213 research outputs found

    What is new about global corporations? Interpreting statistical data on corporate internationalization

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    In the debate on globalization it is often argued that multinational corporations (MNCs) have gained increasing power due to their growth and due to new global or transnational structures and strategies. This paper presents empirical evidence especially from various national statistics ignored in the debate so far that contradicts these assumptions and allow a deeper understanding of the development of the structures of MNCs. These data indicate that foreign direct investment (FDI) is not a good indicator for the real growth of MNCs. Rising prices of cross-border M&A transactions lead to high growth-rates of FDI while the real growth of MNCs has developed quite steadily over many decades. In manufacturing only affiliates in the periphery of MNCs home regions show an accelerated expansion (partly due to the opening-up of Eastern Europe and China). Over-all, the development of MNCs does not show significant new characteristics in the 1990s, neither in quantitative nor in qualitative terms. Despite the continuous tendency to globalize managerial coordination, truly integrated global configurations have not emerged. Network-like manufacturing structures and thus also the mobility of production are still confined regionally. The final section tries to develop an explanation for the fact that MNCs are assigned this important new role in the globalization debate. -- In der Globalisierungsdebatte wird hĂ€ufig behauptet, dass multinationale Unternehmen aufgrund ihres Wachstums und aufgrund neuer globaler oder transnationaler Strukturen und Strategien zunehmende Macht gewonnen hĂ€tten. Dieses Papier prĂ€sentiert empirische Daten insbesondere von verschiedenen nationalen Statistiken, die bisher in der Debatte ignoriert worden sind und die ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Entwicklung der Strukturen der multinationalen Konzerne erlauben. Die Daten zeigen, dass Direktinvestitionen kein guter Indikator fĂŒr das Wachstum multinationaler Konzerne sind. Gestiegene Preise bei grenzĂŒberschreitenden Mergers + Acquisitions fĂŒhren zu hohen Wachstumsraten bei den Direktinvestitionen, wĂ€hrend das reale Wachstum der multinationalen Konzerne sich seit vielen Dekaden recht kontinuierlich entwickelt. In der verarbeitenden Industrie zeigen nur die Auslandsgesellschaften in der Peripherie der jeweiligen Heimatregion der multinationalen Unternehmen ein beschleunigtes Wachstum (teilweise auch aufgrund der Öffnung Chinas und Osteuropas). Insgesamt zeigt die Entwicklung der multinationalen Konzerne in den 90er Jahren keine grundlegend neuen Eigenschaften weder in quantitativer noch in qualitativer Hinsicht. Trotz einer langfristigen Tendenz zur Globalisierung der Koordinationsstrukturen, d.h. des Managements, haben sich wirklich globale Konfigurationsstrukturen noch nicht herausgebildet: Netzwerkartige FertigungsverbĂŒnde und damit auch die MobilitĂ€t der Produktion sind noch regional begrenzt. Der abschließende Teil dieses Papiers versucht eine ErklĂ€rung dafĂŒr zu entwickeln, dass den multinationalen Konzernen in der Globalisierungsdebatte eine bedeutende und neuartige Rolle zugeschrieben wird.

    What is new about "global" corporations? Interpreting statistical data on corporate internationalization

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    "In the debate on globalization it is often argued that multinational corporations (MNCs) have gained increasing power due to their growth and due to new global or transnational structures and strategies. This paper presents empirical evidence - especially from various national statistics ignored in the debate so far - that contradicts these assumptions and allow a deeper understanding of the development of the structures of MNCs. These data indicate that foreign direct investment (FDI) is not a good indicator for the real growth of MNCs. Rising prices of cross-border M&A transactions lead to high growth-rates of FDI while the real growth of MNCs has developed quite steadily over many decades. In manufacturing only affiliates in the periphery of MNCs' home regions show an accelerated expansion (partly due to the opening-up of Eastern Europe and China). Over-all, the development of MNCs does not show significant new characteristics in the 1990s, neither in quantitative nor in qualitative terms. Despite the continuous tendency to globalize managerial coordination, truly integrated global configurations have not emerged. Network-like manufacturing structures - and thus also the mobility of production - are still confined regionally. The final section tries to develop an explanation for the fact that MNCs are assigned this important new role in the globalization debate." (author's abstract)"In der Globalisierungsdebatte wird hĂ€ufig behauptet, dass multinationale Unternehmen aufgrund ihres Wachstums und aufgrund neuer globaler oder transnationaler Strukturen und Strategien zunehmende Macht gewonnen hĂ€tten. Dieses Papier prĂ€sentiert empirische Daten - insbesondere von verschiedenen nationalen Statistiken, die bisher in der Debatte ignoriert worden sind und die ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Entwicklung der Strukturen der multinationalen Konzerne erlauben. Die Daten zeigen, dass Direktinvestitionen kein guter Indikator fĂŒr das Wachstum multinationaler Konzerne sind. Gestiegene Preise bei grenzĂŒberschreitenden Mergers and Acquisitions fĂŒhren zu hohen Wachstumsraten bei den Direktinvestitionen, wĂ€hrend das reale Wachstum der multinationalen Konzerne sich seit vielen Dekaden recht kontinuierlich entwickelt. In der verarbeitenden Industrie zeigen nur die Auslandsgesellschaften in der Peripherie der jeweiligen Heimatregion der multinationalen Unternehmen ein beschleunigtes Wachstum (teilweise auch aufgrund der Öffnung Chinas und Osteuropas). Insgesamt zeigt die Entwicklung der multinationalen Konzerne in den 90er Jahren keine grundlegend neuen Eigenschaften - weder in quantitativer noch in qualitativer Hinsicht. Trotz einer langfristigen Tendenz zur Globalisierung der Koordinationsstrukturen, d.h. des Managements, haben sich wirklich globale Konfigurationsstrukturen noch nicht herausgebildet: Netzwerkartige FertigungsverbĂŒnde - und damit auch die MobilitĂ€t der Produktion - sind noch regional begrenzt. Der abschließende Teil dieses Papiers versucht eine ErklĂ€rung dafĂŒr zu entwickeln, dass den multinationalen Konzernen in der Globalisierungsdebatte eine bedeutende und neuartige Rolle zugeschrieben wird." (Autorenreferat

