339 research outputs found

    Good news for Maldi the advent of second generation matrices

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    English Language Teacher Self-Efficacy Beliefs

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    This dissertation investigates English language teacher self-efficacy beliefs. Based in Bandura’s (1997) sociocognitive perspective, teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, their beliefs about their capabilities to enact various teaching tasks, have been shown to be impactful on numerous aspects of teachers’ professional lives. Research in both general education and language teacher education has shown that more efficacious teachers are often more motivated, exert a greater effort when teaching, have a higher morale, and can even positively impact their students. Drawing on survey data from N = 571 participants across a variety of English language teaching contexts, this thesis takes an integrated article format and addresses unresolved issues in English language teacher self-efficacy research. Chapters 1 and 2 outline the thesis and provide background literature and the thesis’ theoretical perspective. Chapter 3 consists of the first research portion of this thesis and outlines the creation of a new English language teacher self-efficacy scale. Initial items are drawn from various TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) standards documents and then subjected to exploratory factor analysis. The final scale, consisting of 26 items across 6 unique factors, serves as the research instrument for the remainder of the dissertation. Chapter 4 investigates the self-efficacy beliefs of English language teachers in North America (Canada and the United States). It looks at what their levels of self-efficacy are, and also if/how teachers’ classroom proficiency, general language proficiency, experience, language teacher education (LTE) qualifications, and linguistic identity impact this self-efficacy. Utilizing a series of simultaneous multiple regression analyses, results show that teachers’ classroom proficiency is the most significant predictor of teachers’ self-efficacy, but general English proficiency, teaching experience and linguistic identity are also significantly impactful as well. Chapter 5 takes a similar methodological approach and investigates the self-efficacy beliefs of non-native English speaking teachers (NNESTs) across a variety of EFL contexts. The results again show the importance of teachers’ self-perceived classroom proficiency as this significantly predicted teachers’ self-efficacy across all of the factors. The dissertation ends with Chapter 6 that serves as a final discussion for the entire thesis followed by this study’s limitations and potential future directions

    More Rights, Less Income? An Economic Analysis of the New Copyright Law in Germany

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    The German copyright law was reformed in the end of 2016 with the purpose of ensuring reasonable pecuniary compensation to authors. It proposes an option which entitles authors to negotiate copyright transfers with an additional publisher after a vesting period of ten years. The results of a two-stage bargaining model show that the proposed copyright system may actually harm authors, as publishers may internalize a potential impairment on profits from increased competition within contract negotiations. This paper also demonstrates that the publisher's willingness to invest into an author's career is strictly decreasing as the level of expected rivalry increases

    Efficient Contracting Under The U.S. Copyright Termination Law

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    The American copyright act from 1976 allows authors to terminate their copyright grants after a certain vesting period if these are not categorized as work made for hire. The literature suggests substantial effects on the author-publisher relationship because in negotiations publishers may internalize the harm from a termination decision. This paper illuminates the internalization problem and shows that contracts should be designed differently for terminating and non-terminating authors. The total remuneration offered by the initial publisher is strictly lower for authors who terminate. This paper also points out the limits of the copyright law under scrutiny considering additional institutional regulations and existing market norms

    Der mikroskopische Blick auf die Moleküle des Lebens : Massenspektrometrie: Wäge- und Analysetechnik in einem

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    Der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt in Chemie, Biowissenschaften und Medizin basiert auf den immer detaillierteren Erkenntnissen über die molekularen Prozesse des Lebens. Eine Voraussetzung dafür sind Fortschritte bei den analytischen Methoden, Techniken und Instrumenten. In dem heute zur Verfügung stehendem Instrumentarium spielt die Massenspektrometrie eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle. Wenn aktuell ein neuer Doping-Skandal durch die Presse geht, sind immer massenspektrometrische Techniken im Spiel: Sie ermöglichen den Nachweis von erlaubten und verbotenen Substanzen aller Art – auch Dopingmitteln

    Tfg (Trk fused gene) is a Carma-1/IKKgamma interacting protein involved in CD40-induced canonical NF-KB signaling

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    Carma-1 is required for B cell receptor-/CD40- and T cell receptor-/CD28-induced B- and T-cell activation via JNK and NF-betaB. In B cells, Carma-1 becomes phosphorylated by PKCbeta, leading to its oligomerization. Subsequent Bcl10 binding induces IKKbeta-activation and, thereby, canonical NF-KB signalling. Despite these findings it is still unknown how exactly Carma-1 is connected to the plasma membrane and to the IKK-complex. Therefore, we purified Carma-1 complexes from mouse CH12 B cells using anti-Carma-1 affinity columns. Mass spectrometric analyses of the column eluates demonstrated the presence of Carma-1 as well as three previously uncharacterized adaptor proteins in B cells, one of which was the Trk-fused gene (Tfg), an adaptor protein containing PB1 and coiledcoil domains. Whereas Tfg was originally identified as fusion partner of oncogenic Trk tyrosine kinase mutants, the normal cellular homologue of Tfg has so far not been described in B cells. However, Tfg has been shown in other systems to interact with IKKgamma and to enhance TNFinduced NF-KB activation. Tfg and Carma-1 co-localized at the plasma membrane and perinuclear structures in B cells. We further corroborated the interactions of Tfg, IKKgamma and Carma-1 by Blue Native gel electrophoresis, where Carma-1 and Tfg formed a 0.7–1 MDa complex. Ectopic expression of Tfg increased the molecular mass of IKKgamma complexes, fused IKKgamma, Bcl10 and Carma-1 complexes to a ~2 MDa complex, and increased basal and CD40-induced canonical activity of NF-KB and IKKbeta. In contrast, shRNA-mediated silencing of Tfg decreased CD40-induced IKKbeta activity. Very interestingly, in primary B cells, highest expression of Tfg was detected in marginal zone and B1 B cells, and Carma-1 and Tfg formed complexes in these B cells. Since Carma-1 is required for marginal zone B cell and B1 B cell development, we suggest that a functional interaction between Carma-1 and Tfg contributes to development and maintenance of these cells by means of canonical NF-KB signals
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