11 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Fixation via a Terminal Fe(IV) Nitride

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    Terminal iron nitrides (Feī—¼N) have been proposed as intermediates of (bio)Ā­catalytic nitrogen fixation, yet experimental evidence to support this hypothesis has been lacking. In particular, no prior synthetic examples of terminal Feī—¼N species have been derived from N<sub>2</sub>. Here we show that a nitrogen-fixing Feā€“N<sub>2</sub> catalyst can be protonated to form a neutral FeĀ­(NNH<sub>2</sub>) hydrazido(2āˆ’) intermediate, which, upon further protonation, heterolytically cleaves the Nā€“N bond to release [Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—¼N]<sup>+</sup> and NH<sub>3</sub>. These observations provide direct evidence for the viability of a Chatt-type (distal) mechanism for Fe-mediated N<sub>2</sub>-to-NH<sub>3</sub> conversion. The physical oxidation state range of the Fe complexes in this transformation is buffered by covalency with the ligand, a feature of possible relevance to catalyst design in synthetic and natural systems that facilitate multiproton/multielectron redox processes

    Role of Serine Coordination in the Structural and Functional Protection of the Nitrogenase Pā€‘Cluster

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    Nitrogenase catalyzes the multielectron reduction of dinitrogen to ammonia. Electron transfer in the catalytic protein (MoFeP) proceeds through a unique [8Fe-7S] cluster (P-cluster) to the active site (FeMoco). In the reduced, all-ferrous (PN) state, the P-cluster is coordinated by six cysteine residues. Upon two-electron oxidation to the P2+ state, the P-cluster undergoes conformational changes in which a highly conserved oxygen-based residue (a Ser or a Tyr) and a backbone amide additionally ligate the cluster. Previous studies of Azotobacter vinelandii (Av) MoFeP revealed that when the oxygen-based residue, Ī²Ser188, was mutated to a noncoordinating residue, Ala, the P-cluster became redox-labile and reversibly lost two of its eight Fe centers. Surprisingly, the Av strain with a MoFeP variant that lacked the serine ligand (Av Ī²Ser188Ala MoFeP) displayed the same diazotrophic growth and in vitro enzyme turnover rates as wild-type Av MoFeP, calling into question the necessity of this conserved ligand for nitrogenase function. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that Ī²Ser188 plays a role in protecting the P-cluster under nonideal conditions. Here, we investigated the protective role of Ī²Ser188 both in vivo and in vitro by characterizing the ability of Av Ī²Ser188Ala cells to grow under suboptimal conditions (high oxidative stress or Fe limitation) and by determining the tendency of Ī²Ser188Ala MoFeP to be mismetallated in vitro. Our results demonstrate that Ī²Ser188 (1) increases Av cell survival upon exposure to oxidative stress in the form of hydrogen peroxide, (2) is necessary for efficient Av diazotrophic growth under Fe-limiting conditions, and (3) may protect the P-cluster from metal exchange in vitro. Taken together, our findings suggest a structural adaptation of nitrogenase to protect the P-cluster via Ser ligation, which is a previously unidentified functional role of the Ser residue in redox proteins and adds to the expanding functional roles of non-Cys ligands to FeS clusters

    Direct Observation of Oxygen Rebound with an Iron-Hydroxide Complex

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    The rebound mechanism for alkane hydroxylation was invoked over 40 years ago to help explain reactivity patterns in cytochrome P450, and subsequently has been used to provide insight into a range of biological and synthetic systems. Efforts to model the rebound reaction in a synthetic system have been unsuccessful, in part because of the challenge in preparing a suitable metal-hydroxide complex at the correct oxidation level. Herein we report the synthesis of such a complex. The reaction of this species with a series of substituted radicals allows for the direct interrogation of the rebound process, providing insight into this uniformly invoked, but previously unobserved process

    Direct Observation of Oxygen Rebound with an Iron-Hydroxide Complex

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    The rebound mechanism for alkane hydroxylation was invoked over 40 years ago to help explain reactivity patterns in cytochrome P450, and subsequently has been used to provide insight into a range of biological and synthetic systems. Efforts to model the rebound reaction in a synthetic system have been unsuccessful, in part because of the challenge in preparing a suitable metal-hydroxide complex at the correct oxidation level. Herein we report the synthesis of such a complex. The reaction of this species with a series of substituted radicals allows for the direct interrogation of the rebound process, providing insight into this uniformly invoked, but previously unobserved process

    Setting an Upper Limit on the Myoglobin Iron(IV)Hydroxide p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>: Insight into Axial Ligand Tuning in Heme Protein Catalysis