    Structural change and globalisation of the German retail industry

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    This paper gives an overview of current developments in German retailing. It describes structural changes in the companies, which include changing formats at shop level, the vertical integration of wholesale and retail activities, and processes of horizontal concentration. Using the example of grocery discountters, it investigates the evolution of a business model which is apparently incompatible with the traditional German production model. Subsequently the paper looks at the relationships between trade and production, where on the one hand concepts of lean retailing will be examined and on the other changes in the division of labour, which we see in the increased significance of private labels. At the same time, we observe an intensified twofold process of internationalisation. While retailers are internationalising their own operations through the setting up or acquisition of outlets and distribution systems abroad, they are also increasingly globalising their sourcing, The emerging global value chains, which are largely controlled by retailers, show highly differentiated patterns of configuration and co-ordination. -- Das Papier gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber Entwicklungstendenzen im deutschen Einzelhandel. Es beschreibt den Strukturwandel der Handelsunternehmen: den Formatwandel der Betriebe, die vertikale Integration von Groß- und Einzelhandel sowie den horizontalen Konzentrationsprozess. Am Beispiel der Lebensmitteldiscounter wird die Entwicklung eines GeschĂ€ftsmodells untersucht, das nicht zum deutschen Produktionsmodell zu passen scheint. Anschließend werden die Beziehungen zwischen Handel und Produktion untersucht: zum einen Konzepte des lean retailing und zum anderen VerĂ€nderungen in der Arbeitsteilung, die sich in der Bedeutungszunahme von Handelsmarken ausdrĂŒcken. Zugleich ist im Einzelhandel ein beschleunigter zweifacher Internationalisierungsprozess zu beobachten: Neben die Internationalisierung der eigenen operativen AktivitĂ€ten durch den Aufbau oder die Übernahme auslĂ€ndischer Filialnetze und Distributionssysteme tritt die Globalisierung des Beschaffungswesens und die Entwicklung globaler, von Einzelhandelsunternehmen gesteuerter Wertschöpfungsketten, die sehr unterschiedlich konfiguriert und koordiniert sein können.

    Stout Whiting Fishery Summary : Commercial Quota Setting for 2017

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    This fishery assessment report describes the commercial stout whiting fishery operation along Australia’s east coast between Sandy Cape and the Queensland-New South Wales border. The fishery is identified by a T4 symbol. This study follows methods applied in (O'Neill & Leigh, 2016a) and extends the results of that study by using the latest data available up to end of March 2016. The fishery statistics reported herein are for fishing years 1991 to 2016. This study analysed stout whiting catch rates from both Queensland and New South Wales (NSW) for all vessels, areas and fishing gears. The 2016 catch rate index from Queensland and NSW waters was 0.86. This means that the 2016 catch rate index was 86% of the mean standardised catch rate. Results showed that there was a stable trend in catch rates from 2012 to 2016, as in the previous study (O'Neill & Leigh, 2016a), with the 2015 and 2014 catch rates 85% of the mean catch rate. The fish-length frequency and age-length-otolith data were translated using two models which showed: ‱ Where patterns of fish age-abundance were estimated from the fish-length frequency and age-length data, there were slightly decreased estimated measures of fish survival at 38% for 2014, compared to fish survival estimates in 2013 at 40%. The 2014 and 2015 estimated age structure was dominated by 1+ and 2+ old fished, with a slightly higher frequency of age 2 - 3 fish for 2015. ‱ Where only the age-length data were used, estimates showed that from 2011 to 2014 the survival index increased. The estimated survival index increased from 35% in 2013 to 64% in 2014, indicating stronger survival of fish as they recruited and aged. Together the stout whiting catch rate and survival indicators showed the recent fishery harvests were sustainable. Since 1997, T4 management (Stout Whiting Fishery) is centred on annual assessments of total allowable commercial catch (TACC). The TACC is assessed before the start of each fishing year using statistical assessment methodologies, namely evaluation of trends in fish catch rates and catch-at-age frequencies measured against management reference points. The TACC has been under-caught in many years. For setting the 2017 T4 stout whiting TACC, the calculations covered a range of settings to account for the variance in the data and provide options for quota change. The overall (averaged) results suggested: ‱ The procedure where the quota was adjusted based on previous TACC setting in year 2016 gave a recommended TACC for 2017 of between 1100 and 1130 t. ‱ The procedure that focussed directly on optimising the average harvest to match target reference points gave a recommended TACC for 2017 of between 860 and 890 t. Use of these estimates to set TACC will depend on management and industry aims for the fishery

