6 research outputs found

    Mean daily lipid dynamics (DLD Β± SE) of female lesser scaup in the upper Midwest.

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    <p>Least-square mean daily lipid dynamics (DLD Β± SE) of female lesser scaup (nβ€Š=β€Š483) collected from stopover sites during spring migration 2004 and 2005 by regions (COT β€Š=β€Š ND Missouri Coteau, NDGP β€Š=β€Š ND Glaciated Plains, RRV β€Š=β€Š Red River Valley of MN and ND, NWMN β€Š=β€Š Northwestern MN, MNGP β€Š=β€Š MN Glaciated Plains, MOR β€Š=β€Š MN Morainal, IA β€Š=β€Š IA Prairie Pothole, and P19 β€Š=β€Š Pool 19). Capital letters are Tukey-Kramer adjusted mean grouping at <i>P</i><0.05. DLD values >0 indicate lipid storage while those <0 indicate lipid catabolism.</p

    Median and 10<sup>th</sup> and 90<sup>th</sup> percentiles of nest and random sites for variables that influence nest-site selection of Piping Plovers on Lake Sakakawea.

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    a<p>Percent coverage of silt in substrate at site.</p>b<p>Percent coverage of gravel in substrate at site.</p>c<p>Presence or absence of a cobble.</p>d<p>Relative elevation of the nest above the pool level at initiation.</p>e<p>Slope within 1 m of the site.</p>f<p>Percent bare substrate obstruction (vegetation+leaf litter+small debris).</p>g<p>Slope within 3 m of the site.</p>h<p>Percent coverage of gravel in substrate 10 m from the site.</p

    The most supported 5 of 20 models evaluated to examine factors that influence intra-territory nest-site selection of Piping Plovers at Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, including number of parameters (K), Akaike's Information Criterion for small sample size (AIC<sub>c</sub>), increase over the lowest AIC<sub>c</sub> (Ξ”AIC<sub>c</sub>), and Akaike model weight (<i>w</i><sub>i</sub>).

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    a<p>Percent coverage of silt in substrate at site.</p>b<p>Percent coverage of gravel in substrate.</p>c<p>Site measurement.</p>d<p>Presence or absence of a cobble.</p>e<p>Distance (m) to shoreline of Lake Sakakawea.</p>f<p>Relative elevation (m) of the nest above the pool level at initiation.</p>g<p>Percent bare substrate obstruction (vegetation+leaf litter+small debris).</p>h<p>Mean of 4 measurements taken 3 m from the site.</p>i<p>Mean of 4 measurements taken 10 m from the site.</p>j<p>Percent coverage of pebble in substrate.</p

    Model averaged parameter estimates, standard errors (SE), lower 95% confidence limits (LCL), upper 95% confidence limits (UCL), and standardized odds ratios for variables from 20 candidate models we used to examine potential influences on nest-site selection of Piping Plovers at Lake Sakakawea.

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    <p>Variables with 95% confidence limits that do not overlap 0 are depicted in bold.</p>a<p>Percent coverage of silt in substrate at site.</p>b<p>Percent coverage of pebble in substrate.</p>c<p>Site measurement.</p>d<p>Percent coverage of gravel in substrate.</p>e<p>Presence or absence of a cobble.</p>f<p>Percent bare substrate obstruction (vegetation+leaf litter+small debris).</p>g<p>Distance (m) to shoreline of Lake Sakakawea.</p>h<p>Relative elevation (m) of the nest above the pool level at initiation.</p>i<p>Mean of 4 measurements taken 3 m from the site.</p>j<p>Mean of 4 measurements taken 10 m from the site.</p

    Lake Sakakawea study area.

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    <p>Map of North Dakota depicting our study area (shaded in gray) at Lake Sakakawea and an example of our segmentation of our study area.</p