18,676 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric Libraries, Revised Photonic Passbands and Zero-points for UBVRI, Hipparcos and Tycho Photometry

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    We have calculated improved photonic passbands for the UBV RI, Hipparcos and Tycho Hp,BT,VT standard systems using the extensive spectrophotometric libraries of NGSL and MILES. Using the Hp passband, we adjusted the absolute flux levels of stars in the spectrophotometric libraries so their synthetic Hp magnitudes matched the precise Hipparcos catalog value. Synthetic photometry based on the renormalized fluxes were compared to the standard UBVRI and BT, VT magnitudes and revised synthetic zero-points were determined. The Hipparcos and Tycho photometry system zero-points were also compared to the V magnitude zero-points of the SAAO UBVRI system, the homogenized UBV system and the Walraven V B system. The confusion in the literature concerning broadband magnitudes, fluxes, passbands and the choice of appropriate mean wavelengths is detailed and discussed in an appendix.Comment: 44 pages, including 16 figures and a 12 page appendi

    Distributions of Human Exposure to Ozone During Commuting Hours in Connecticut using the Cellular Device Network

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    Epidemiologic studies have established associations between various air pollutants and adverse health outcomes for adults and children. Due to high costs of monitoring air pollutant concentrations for subjects enrolled in a study, statisticians predict exposure concentrations from spatial models that are developed using concentrations monitored at a few sites. In the absence of detailed information on when and where subjects move during the study window, researchers typically assume that the subjects spend their entire day at home, school or work. This assumption can potentially lead to large exposure assignment bias. In this study, we aim to determine the distribution of the exposure assignment bias for an air pollutant (ozone) when subjects are assumed to be static as compared to accounting for individual mobility. To achieve this goal, we use cell-phone mobility data on approximately 400,000 users in the state of Connecticut during a week in July, 2016, in conjunction with an ozone pollution model, and compare individual ozone exposure assuming static versus mobile scenarios. Our results show that exposure models not taking mobility into account often provide poor estimates of individuals commuting into and out of urban areas: the average 8-hour maximum difference between these estimates can exceed 80 parts per billion (ppb). However, for most of the population, the difference in exposure assignment between the two models is small, thereby validating many current epidemiologic studies focusing on exposure to ozone

    An Interim Assessment of the U.S. Trade Policy of “Competitive Liberalization”

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    Since taking office the Administration of George W. Bush has pursued a trade policy known as Competitive Liberalization. This policy envisages a series of mutually-reinforcing steps to open markets abroad to U.S. companies, to strengthen market-oriented laws and regulations overseas, and to place the U.S. at the centre of the world trading system. Foreign and security policy considerations have influenced U.S. trade policymaking, perhaps more so than in the 1990s. To date the principal outcome of this policy has been the negotiation by the U.S. of numerous free trade agreements, mainly with developing countries individually or in subregional groupings. In addition to characterising this policy in detail, the principal purpose of this paper is to assess the logic underlying this approach to trade policymaking and whether Competitive Liberalization has begun to fulfil the promise spelt out for it at the beginning of this decade.United States, trade policy, commercial policy, Competitive Liberalization, WTO, regional trade agreements

    Integrated photonic building blocks for next-generation astronomical instrumentation II: the multimode to single mode transition

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    There are numerous advantages to exploiting diffraction-limited instrumentation at astronomical observatories, which include smaller footprints, less mechanical and thermal instabilities and high levels of performance. To realize such instrumentation it is imperative to convert the atmospheric seeing-limited signal that is captured by the telescope into a diffraction-limited signal. This process can be achieved photonically by using a mode reformatting device known as a photonic lantern that performs a multimode to single-mode transition. With the aim of developing an optimized integrated photonic lantern, we undertook a systematic parameter scan of devices fabricated by the femtosecond laser direct-write technique. The devices were designed for operation around 1.55 {\mu}m. The devices showed (coupling and transition) losses of less than 5% for F/# \geq 12 injection and the total device throughput (including substrate absorption) as high as 75-80%. Such devices show great promise for future use in astronomy.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Topological Mechanics from Supersymmetry

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    In topological mechanics, the identification of a mechanical system's rigidity matrix with an electronic tight-binding model allows to infer topological properties of the mechanical system, such as the occurrence of `floppy' boundary modes, from the associated electronic band structure. Here we introduce an approach to systematically construct topological mechanical systems by an exact supersymmetry (SUSY) that relates the bosonic (mechanical) and fermionic (e.g. electronic) degrees of freedom. As examples we discuss mechanical analogues of the Kitaev honeycomb model and of a second-order topological insulator with floppy corner modes. Our SUSY construction naturally defines hitherto unexplored topological invariants for bosonic (mechanical) systems, such as bosonic Wilson loop operators that are formulated in terms of a SUSY-related fermionic Berry curvature.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    First detection of a low-mass stellar halo around the young open cluster Eta Chamaeleontis

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    We have identified several lithium-rich low-mass (0.08<M<0.3 Msun) stars within 5.5 deg of the young open cluster Eta Chamaeleontis, nearly four times the radius of previous search efforts. Of these stars we propose 4 new probable cluster members, and 3 possible members requiring further investigation. These findings are consistent with a dynamical origin for the current configuration of the cluster, without the need to invoke an abnormal Initial Mass Function deficient in low-mass objects. Candidates were selected on the basis of DENIS and 2MASS photometry, NOMAD astrometry and extensive follow-up spectroscopy.Comment: 5 Pages. 5 Figures and 1 Table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Higher resolution figures available at http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~murphysj/

    Multiband processing of multimode light: combining 3D photonic lanterns with waveguide Bragg gratings

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    The first demonstration of narrowband spectral filtering of multimode light on a 3D integrated photonic chip using photonic lanterns and waveguide Bragg gratings is reported. The photonic lanterns with multi-notch waveguide Bragg gratings were fabricated using the femtosecond direct-write technique in boro-aluminosilicate glass (Corning, Eagle 2000). Transmission dips of up to 5 dB were measured in both photonic lanterns and reference single-mode waveguides with 10.4-mm-long gratings. The result demonstrates efficient and symmetrical performance of each of the gratings in the photonic lantern. Such devices will be beneficial to space-division multiplexed communication systems as well as for units for astronomical instrumentation for suppression of the atmospheric telluric emission from OH lines.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Laser & Photonics Review

    Steady-state negative Wigner functions of nonlinear nanomechanical oscillators

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    We propose a scheme to prepare nanomechanical oscillators in nonclassical steady states, characterized by a pronounced negative Wigner function. In our optomechanical approach, the mechanical oscillator couples to multiple laser driven resonances of an optical cavity. By lowering the resonance frequency of the oscillator via an inhomogeneous electrostatic field, we significantly enhance its intrinsic geometric nonlinearity per phonon. This causes the motional sidebands to split into separate spectral lines for each phonon number and transitions between individual phonon Fock states can be selectively addressed. We show that this enables the preparation of the nanomechanical oscillator in a single phonon Fock state. Our scheme can for example be implemented with a carbon nanotube dispersively coupled to the evanescent field of a state of the art whispering gallery mode microcavity