14 research outputs found

    Effects of Hydration on Mechanical Properties of a Highly Sclerotized Tissue

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    The jaws of the bloodworm Glycera dibranchiata consist principally of protein and melanin scaffolds with small amounts of unmineralized copper (Cu) and mineralized atacamite (Cu2Cl(OH)3) fibers in distinct regions. Remarkably, when tested in air, the regions containing unmineralized Cu are the hardest, stiffest, and most abrasion resistant. To establish the functions of jaw constituents in physiologically relevant environments, this study examines the effects of hydration on their response to indentation, scratching, and wear. Although all jaw regions are degraded by the presence of water, the ones containing unmineralized Cu are affected least. Notably, scratch depths in the bulk and the atacamite-containing regions double when wet, whereas the corresponding increase in the regions with unmineralized Cu is ∌20%. The results support the view that Cu ions are involved in the formation of intermolecular coordination complexes, creating a cross-linked molecular network that is both mechanically robust and resistant to water ingress. Hydration effects are greatest during wear testing, rates of material removal in water being about three times those in air. The mechanism underlying accelerated wear is suspected to involve coupled effects of near-surface damage and enhanced water ingress, resulting in increased plasticization and susceptibility to plastic plowing

    The $100 laptop

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    The bone diagnostic instrument II: Indentation distance increase

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    The bone diagnostic instrument (BDI) is being developed with the long-term goal of providing a way for researchers and clinicians to measure bone material properties of human bone in vivo. Such measurements could contribute to the overall assessment of bone fragility in the future. Here, we describe an improved BDI, the Osteoprobe IIℱ. In the Osteoprobe IIℱ, the probe assembly, which is designed to penetrate soft tissue, consists of a reference probe (a 22 gauge hypodermic needle) and a test probe (a small diameter, sharpened rod) which slides through the inside of the reference probe. The probe assembly is inserted through the skin to rest on the bone. The distance that the test probe is indented into the bone can be measured relative to the position of the reference probe. At this stage of development, the indentation distance increase (IDI) with repeated cycling to a fixed force appears to best distinguish bone that is more easily fractured from bone that is less easily fractured. Specifically, in three model systems, in which previous mechanical testing and∕or tests reported here found degraded mechanical properties such as toughness and postyield strain, the BDI found increased IDI. However, it must be emphasized that, at this time, neither the IDI nor any other mechanical measurement by any technique has been shown clinically to correlate with fracture risk. Further, we do not yet understand the mechanism responsible for determining IDI beyond noting that it is a measure of the continuing damage that results from repeated loading. As such, it is more a measure of plasticity than elasticity in the bone

    Mineral minimization in nature's alternative teeth

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    Contrary to conventional wisdom, mineralization is not the only strategy evolved for the formation of hard, stiff materials. Indeed, the sclerotized mouthparts of marine invertebrates exhibit Young's modulus and hardness approaching 10 and 1 GPa, respectively, with little to no help from mineralization. Based on biochemical analyses, three of these mouthparts, the jaws of glycerid and nereid polychaetes and a squid beak, reveal a largely organic composition dominated by glycine- and histidine-rich proteins. Despite the well-known metal ion binding by the imidazole side-chain of histidine and the suggestion that this interaction provides mechanical support in nereid jaws, there is at present no universal molecular explanation for the relationship of histidine to mechanical properties in these sclerotized structures

    Genetic structure of the Black Bog Ant (Formica picea Nylander) in the United Kingdom

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    Social Hymenoptera have been relatively little studied in terms of conservation genetics even though their sociality and omplementary sex determination potentially influence the interaction of genetics with extinction risk. Using microsatellite markers, we investigated the social and genetic structure of nests and populations of the Black Bog Ant Formica picea at four sites in the UK, where this habitat specialist has a localized and fragmented range. Nests were weakly polygynous (effective queen number, 4–27 per nest) with low orker relatedness. Isolation by distance tended to be present within sites, indicating limited dispersal, but inbreeding was rare. The four study sites fell into three main populations (two in South Wales, one in southern England). We conclude that, although UK F. picea populations are not at immediate risk from genetic factors, their limited dispersal abilities at both within- and between-site scales should inform conservation management decisions