was not expected to interfere with the TCC and was therefore chosen as a control stimulation site. The headache calendar of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) as well as the Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire were used to evaluate stimulation-related effects. Frequency of headache days decreased significantly in both the trapezius and the deltoid group after six sessions of rPMS (trapezius group: p = 0.005;deltoid group: p = 0.003). The MIDAS score decreased significantly from 29 to 13 points (p = 0.0004) in the trapezius and from 31 to 15 points (p = 0.002) in the deltoid group. Thus, rPMS applied to mTrPs of neck and shoulder muscles offers a promising approach to alleviate headache frequency and symptom burden. Future clinical trials are needed to examine more profoundly these effects, preferably using a sham-controlled setting

    Migraine and the development of additional psychiatric and pain disorders in the transition from adolescence to adulthood

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    Introduction: The transition from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood are vulnerable phases in life. In these phases, late or insufficient treatment of diseases may lead to chronification and favor development of additional disorders. In adolescents, migraine often has a highly negative impact on school performance and everyday life. The hypothesis of the present study was that adolescents with migraine have a higher risk for developing additional disorders such as psychiatric disorders or other pain syndromes in the course of the disease. Materials and methods: In this study, we analyzed health insurance data of 56,597 German adolescents at the age of 15 years in the year 2006. By using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10), we determined a group with migraine diagnosis in the year 2006 and a control group without any headache diagnosis in 2006. We then compared both groups regarding the development of additional disorders (based on the ICD 10) during the following 10 years (2007 to 2016). Results: Adolescents with migraine had a 2.1 fold higher risk than persons without migraine diagnosis to develop an additional affective or mood disorder, a 1.8 fold higher risk to obtain neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, a 1.8 fold higher risk to subsequently suffer from behavioral syndromes, a 1.6 higher risk to get back pain and a 1.5 fold higher risk for irritable bowel syndrome during the next 10 years. Conclusion: Adolescents with migraine are at risk for developing additional disorders later. Considering and addressing the patient’s risks and potential medical and psychosocial problems might improve the long-term outcome significantly

    Childhood Stroke: Awareness, Interest, and Knowledge Among the Pediatric Community

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    Objective: Acute childhood stroke is an emergency requiring a high level of awareness among first-line healthcare providers. This survey serves as an indicator of the awareness of, the interest in, and knowledge of childhood stroke of German pediatricians.Methods: Thousand six hundred and ninety-seven physicians of pediatric in- and outpatient facilities in Bavaria, Germany, were invited via email to an online-survey about childhood stroke.Results: The overall participation rate was 14%. Forty-six percent of participants considered a diagnosis of childhood stroke at least once during the past year, and 47% provide care for patients who have suffered childhood stroke. The acronym FAST (Face-Arm-Speech-Time-Test) was correctly cited in 27% of the questionnaires. Most commonly quoted symptoms of childhood stroke were hemiparesis (90%), speech disorder (58%), seizure (44%), headache (40%), and impaired consciousness (33%). Migraine (63%), seizure (39%), and infections of the brain (31%) were most frequently named as stroke mimics. Main diagnostic measures indicated were magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (96%) and computer tomography (CT) (55%). Main therapeutic strategies were thrombolysis (80%), anticoagulation (41%), neuroprotective measures, and thrombectomies (15% each). Thirty-nine percent of participants had taken part in training sessions, 61% studied literature, 37% discussed with colleagues, and 25% performed internet research on childhood stroke. Ninety-three percent of participants approve skill enhancement, favoring training sessions (80%), publications (43%), and web based offers (35%). Consent for offering a flyer on the topic to caregivers in facilities was given in 49%.Conclusion: Childhood stroke constitutes a topic of clinical importance to pediatricians. Participants demonstrate a considerable level of comprehension concerning the subject, but room for improvement remains. A multi-modal approach encompassing an elaborate training program, regular educational publications in professional journals, and web based offers could reach a broad range of health care providers. Paired with a public adult and childhood stroke awareness campaign, these efforts could contribute to optimize the care for children suffering from stroke

    Burden of disease and lifestyle habits in adolescents and young adults prone to frequent episodic migraine: A secondary comparative analysis

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    The objective of this study was to assess the burden of disease and prevalence of lifestyle factors for adolescents and young adults with frequent episodic migraine. We conducted a secondary comparative analysis of data collected during two previous studies. Inclusion criteria for this analysis were age 15-35~years, 15 to 44 migraine episodes within 12~weeks, and completeness of Migraine Disability Assessment and lifestyle questionnaire data. Datasets of 37 adults (median age interquartile range: 25 6) and 27 adolescents (median age interquartile range: 15 1) were analyzed. 81{\%} (n = 30) of adults reported severe disability (16{\%} n = 3 of adolescents; p 0.05). This study underlines the importance of educating adolescents and young adults with migraine about lifestyle habits that are likely to interfere with the condition

    Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation for Pediatric Headache Disorders: Muscular Effects and Factors Affecting Level of Response

