16 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of a continuously monitored double quantum dot heat engine in the repeated interactions framework

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    Understanding the thermodynamic role of measurement in quantum mechanical systems is a burgeoning field of study. In this article, we study a double quantum dot (DQD) connected to two macroscopic fermionic thermal reservoirs. We assume that the DQD is continuously monitored by a quantum point contact (QPC), which serves as a charge detector. Starting from a minimalist microscopic model for the QPC and reservoirs, we show that the local master equation of the DQD can alternatively be derived in the framework of repeated interactions and that this framework guarantees a thermodynamically consistent description of the DQD and its environment (including the QPC). We analyze the effect of the measurement strength and identify a regime in which particle transport through the DQD is both assisted and stabilized by dephasing. We also find that in this regime the entropic cost of driving the particle current with fixed relative fluctuations through the DQD is reduced. We thus conclude that under continuous measurement a more constant particle current may be achieved at a fixed entropic cost.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; comments are welcom

    First Passage Times for Continuous Quantum Measurement Currents

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    The First Passage Time (FPT) is the time taken for a stochastic process to reach a desired threshold. It finds wide application in various fields and has recently become particularly important in stochastic thermodynamics, due to its relation to kinetic uncertainty relations (KURs). In this letter we address the FPT of the stochastic measurement current in the case of continuously measured quantum systems. Our approach is based on a charge-resolved master equation, which is related to the Full-Counting statistics of charge detection. In the quantum jump unravelling we show that this takes the form of a coupled system of master equations, while for quantum diffusion it becomes a type of quantum Fokker-Planck equation. In both cases, we show that the FPT can be obtained by introducing absorbing boundary conditions, making their computation extremely efficient. The versatility of our framework is demonstrated with two relevant examples. First, we show how our method can be used to study the tightness of recently proposed KURs for quantum jumps. Second, we study the homodyne detection of a single two-level atom, and show how our approach can unveil various non-trivial features in the FPT distribution.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Powering an autonomous clock with quantum electromechanics

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    We theoretically analyse an autonomous clock comprising a nanoelectromechanical system, which undergoes self-oscillations driven by electron tunnelling. The periodic mechanical motion behaves as the clockwork, similar to the swinging of a pendulum, while induced oscillations in the electrical current can be used to read out the ticks. We simulate the dynamics of the system in the quasi-adiabatic limit of slow mechanical motion, allowing us to infer statistical properties of the clock's ticks from the current auto-correlation function. The distribution of individual ticks exhibits a tradeoff between accuracy, resolution, and dissipation, as expected from previous literature. Going beyond the distribution of individual ticks, we investigate how clock accuracy varies over different integration times by computing the Allan variance. We observe non-monotonic features in the Allan variance as a function of time and applied voltage, which can be explained by the presence of temporal correlations between ticks. These correlations are shown to yield a precision advantage for timekeeping over the timescales that the correlations persist. Our results illustrate the non-trivial features of the tick series produced by nanoscale clocks, and pave the way for experimental investigation of clock thermodynamics using nanoelectromechanical systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Current fluctuations in open quantum systems: Bridging the gap between quantum continuous measurements and full counting statistics

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    Continuously measured quantum systems are characterized by an output current, in the form of a stochastic and correlated time series which conveys crucial information about the underlying quantum system. The many tools used to describe current fluctuations are scattered across different communities: quantum opticians often use stochastic master equations, while a prevalent approach in condensed matter physics is provided by full counting statistics. These, however, are simply different sides of the same coin. Our goal with this tutorial is to provide a unified toolbox for describing current fluctuations. This not only provides novel insights, by bringing together different fields in physics, but also yields various analytical and numerical tools for computing quantities of interest. We illustrate our results with various pedagogical examples, and connect them with topical fields of research, such as waiting-time statistics, quantum metrology, thermodynamic uncertainty relations, quantum point contacts and Maxwell's demons.Comment: This is a tutorial paper, submitted to PRX Quantu

    Measurement based estimator scheme for continuous quantum error correction

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    Canonical discrete quantum error correction (DQEC) schemes use projective von Neumann measurements on stabilizers to discretize the error syndromes into a finite set, and fast unitary gates are applied to recover the corrupted information. Quantum error correction (QEC) based on continuous measurement, known as continuous quantum error correction (CQEC), in principle, can be executed faster than DQEC and can also be resource efficient. However, CQEC requires meticulous filtering of noisy continuous measurement data to reliably extract error syndromes on the basis of which errors could be detected. In this paper, we show that by constructing a measurement-based estimator (MBE) of the logical qubit to be protected, which is driven by the noisy continuous measurement currents of the stabilizers, it is possible to accurately track the errors occurring on the physical qubits in real time. We use this MBE to develop a continuous quantum error correction (MBE-CQEC) scheme that can protect the logical qubit to a high degree, surpassing the performance of DQEC, and also allows QEC to be conducted either immediately or in delayed time with instantaneous feedbacks.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, journal articl

    Entropy production in the mesoscopic-leads formulation of quantum thermodynamics

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    Understanding the entropy production of systems strongly coupled to thermal baths is a core problem of both quantum thermodynamics and mesoscopic physics. While there exist many techniques to accurately study entropy production in such systems, they typically require a microscopic description of the baths, which can become numerically intractable to study for large systems. Alternatively an open-systems approach can be employed with all the nuances associated with various levels of approximation. Recently, the mesoscopic leads approach has emerged as a powerful method for studying such quantum systems strongly coupled to multiple thermal baths. In this method, a set of discretised lead modes, each locally damped, provide a Markovian embedding. Here we show that this method proves extremely useful to describe entropy production of a strongly coupled open quantum system. We show numerically, for both non-interacting and interacting setups, that a system coupled to a single bath exhibits a thermal fixed point at the level of the embedding. This allows us to use various results from the thermodynamics of quantum dynamical semi-groups to infer the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the strongly coupled, non-Markovian central systems. In particular, we show that the entropy production in the transient regime recovers the well established microscopic definitions of entropy production with a correction that can be computed explicitly for both the single- and multiple-lead cases.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome as always