4,170 research outputs found

    Planning for self-employment at the beginning of a market economy: evidence from individual data of East German workers

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    We investigate the plans of individual workers concerning future self-employment in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany) shortly before the economic, monetary and social union in June/July 1990. Our data base is the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) East. We find that the desire to become an entrepreneur is basically determined by individual and household characteristics, including income and asset indicators, and not as much by the current job situation of the individual. Furthermore, we find evidence of barriers to entry which may come from capital market constraints and institutional restrictions. Due to the ordinal nature of the answers, we used the ordinal logit model for estimation. The corresponding stochastic assumptions are tested extensively using pseudo-Lagrange multiplier tests against omitted variables, non-linearity, asymmetry of distribution, and heteroscedasticity. --

    Educational expansion and its heterogeneous returns for wage workers

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    The paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion in the sixties and seventies entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge?s (2004) approach that relies on conditional mean independence and Garen?s (1984) control function approach that requires an exclusion restriction. For the population of workers from the GSOEP, we find that both approaches produce estimates of average returns to education that decrease until the late 1990s and increase significantly afterwards. In the observation period, the gender gap in returns to education seems to vanish. Furthermore, we find that the so called ?baby boomer? cohort has the lowest average return to education in young ages. However, this effect disappears when they become older. --Educational expansion,correlated random coefficient model,heterogeneous returns to education,conditional mean independence

    Educational Expansion and Its Heterogeneous Returns for Wage Workers

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    This paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge's (2004) approach that relies on conditional mean independence and Garen's (1984) control function approach that requires an exclusion restriction. For the population of workers from the SOEP, we find that both approaches produce estimates of average returns to education that decrease until the late 1990s and increase afterwards. The gender gap in returns to education seems to vanish. Furthermore, we find that the so-called "baby boomer" cohort has the lowest average return to education in young ages. However, this effect disappears over time.Returns to Education, Human Capital, Skill Upgrading, Wage Work

    Measuring neutron star tidal deformability with Advanced LIGO: a Bayesian analysis of neutron star - black hole binary observations

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    The discovery of gravitational waves (GW) by Advanced LIGO has ushered us into an era of observational GW astrophysics. Compact binaries remain the primary target sources for LIGO, of which neutron star-black hole (NSBH) binaries form an important subset. GWs from NSBH sources carry signatures of (a) the tidal distortion of the neutron star by its companion black hole during inspiral, and (b) its potential tidal disruption near merger. In this paper, we present a Bayesian study of the measurability of neutron star tidal deformability ΛNS∝(R/M)5\Lambda_\mathrm{NS}\propto (R/M)^{5} using observation(s) of inspiral-merger GW signals from disruptive NSBH coalescences, taking into account the crucial effect of black hole spins. First, we find that if non-tidal templates are used to estimate source parameters for an NSBH signal, the bias introduced in the estimation of non-tidal physical parameters will only be significant for loud signals with signal-to-noise ratios >30> 30. For similarly loud signals, we also find that we can begin to put interesting constraints on ΛNS\Lambda_\mathrm{NS} (factor of 1-2) with individual observations. Next, we study how a population of realistic NSBH detections will improve our measurement of neutron star tidal deformability. For astrophysical populations of disruptivedisruptive NSBH mergers, we find 20-35 events to be sufficient to constrain ΛNS\Lambda_\mathrm{NS} within ±25−50%\pm 25-50\%, depending on the chosen equation of state. In this we also assume that LIGO will detect black holes with masses within the astrophysical massmass-gapgap. If the mass-gap remains preserved in NSBHs detected by LIGO, we estimate that 25%25\% additionaladditional detections will furnish comparable tidal measurement accuracy. In both cases, we find that the loudest 5-10 events to provide most of the tidal information, thereby facilitating targeted follow-ups of NSBHs in the upcoming LIGO-Virgo runs.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure