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    Repetitive neuromuscular magnetic stimulation (rNMS) for pediatric headache disorders is feasible, safe, and alleviates headache symptoms. This study assesses muscular effects and factors affecting response to rNMS. A retrospective chart review included children with headaches receiving six rNMS sessions targeting the upper trapezius muscles. Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were measured before and after rNMS, and at 3-month follow-up (FU). Mean headache frequency, duration, and intensity within the last 3 months were documented. In 20 patients (14.1 ± 2.7 years), PPT significantly increased from pre- to post-treatment (p < 0.001) sustaining until FU. PPT changes significantly differed between primary headache and post-traumatic headache (PTH) (p = 0.019–0.026). Change in headache frequency was significantly higher in patients with than without neck pain (p = 0.032). A total of 60% of patients with neck pain responded to rNMS (≥25%), while 20% of patients without neck pain responded (p = 0.048). 60% of patients receiving rNMS twice a week were responders, while 33% of patients receiving rNMS less or more frequently responded to treatment, respectively. Alleviation of muscular hyperalgesia was demonstrated sustaining for 3 months, which was emphasized in PTH. The rNMS sessions may positively modulate headache symptoms regardless of headache diagnosis. Patients with neck pain profit explicitly well. Two rNMS sessions per week led to the highest reduction in headache frequency

    Safety profile and lack of immunogenicity of incobotulinumtoxinA in pediatric spasticity and sialorrhea : a pooled analysis

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    IncobotulinumtoxinA, a pure botulinumtoxinA formulation, is free of accessory proteins. This analysis provides pooled safety data from phase 3 trials of children/adolescents (2–17 years), investigating incobotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of spasticity associated with cerebral palsy (at doses ≤20 U/kg (max. 500 U) per injection cycle (IC) for ≤6 ICs; three trials) or sialorrhea associated with neurologic disorders (at total doses of 20–75 U per IC for ≤4 ICs; one trial) for ≤96 weeks. Safety endpoints included the incidences of different types of treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and immunogenicity. IncobotulinumtoxinA dose groups were combined. Of 1159 patients (mean age 7.3 years, 60.4% males) treated with incobotulinumtoxinA, 3.9% experienced treatment-related TEAEs, with the most common being injection site reactions (1.3%) (both indications), muscular weakness (0.7%) (spasticity), and dysphagia (0.2%) (sialorrhea). Two patients (0.2%) experienced a treatment-related treatment-emergent serious adverse event, and 0.3% discontinued the study due to treatment-related TEAEs. No botulinumtoxinA-naïve patients developed neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) after incobotulinumtoxinA. All children/adolescents with known pre-treatment status and testing positive for Nabs at final visit (n = 7) were previously treated with a botulinumtoxinA other than incobotulinumtoxinA. IncobotulinumtoxinA was shown to be safe, with very few treatment-related TEAEs in a large, diverse cohort of children/adolescents with chronic conditions requiring long-term treatment and was without new NAb formation in treatment-naïve patients

    Safety and Feasibility of Functional Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation of the Gluteal Muscles in Children and Adolescents with Bilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy

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    Background: For children and adolescents affected by bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (BSCP), non-invasive neurostimulation with repetitive neuromuscular magnetic stimulation (rNMS) combined with physical exercises, conceptualized as functional rNMS (frNMS), represents a novel treatment approach. Methods: In this open-label study, six children and two adolescents (10.4 ± 2.5 years) with BSCP received a frNMS intervention targeting the gluteal muscles (12 sessions within 3 weeks). Results: In 77.1% of the sessions, no side effects were reported. In 16.7%, 6.3% and 5.2% of the sessions, a tingling sensation, feelings of pressure/warmth/cold or very shortly lasting pain appeared, respectively. frNMS was highly accepted by families (100% adherence) and highly feasible (97.9% of treatment per training protocol). A total of 100% of participants would repeat frNMS, and 87.5% would recommend it. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure demonstrated clinically important benefits for performance in 28% and satisfaction in 42% of mobility-related tasks evaluated by caregivers for at least one follow-up time point (6 days and 6 weeks post intervention). Two patients accomplished goal attainment for one mobility-related goal each. One patient experienced improvement for both predefined goals, and another participant experienced improvement in one and outreach of the other goal as assessed with the goal attainment scale. Conclusions: frNMS is a safe and well-accepted neuromodulatory approach that could improve the quality of life, especially in regard to activity and participation, of children and adolescents with BSCP. Larger-scaled studies are needed to further explore the effects of frNMS in this setting

    Neuromodulation in Pediatric Migraine using Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation: A Feasibility Study

