242,981 research outputs found

    International Migration, Income Taxes and Transfers: A Welfare Analysis

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    An important issue in public policy debates is the effect of international migration on welfare in source and host countries. We address this issue by constructing a general equilibrium model of a two-class source or host country. Each country produces many traded and non-traded goods, uses income taxes and distributes the tax receipts equally to all individuals. The analysis examines the effects of permanent migration on class, and national welfare. We show, among other things, that marginal immigration hurts people already in the country regardless of whether or not non-traded goods exist. The presence of international capital mobility, however, may reverse the above result.international migration, taxes, transfers, welfare

    Catalogue of candidate emission-line objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    H\alpha and [O III] narrow band, wide field (7 * 7 degree), CCD images of the Small Magellanic Cloud were compared and a catalogue of candidate planetary nebulae and H\alpha emission-line stars was compiled. The catalogue contains 131 planetary nebulae candidates, 23 of which are already known to be or are probable planetary nebulae or very low excitation objects. Also, 218 emission-line candidates have been identified with 113 already known. Our catalogue therefore provides a useful supplement to those of Meyssonnier & Azzopardi (1993) and Sanduleak, MacConnell & Davis Phillip (1978). Further observations are required to confirm the identity of the unknown objects.Comment: 8 pages, accepted by MNRA

    Modulation of Negative Work Output from a Steering Muscle of the Blowfly Calliphora Vicina

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    Of the 17 muscles responsible for flight control in flies, only the first basalar muscle (b1) is known to fire an action potential each and every wing beat at a precise phase of the wing-beat period. The phase of action potentials in the b1 is shifted during turns, implicating the b1 in the control of aerodynamic yaw torque. We used the work loop technique to quantify the effects of phase modulation on the mechanical output of the b1 of the blowfly Calliphora vicina. During cyclic length oscillations at 10 and 50 Hz, the magnitude of positive work output by the b1 was similar to that measured previously from other insect muscles. However, when tested at wing-beat frequency (150 Hz), the net work performed in each cycle was negative. The twitch kinetics of the b1 suggest that negative work output reflects intrinsic specializations of the b1 muscle. Our results suggest that, in addition to a possible role as a passive elastic element, the phase-sensitivity of its mechanical properties may endow the b1 with the capacity to modulate wing-beat kinematics during turning maneuvers

    Unemployment and the Immigration Surplus

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    Within a small open economy fair wage model with unemployment of unskilled workers, we show that exogenous unskilled immigration increases the welfare of natives if the elasticity of the inverse labour demands exceeds a positive finite threshold. This threshold depends positively on the displacement ratio of native workers by immigrants and negatively on the share of immigrants in the unskilled workforce.Immigration, Unemployment, Fair Wages

    Migration, Tied Foreign Aid and the Welfare State

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    In this paper we highlight aspects related to the links between international migration, foreign tied aid and the welfare state. We model migration as a costly movement from an aid-recipient developing country with low income, poor infrastructure, and no welfare system, towards a rich donor, developed country with a well-developed welfare system. Within this model we find, among other things, that the best response of the developed donor country is to increase aid as the co-financing rate by the recipient country increases. When the immigration cost decreases, e.g. due to greater economic integration between the two countries, it is beneficial for the donor country to increase aid.migration, tied foreign aid, welfare state

    Guest Worker Programs: A Theoretical Analysis of Welfare of the Host and Source Countries

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    This paper examines the interaction between migration policies of the host and source countries in the context of a model of guest-worker migration. For the host, the objective is to provide low-cost labor for its employers while avoiding illegal immigration. It optimizes over these objectives by setting the time limit of a guest-worker permit. The source country seeks remittance flows and return migration by offering fiscal benefits to returnees. Within this framework, we solve for the Nash equilibrium values of the migration policy instruments and compare them, to the extent possible, with the ones that emerge in a cooperative setting.Temporary Migration, Remittances, Migration Policy

    Graph Saturation in Multipartite Graphs

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    Let GG be a fixed graph and let F{\mathcal F} be a family of graphs. A subgraph JJ of GG is F{\mathcal F}-saturated if no member of F{\mathcal F} is a subgraph of JJ, but for any edge ee in E(G)E(J)E(G)-E(J), some element of F{\mathcal F} is a subgraph of J+eJ+e. We let ex(F,G)\text{ex}({\mathcal F},G) and sat(F,G)\text{sat}({\mathcal F},G) denote the maximum and minimum size of an F{\mathcal F}-saturated subgraph of GG, respectively. If no element of F{\mathcal F} is a subgraph of GG, then sat(F,G)=ex(F,G)=E(G)\text{sat}({\mathcal F},G) = \text{ex}({\mathcal F}, G) = |E(G)|. In this paper, for k3k\ge 3 and n100n\ge 100 we determine sat(K3,Kkn)\text{sat}(K_3,K_k^n), where KknK_k^n is the complete balanced kk-partite graph with partite sets of size nn. We also give several families of constructions of KtK_t-saturated subgraphs of KknK_k^n for t4t\ge 4. Our results and constructions provide an informative contrast to recent results on the edge-density version of ex(Kt,Kkn)\text{ex}(K_t,K_k^n) from [A. Bondy, J. Shen, S. Thomass\'e, and C. Thomassen, Density conditions for triangles in multipartite graphs, Combinatorica 26 (2006), 121--131] and [F. Pfender, Complete subgraphs in multipartite graphs, Combinatorica 32 (2012), no. 4, 483--495].Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

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