    Strukturwandel und Globalisierung des deutschen Einzelhandels

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    Das Papier gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber Entwicklungstendenzen im deutschen Einzelhandel. Es beschreibt den Strukturwandel der Handelsunternehmen: den Formatwandel der Betriebe, die vertikale Integration von Groß- und Einzelhandel sowie den horizontalen Konzentrationsprozess. Am Beispiel der Lebensmitteldiscounter wird die Entwicklung eines GeschĂ€ftsmodells untersucht, das nicht zum deutschen Produktionsmodell zu passen scheint. Anschließend werden die Beziehungen zwischen Handel und Produktion untersucht: zum einen Konzepte des lean retailing und zum anderen VerĂ€nderungen in der Arbeitsteilung, die sich in der Bedeutungszunahme von Handelsmarken ausdrĂŒcken. Zugleich ist im Einzelhandel ein beschleunigter zweifacher Internationalisierungsprozess zu beobachten: Neben die Internationalisierung der eigenen operativen AktivitĂ€ten durch den Aufbau oder die Übernahme auslĂ€ndischer Filialnetze und Distributionssysteme tritt die Globalisierung des Beschaffungswesens und die Entwicklung globaler, von Einzelhandelsunternehmen gesteuerter Wertschöpfungsketten, die sehr unterschiedlich konfiguriert und koordiniert sein können. -- This paper gives an overview of current developments in German retailing. It describes structural changes in the companies, which include changing formats at shop level, vertical integration of wholesale and retail activities, and processes of horizontal concentration. Using the example of grocery discounters, it investigates the evolution of a business model which is apparently incompatible with the traditional German production model. Subsequently the paper looks at the relationships between trade and production, where on the one hand concepts of "lean retailing" will be examined and on the other changes in the division of labor, which we see in the increased significance of private labels. At the same time, we observe an intensified twofold process of internationalization: While retailers are internationalizing their own operations through the setting up or acquisition of outlets and distribution systems abroad, they are also increasingly globalising their sourcing. The emerging global value chains, which are often controlled by retailers, show highly differentiated patterns of configuration and co-ordination.

    Annie Marion Maclean, Feminist Pragmatist and Methodologist

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    Annie Marion Maclean was a major Chicago sociologist and methodologist. She was profoundly influenced by the gendered division of labor in sociology during her era. Maclean combined her work with the men and women of the early Chicago school of sociology and the women of Hull-House, an early social settlement. As a feminist pragmatist, Maclean was both a theorist and practitioner who used qualitative and quantitative methods. She set precedents in the Chicago school of ethnography, participant observation, and critical methodology. Maclean, however, was not the “mother” of ethnography. Harriet Martineau holds a far stronger claim to be a founding contributor to the origin and development of ethnographic methodologies in the social sciences

    Strukturwandel und internationale Beschaffung im Einzelhandel mit Bekleidung

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    The article relates the structural change in German apparel retailing with different patterns of international sourcing. While vertically integrated multiples are sourcing most of their specialised products directly, discounters prefer German agents as intermediaries. Traditional high-end manufacturers also increasingly outsource their manufacturing, becoming more and more similar to retailers. Different sourcing strategies produce losers and winners in German retailing.The article relates the structural change in German apparel retailing with different patterns of international sourcing. While vertically integrated multiples are sourcing most of their specialised products directly, discounters prefer German agents as intermediaries. Traditional high-end manufacturers also increasingly outsource their manufacturing, becoming more and more similar to retailers. Different sourcing strategies produce losers and winners in German retailing

    Stock Assessment of Ballot's saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti) in Queensland

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    This assessment estimates the status of saucer scallops in the main fishing grounds of the Queensland Southern Inshore fishery. The stock assessment data inputs included total harvests, standardised catch rates and fishery independent density estimates.   Analyses suggested that spawning biomass in 2019 fell to around 17 per cent of the unfished level. The report presents recommendations on fishing effort levels to begin rebuilding the stock to levels consistent with 40 per cent of unfished biomass