    Vom Leben der Geringsten

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    Elias Canetti celebrĂł el Woyzeck como el «descubrimiento de lo Ă­nfimo» y con ello como «la revoluciĂłn mĂĄs completa en la literatura». El artĂ­culo matiza este certero juicio de la mano de los testimonios del propio BĂŒchner y los trabajos hermenĂ©uticos de Dedner, Deiters, Auerbach y Kurzke. Para ilustrar la revoluciĂłn literaria del Woyzeck, recorre la historia del tĂ©rmino ‘pueblo’ en sus acepciones francesa (La BruyĂšre, Voltaire, Balzac etc.) y alemana (Herder, Goethe, Freiligrath, Grimm) para resaltar el logro de BĂŒchner de verter luz sobre el ‘abismo insalvable en la sociedad’ y convertirlo en arte.Elias Canetti feierte den Woyzeck als die „Entdeckung des Geringen“ and damit als „den vollkommensten Umsturz in der Literatur“. Der Artikel differenziert dieses treffende Urteil mit BĂŒchners eigenen Aussagen und den Arbeiten der BĂŒchner-Hermeneutik (Dedner, Deiters, Auerbach, Kurzke). Um die literarische Revolution des Woyzeck zu erklĂ€ren, beleuchtet er die Begriffsgeschichte des Wortes ‚Volk‘ zwischen französischer (La BruyĂšre, Voltaire, Balzac) und deutscher Belegung (Goethe, Herder, Freiligrath, Grimm), und unterstreicht BĂŒchners Leistung, den ‚unĂŒberwindbaren Riss in der Gesellschaft‘ kritisch auszuloten und in Kunst zu verwandeln

    Compact Binary Waveform Center-of-Mass Corrections

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    We present a detailed study of the center-of-mass (c.m.) motion seen in simulations produced by the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaboration. We investigate potential physical sources for the large c.m. motion in binary black hole simulations and find that a significant fraction of the c.m. motion cannot be explained physically, thus concluding that it is largely a gauge effect. These large c.m. displacements cause mode mixing in the gravitational waveform, most easily recognized as amplitude oscillations caused by the dominant (2,±\pm2) modes mixing into subdominant modes. This mixing does not diminish with increasing distance from the source; it is present even in asymptotic waveforms, regardless of the method of data extraction. We describe the current c.m.-correction method used by the SXS collaboration, which is based on counteracting the motion of the c.m. as measured by the trajectories of the apparent horizons in the simulations, and investigate potential methods to improve that correction to the waveform. We also present a complementary method for computing an optimal c.m. correction or evaluating any other c.m. transformation based solely on the asymptotic waveform data.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Development of a Beam Profile Monitor/Time of Flight setup for HISPEC/DESPEC for FAIR

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    The Helmholtz Gesellschaft fĂŒr Schwerionenforschung GmbH will be expanded by the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in upcoming years. Different, international collaborations have been formed in order to effectively use the accelerator facilities, which will become available. The collaboration Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions deals with the usage of high energetic, radioactive ion beams for nuclear physics experiments. During such experiments it is possible to slow down these ions to energies of 5 to 10 MeV/u to open certain reaction channels. A problem with the slowing down is the introduction of additional energy and spatial straggling as well as a further fragmentation of the original ion beam. To be able to nevertheless select the desired ion, an additional detector is needed directly after the slowing down and before the target. Within the framework of this thesis, such a detector system has been developed and tested. One demand to such a system is a largest possible transparency, not to degrade or even stop the ion beam, which is to be examined. As a solution a design on the basis of an emissive foil has been chosen. Thereby electrons will be emitted out of a thin foil if passed by an ion. These so-called secondary electrons are then accelerated and confined by an electrostatic top-assembly towards the proper detector head where they are position sensitively registered. In this way the ions can be detected indirectly. Using two of such units, the flight path of a single ion can be reconstructed and discriminated against other kinds of ions, additionally. A first prototype was built and continuously developed further. By measurements with radioactive sources its efficiency, spatial and timing resolution was tested. The insights gained therefrom were used to develop a second prototype. With regards to the future use, an as compact as possible, integrated design has been focused on. To investigate the second prototype, a dedicated beamline for detector tests and the simulation of slowed down beams was built at the Cologne FN tandem accelerator. This testbed is open to the collaboration and has already been used successfully

    Expected job loss in East Germany shortly before German unification

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    We investigate expectations concerning future job loss in the former German Democratic Republic shortly before the economic, monetary and social union in July 1990. In order to model these expectations, we take detailed account of individual heterogeneity, the availability and interpretation of information, and the economic and social environment of the individual. Our data base is the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) East. We find that, with some exceptions, East Germans hold expectations comparable to those held by individuals having experienced a market economy, which is surprising given the lack of such an economy in the previous German Democratic Republic. Since these expectations are only observed ordinally, an adequate estimation method is the ordinal logit model. The corresponding stochastic assumptions are tested extensively using pseudo-Lagrange multiplier tests against omitted variables, nonlinearity, asymmetry of distribution and heteroscedasticity. Furthermore, we apply Hausman tests to check the validity of the classification of the endogenous variable. --