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    To provide insight into the ironĀ­(IV)Ā­hydroxide p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> of histidine ligated heme proteins, we have probed the active site of myoglobin compound II over the pH range of 3.9ā€“9.5, using EXAFS, MoĢˆssbauer, and resonance Raman spectroscopies. We find no indication of ferryl protonation over this pH range, allowing us to set an upper limit of 2.7 on the ironĀ­(IV)Ā­hydroxide p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> in myoglobin. Together with the recent determination of an ironĀ­(IV)Ā­hydroxide p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> āˆ¼ 12 in the thiolate-ligated heme enzyme cytochrome P450, this result provides insight into Natureā€™s ability to tune catalytic function through its choice of axial ligand

    Spectroscopic Investigations of Catalase Compound II: Characterization of an Iron(IV) Hydroxide Intermediate in a Non-thiolate-Ligated Heme Enzyme

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    We report on the protonation state of <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> catalase compound II. UV/visible, MoĢˆssbauer, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies have been used to examine the intermediate from pH 5 to 14. We have determined that HPC-II exists in an ironĀ­(IV) hydroxide state up to pH 11. Above this pH, the ironĀ­(IV) hydroxide complex transitions to a new species (p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> = 13.1) with MoĢˆssbauer parameters that are indicative of an ironĀ­(IV)-oxo intermediate. Recently, we discussed a role for an elevated compound II p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> in diminishing the compound I reduction potential. This has the effect of shifting the thermodynamic landscape toward the two-electron chemistry that is critical for catalase function. In catalase, a diminished potential would increase the selectivity for peroxide disproportionation over off-pathway one-electron chemistry, reducing the buildup of the inactive compound II state and reducing the need for energetically expensive electron donor molecules

    A 2.8 ƅ Feā€“Fe Separation in the Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> Intermediate, X, from <i>Escherichia coli</i> Ribonucleotide Reductase

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    A class Ia ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) employs a Ī¼-oxo-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/III</sup>/tyrosyl radical cofactor in its Ī² subunit to oxidize a cysteine residue āˆ¼35 ƅ away in its Ī± subunit; the resultant cysteine radical initiates substrate reduction. During self-assembly of the <i>Escherichia coli</i> RNR-Ī² cofactor, reaction of the proteinā€™s Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>II/II</sup> complex with O<sub>2</sub> results in accumulation of an Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> cluster, termed <b>X</b>, which oxidizes the adjacent tyrosine (Y<sub>122</sub>) to the radical (Y<sub>122</sub><sup>ā€¢</sup>) as the cluster is converted to the Ī¼-oxo-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/III</sup> product. As the first high-valent non-heme-iron enzyme complex to be identified and the key activating intermediate of class Ia RNRs, <b>X</b> has been the focus of intensive efforts to determine its structure. Initial characterization by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy yielded a Feā€“Fe separation (<i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub>) of 2.5 ƅ, which was interpreted to imply the presence of three single-atom bridges (O<sup>2ā€“</sup>, HO<sup>ā€“</sup>, and/or Ī¼-1,1-carboxylates). This short distance has been irreconcilable with computational and synthetic models, which all have <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> ā‰„ 2.7 ƅ. To resolve this conundrum, we revisited the EXAFS characterization of <b>X</b>. Assuming that samples containing increased concentrations of the intermediate would yield EXAFS data of improved quality, we applied our recently developed method of generating O<sub>2</sub> <i>in situ</i> from chlorite using the enzyme chlorite dismutase to prepare <b>X</b> at āˆ¼2.0 mM, more than 2.5 times the concentration realized in the previous EXAFS study. The measured <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> = 2.78 ƅ is fully consistent with computational models containing a (Ī¼-oxo)<sub>2</sub>-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> core. Correction of the <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> brings the experimental data and computational models into full conformity and informs analysis of the mechanism by which <b>X</b> generates Y<sub>122</sub><sup>ā€¢</sup>

    Characterization of a Cross-Linked Proteinā€“Nucleic Acid Substrate Radical in the Reaction Catalyzed by RlmN

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    RlmN and Cfr are methyltransferases/methylsynthases that belong to the radical <i>S</i>-adenosylmethionine superfamily of enzymes. RlmN catalyzes C2 methylation of adenosine 2503 (A2503) of 23S rRNA, while Cfr catalyzes C8 methylation of the exact same nucleotide, and will subsequently catalyze C2 methylation if the site is unmethylated. A key feature of the unusual mechanisms of catalysis proposed for these enzymes is the attack of a methylene radical, derived from a methylcysteine residue, onto the carbon center undergoing methylation to generate a paramagnetic proteinā€“nucleic acid cross-linked species. This species has been thoroughly characterized during Cfr-dependent C8 methylation, but does not accumulate to detectible levels in RlmN-dependent C2 methylation. Herein, we show that inactive C118S/A variants of RlmN accumulate a substrate-derived paramagnetic species. Characterization of this species by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in concert with strategic isotopic labeling shows that the radical is delocalized throughout the adenine ring of A2503, although predominant spin density is on N1 and N3. Moreover, <sup>13</sup>C hyperfine interactions between the radical and the methylene carbon of the formerly [<i>methyl</i>-<sup>13</sup>C]Ā­Cys355 residue show that the radical species exists in a covalent cross-link between the protein and the nucleic acid substrate. X-ray structures of RlmN C118A show that, in the presence of SAM, the substitution does not alter the active site structure compared to that of the wild-type enzyme. Together, these findings have new mechanistic implications for the role(s) of C118 and its counterpart in Cfr (C105) in catalysis, and suggest involvement of the residue in resolution of the cross-linked species via a radical mediated process