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    Migraine has a relevant impact on pediatric health. Non-pharmacological modalities for its management are urgently needed. This study assessed the safety, feasibility, acceptance, and efficacy of repetitive neuromuscular magnetic stimulation (rNMS) in pediatric migraine. A total of 13 patients with migraine, ≥6 headache days during baseline, and ≥1 myofascial trigger point in the upper trapezius muscles (UTM) received six rNMS sessions within 3 weeks. Headache frequency, intensity, and medication intake were monitored using headache calendars; headache-related impairment and quality of life were measured using PedMIDAS and KINDL questionnaires. Muscular involvement was assessed using pressure pain thresholds (PPT). Adherence yielded 100%. In 82% of all rNMS sessions, no side effects occurred. All participants would recommend rNMS and would repeat it. Headache frequency, medication intake, and PedMIDAS scores decreased from baseline to follow-up (FU), trending towards statistical significance (p = 0.089; p = 0.081, p = 0.055). A total of 7 patients were classified as responders, with a ≥25% relative reduction in headache frequency. PPT above the UTM significantly increased from pre- to post-assessment, which sustained until FU (p = 0.015 and 0.026, respectively). rNMS was safe, feasible, well-accepted, and beneficial on the muscular level. The potential to reduce headache-related symptoms together with PPT changes of the targeted UTM may underscore the interplay of peripheral and central mechanisms conceptualized within the trigemino-cervical complex

    Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire in Adolescents after Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Proxies

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    The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) assesses post-concussion symptoms (PCS) after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The current study examines the applicability of self-report and proxy versions of the German RPQ in adolescents (13–17 years) after TBI. We investigated reliability and validity on the total and scale score level. Construct validity was investigated by correlations with the Post-Concussion Symptoms Inventory (PCSI-SR13), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale 7 (GAD-7), and Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) and by hypothesis testing regarding individuals’ characteristics. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) assessed adolescent–proxy agreement. In total, 148 adolescents after TBI and 147 proxies completed the RPQ. Cronbach’s α (0.81–0.91) and McDonald’s ω (0.84–0.95) indicated good internal consistency. The three-factor structure outperformed the unidimensional model. The RPQ was strongly correlated with the PCSI-SR13 (self-report: r = 0.80; proxy: r = 0.75) and moderately–strongly with GAD-7 and PHQ-9 (self-report: r = 0.36, r = 0.35; proxy: r = 0.53, r = 0.62). Adolescent–proxy agreement was fair (ICC [2,1] = 0.44, CI95% [0.41, 0.47]). Overall, both self-report and proxy assessment forms of the German RPQ are suitable for application in adolescents after TBI. As proxy ratings tend to underestimate PCS, self-reports are preferable for evaluations. Only if a patient is unable to answer, a proxy should be used as a surrogate

    Instrumented Balance Error Scoring System in Children and Adolescents—A Cross Sectional Study

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    Background: The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is a commonly used method for clinically evaluating balance after traumatic brain injury. The utilization of force plates, characterized by their cost-effectiveness and portability, facilitates the integration of instrumentation into the BESS protocol. Despite the enhanced precision associated with instrumented measures, there remains a need to determine the clinical significance and feasibility of such measures within pediatric cohorts. Objective: To report a comprehensive set of posturographic measures obtained during instrumented BESS and to examine the concurrent validity, reliability, and feasibility of instrumented BESS in the pediatric point of care setting. Methods: Thirty-seven participants (18 female; aged 13.32 ± 3.31 years) performed BESS while standing on a force plate to simultaneously compute stabilometric measures (instrumented BESS). Ellipse area (EA), path length (PL), and sway velocity (VM) were obtained for each of the six BESS positions and compared with the respective BESS scores. Additionally, the effects of sex and age were explored. A second BESS repetition was performed to evaluate the test–retest reliability. Feedback questionnaires were handed out after testing to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed protocol. Results: The BESS total score was 20.81 ± 6.28. While there was no statistically significant age or sex dependency in the BESS results, instrumented posturography demonstrated an age dependency in EA, VM, and PL. The one-leg stance on a soft surface resulted in the highest BESS score (8.38 ± 1.76), EA (218.78 cm2 ± 168.65), PL (4386.91 mm ± 1859.00), and VM (21.93 mm/s ± 9.29). The Spearman’s coefficient displayed moderate to high correlations between the EA (rs = 0.429–0.770, p = 0.001–0.009), PL (rs = 0.451–0.809, p = 0.001–0.006), and VM (rs = 0.451–0.809, p = 0.001–0.006) when compared with the BESS scores for all testing positions, except for the one-leg stance on a soft surface. The BESS total score significantly correlated during the first and second repetition (rs = 0.734, p ≤ 0.001), as did errors during the different testing positions (rs = 0.489–0.799, p ≤ 0.001–0.002), except during the two-legged stance on a soft surface. VM and PL correlated significantly in all testing positions (rs = 0.465–0.675, p ≤ 0.001–0.004; (rs = 0.465–0.675, p ≤ 0.001–0.004), as did EA for all positions except for the two-legged stance on a soft surface (rs = 0.392–0.581, p ≤ 0.001–0.016). A total of 92% of participants stated that the instructions for the testing procedure were very well-explained, while 78% of participants enjoyed the balance testing, and 61% of participants could not decide whether the testing was easy or hard to perform. Conclusions: Instrumented posturography may complement clinical assessment in investigating postural control in children and adolescents. While the BESS score only allows for the consideration of a total score approximating postural control, instrumented posturography offers several parameters representing the responsiveness and magnitude of body sway as well as a more differentiated analysis of movement trajectory. Concise instrumented posturography protocols should be developed to augment neuropediatric assessments in cases where a deficiency in postural control is suspected, potentially stemming from disruptions in the processing of visual, proprioceptive, and/or vestibular information