15,609 research outputs found

    The Impact of Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties on Evolutionary Studies of the Nova Outburst

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    The observable consequences of a nova outburst depend sensitively on the details of the thermonuclear runaway which initiates the outburst. One of the more important sources of uncertainty is the nuclear reaction data used as input for the evolutionary calculations. A recent paper by Starrfield, Truran, Wiescher, & Sparks (1998) has demonstrated that changes in the reaction rate library used within a nova simulation have significant effects, not just on the production of individual isotopes (which can change by an order of magnitude), but on global observables such as the peak luminosity and the amount of mass ejected. We present preliminary results of systematic analyses of the impact of reaction rate uncertainties on nova nucleosynthesis.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. to appear in "Cosmic Explosions", proceeding of the 10th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland (ed. S.S. Holt and W. W. Zhang

    Bringing Developing Countries\u27 Intellectual Property Laws to TRIPS Standards: Hurdles and Pitfalls Facing Vietnam\u27s Efforts to Normalize an Intellectual Property Regime

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    TesisEl problema científico del trabajo de investigación fue: Se observa en la Institución Educativa N° 60050 República de Venezuela insuficiente desempeño profesional docente el cual se manifiesta: No hay dominio de las asignaturas que desarrolla. Escasa planificación y organización de cursos. Desinterés y desmotivación en la conducción del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y esencialmente el seguimiento personalizado de los estudiantes. El objetivo general: Diseñar, elaborar y aplicar un programa de liderazgo pedagógico y transformacional para optimizar el desempeño profesional docente en la Institución Educativa N° 60050 República de Venezuela de la ciudad de Iquitos. El objeto de estudio: Proceso de gestión del desempeño docente en la Institución Educativa N° 60050 República de Venezuela. La hipótesis planteada como alternativa de solución al problema de la Institución Educativa es: Si se diseña, elabora y aplica un programa liderazgo pedagógico y transformacional entonces se optimizará el desempeño profesional docente en la Institución Educativa N° 60050 República de Venezuela de la ciudad de Iquitos. De acuerdo con la hipótesis y los objetivos propuestos en la presente tesis, el tipo de investigación es aplicada con propuesta ; para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario de desempeño profesional docente con dos dimensiones a los docentes. Así mismo para el análisis e interpretación de los datos recolectados se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, presentándolos en tablas de frecuencias y gráficos estadísticos. Se concluye que el Liderazgo Pedagógico y Transformacional es referirse a un trabajo horizontal, donde la comunidad educativa se desarrolla en una organización menos jerárquica y más inteligente, que cultiva la capacidad de relacionarse a través de la confianza, acciones colaborativas y vínculos sólidos que se establecen entre los miembros

    On the debt Capacityof growth Options

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    If debt capacity is defined as the incremental debt that is optimally associated with an additional asset, then the debt capacity of growth options is negative. Underinvestment costs of debt increase and free cash flow benefits of debt fall with additional growth options. Thus, if firm value increases with additional growth options, then leverage not only declines, but the firm’s optimal total debt level declines as well. This result implies a negative relation between book leverage and growth options and provides a new economic interpretation of book leverage regressions.Growth options; Book leverage

    The Role of Worker Flows in the Dynamics and Distribution of UK Unemployment

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    Unemployment varies substantially over time and across subgroups of the labour market. Worker flows among labour market states act as key determinants of this variation. We examine how the structure of unemployment across groups and its cyclical movements across time are shaped by changes in labour market flows. Using novel estimates of flow transition rates for the UK over the last 35 years, we decompose unemployment variation into parts accounted for by changes in rates of job loss, job finding and flows via non-participation. Close to two-thirds of the volatility of unemployment in the UK over this period can be traced to rises in rates of job loss that accompany recessions. The share of this inflow contribution has been broadly the same in each of the past three recessions. Decreased jobfinding rates account for around one-quarter of unemployment cyclicality and the remaining variation can be attributed to flows via non-participation. Digging deeper into the structure of unemployment by gender, age and education, the flow-approach is shown to provide a richer understanding of the unemployment experiences across population subgroups.labour market, unemployment, worker flows


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    Integer programming models were used to examine optimal monthly feeding strategies and costs for March and May calving alternatives. Body condition scores were allowed to fluctuate throughout the year except for calving and breeding periods. The May calving strategy decreased annual feeding costs by $20 per cow.Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,