    Oxygen-Atom Transfer Reactivity of Axially Ligated Mn(V)ā€“Oxo Complexes: Evidence for Enhanced Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Pathways

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    Addition of anionic donors to the manganeseĀ­(V)ā€“oxo corrolazine complex Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz) has a dramatic influence on oxygen-atom transfer (OAT) reactivity with thioether substrates. The six-coordinate anionic [Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz)Ā­(X)]<sup>āˆ’</sup> complexes (X = F<sup>ā€“</sup>, N<sub>3</sub><sup>ā€“</sup>, OCN<sup>ā€“</sup>) exhibit a āˆ¼5 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> downshift of the Mnā€“O vibrational mode relative to the parent Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz) complex as seen by resonance Raman spectroscopy. Product analysis shows that the oxidation of thioether substrates gives sulfoxide product, consistent with single OAT. A wide range of OAT reactivity is seen for the different axial ligands, with the following trend determined from a comparison of their second-order rate constants for sulfoxidation: five-coordinate ā‰ˆ thiocyanate ā‰ˆ nitrate < cyanate < azide < fluoride ā‰Ŗ cyanide. This trend correlates with DFT calculations on the binding of the axial donors to the parent Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz) complex. A Hammett study was performed with <i>p</i>-X-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>SCH<sub>3</sub> derivatives and [Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz)Ā­(X)]<sup>āˆ’</sup> (X = CN<sup>ā€“</sup> or F<sup>ā€“</sup>) as the oxidant, and unusual ā€œV-shapedā€ Hammett plots were obtained. These results are rationalized based upon a change in mechanism that hinges on the ability of the [Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz)Ā­(X)]<sup>āˆ’</sup> complexes to function as either an electrophilic or weak nucleophilic oxidant depending upon the nature of the <i>para</i>-X substituents. For comparison, the one-electron-oxidized cationic Mn<sup>V</sup>(O)Ā­(TBP<sub>8</sub>Cz<sup>ā€¢+</sup>) complex yielded a linear Hammett relationship for all substrates (Ļ = āˆ’1.40), consistent with a straightforward electrophilic mechanism. This study provides new, fundamental insights regarding the influence of axial donors on high-valent Mn<sup>V</sup>(O) porphyrinoid complexes

    O<sub>2</sub>-Evolving Chlorite Dismutase as a Tool for Studying O<sub>2</sub>-Utilizing Enzymes

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    The direct interrogation of fleeting intermediates by rapid-mixing kinetic methods has significantly advanced our understanding of enzymes that utilize dioxygen. The gasā€™s modest aqueous solubility (<2 mM at 1 atm) presents a technical challenge to this approach, because it limits the rate of formation and extent of accumulation of intermediates. This challenge can be overcome by use of the heme enzyme chlorite dismutase (Cld) for the rapid, <i>in situ</i> generation of O<sub>2</sub> at concentrations far exceeding 2 mM. This method was used to define the O<sub>2</sub> concentration dependence of the reaction of the class Ic ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) from <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i>, in which the enzymeā€™s Mn<sup>IV</sup>/Fe<sup>III</sup> cofactor forms from a Mn<sup>II</sup>/Fe<sup>II</sup> complex and O<sub>2</sub> via a Mn<sup>IV</sup>/Fe<sup>IV</sup> intermediate, at effective O<sub>2</sub> concentrations as high as āˆ¼10 mM. With a more soluble receptor, myoglobin, an O<sub>2</sub> adduct accumulated to a concentration of >6 mM in <15 ms. Finally, the Cā€“H-bond-cleaving Fe<sup>IV</sup>ā€“oxo complex, <b>J</b>, in taurine:Ī±-ketoglutarate dioxygenase and superoxoā€“Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/III</sup> complex, <b>G</b>, in <i>myo</i>-inositol oxygenase, and the tyrosyl-radical-generating Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> intermediate, <b>X</b>, in <i>Escherichia coli</i> RNR, were all accumulated to yields more than twice those previously attained. This means of <i>in situ</i> O<sub>2</sub> evolution permits a >5 mM ā€œpulseā€ of O<sub>2</sub> to be generated in <1 ms at the easily accessible Cld concentration of 50 Ī¼M. It should therefore significantly extend the range of kinetic and spectroscopic experiments that can routinely be undertaken in the study of these enzymes and could also facilitate resolution of mechanistic pathways in cases of either sluggish or thermodynamically unfavorable O<sub>2</sub> addition steps