142 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of Organization of Subcompartments in DSB Repair Foci

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    Cells assemble compartments around DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The assembly of this compartment is dependent on the phosphorylation of histone H2AX, the binding of MDC1 to phosphorylated H2AX, and the assembly of downstream signaling and repair components. The decision on whether to use homologous recombination or nonhomologous end-joining repair depends on competition between 53BP1 and BRCA1. A major point of control appears to be DNA replication and associated changes in the epigenetic state. This includes dilution of histone H4 dimethylation and an increase in acetylation of lysine residues on H2A and H4 that impair 53BP1 binding. In this article, we examined more closely the spatial relationship between 53BP1 and BRCA1 within the cell cycle. We find that 53BP1 can associate with early S-phase replicated chromatin and that the relative concentration of BRCA1 in DSB-associated compartments correlates with increased BRCA1 nuclear abundance as cells progress into and through S phase. In most cases during S phase, both BRCA1 and 53BP1 are recruited to these compartments. This occurs for both IR-induced DSBs and breaks targeted to an integrated LacO array through a LacI-Fok1-mCherry fusion protein. Having established that the array system replicates this heterogeneity, we further examined the spatial relationship between DNA repair components. This enabled us to precisely locate the DNA containing the break and map other proteins relative to that DNA. We find evidence for at least three subcompartments. The damaged DNA, single-stranded DNA generated from end resection of the array, and nuclease CtIP all localized to the center of the compartment. BRCA1 and 53BP1 largely occupied discrete regions of the focus. One of BRCA1 or 53BP1 overlaps with the array, while the other is more peripherally located. The array-overlapping protein occupied a larger volume than the array, CtIP, or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Rad51 often occupied a much larger volume than the array itself and was sometimes observed to be depleted in the array volume where the ssDNA exclusively localizes. These results highlight the complexity of molecular compartmentalization within DSB repair compartments

    Reduced Mobility of the Alternate Splicing Factor (Asf) through the Nucleoplasm and Steady State Speckle Compartments

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    Compartmentalization of the nucleus is now recognized as an important level of regulation influencing specific nuclear processes. The mechanism of factor organization and the movement of factors in nuclear space have not been fully determined. Splicing factors, for example, have been shown to move in a directed manner as large intact structures from sites of concentration to sites of active transcription, but splicing factors are also thought to exist in a freely diffusible state. In this study, we examined the movement of a splicing factor, ASF, green fluorescent fusion protein (ASF–GFP) using time-lapse microscopy and the technique fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). We find that ASF–GFP moves at rates up to 100 times slower than free diffusion when it is associated with speckles and, surprisingly, also when it is dispersed in the nucleoplasm. The mobility of ASF is consistent with frequent but transient interactions with relatively immobile nuclear binding sites. This mobility is slightly increased in the presence of an RNA polymerase II transcription inhibitor and the ASF molecules further enrich in speckles. We propose that the nonrandom organization of splicing factors reflects spatial differences in the concentration of relatively immobile binding sites

    Nucleoplasmic β-actin exists in a dynamic equilibrium between low-mobility polymeric species and rapidly diffusing populations

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    β-Actin, once thought to be an exclusively cytoplasmic protein, is now known to have important functions within the nucleus. Nuclear β-actin associates with and functions in chromatin remodeling complexes, ribonucleic acid polymerase complexes, and at least some ribonucleoproteins. Proteins involved in regulating actin polymerization are also found in the interphase nucleus. We define the dynamic properties of nuclear actin molecules using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Our results indicate that actin and actin-containing complexes are reduced in their mobility through the nucleoplasm diffusing at ∼0.5 μm2 s−1. We also observed that ∼20% of the total nuclear actin pool has properties of polymeric actin that turns over rapidly. This pool could be detected in endogenous nuclear actin by using fluorescent polymeric actin binding proteins and was sensitive to drugs that alter actin polymerization. Our results validate previous reports of polymeric forms of nuclear actin observed in fixed specimens and reveal that these polymeric forms are very dynamic

    Dynamic relocation of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase isoforms during radiation-induced DNA damage

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    AbstractPoly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a very early cellular response to DNA damage. Poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) accumulation is transient since PAR is rapidly hydrolyzed by poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). PARG may play a prominent role in DNA damage response and repair by removing PAR from modified proteins including PARP-1. Using living cells, we provide evidence that in response to DNA damage induced by γ-irradiation the cytoplasmic 103 kDa PARG isoform translocates into the nucleus. We further observed that the nuclear GFP-hPARG110 enzyme relocalizes to the cytoplasm in response to DNA damage. Using different GFP-PARG fusion proteins specific for the nuclear and cytoplasmic forms, we demonstrate their dynamic distribution between cytoplasm and nucleoplasm and a high mobility of major PARG isoforms by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). The dynamic relocation of all PARG isoforms presented in this report reveals a novel biological mechanism by which PARG could be involved in DNA damage response

    Modeling transcription factor binding events to DNA using a random walker/jumper representation on a 1D/2D lattice with different affinity sites

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    Surviving in a diverse environment requires corresponding organism responses. At the cellular level, such adjustment relies on the transcription factors (TFs) which must rapidly find their target sequences amidst a vast amount of non-relevant sequences on DNA molecules. Whether these transcription factors locate their target sites through a 1D or 3D pathway is still a matter of speculation. It has been suggested that the optimum search time is when the protein equally shares its search time between 1D and 3D diffusions. In this paper, we study the above problem using a Monte Carlo simulation by considering a very simple physical model. A 1D strip, representing a DNA, with a number of low affinity sites, corresponding to non-target sites, and high affinity sites, corresponding to target sites, is considered and later extended to a 2D strip. We study the 1D and 3D exploration pathways, and combinations of the two modes by considering three different types of molecules: a walker that randomly walks along the strip with no dissociation; a jumper that represents dissociation and then re-association of a TF with the strip at later time at a distant site; and a hopper that is similar to the jumper but it dissociates and then re-associates at a faster rate than the jumper. We analyze the final probability distribution of molecules for each case and find that TFs can locate their targets fast enough even if they spend 15% of their search time diffusing freely in the solution. This indeed agrees with recent experimental results obtained by Elf et al. 2007 and is in contrast with theoretical expectation.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    The Interchromatin Compartment Participates in the Structural and Functional Organization of the Cell Nucleus

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    This article focuses on the role of the interchromatin compartment (IC) in shaping nuclear landscapes. The IC is connected with nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and harbors splicing speckles and nuclear bodies. It is postulated that the IC provides routes for imported transcription factors to target sites, for export routes of mRNA as ribonucleoproteins toward NPCs, as well as for the intranuclear passage of regulatory RNAs from sites of transcription to remote functional sites (IC hypothesis). IC channels are lined by less‐compacted euchromatin, called the perichromatin region (PR). The PR and IC together form the active nuclear compartment (ANC). The ANC is co‐aligned with the inactive nuclear compartment (INC), comprising more compacted heterochromatin. It is postulated that the INC is accessible for individual transcription factors, but inaccessible for larger macromolecular aggregates (limited accessibility hypothesis). This functional nuclear organization depends on still unexplored movements of genes and regulatory sequences between the two compartments

    Investigation of PARP-1, PARP-2, and PARG interactomes by affinity-purification mass spectrometry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) catalyze the formation of poly(ADP-ribose) (pADPr), a post-translational modification involved in several important biological processes, namely surveillance of genome integrity, cell cycle progression, initiation of the DNA damage response, apoptosis, and regulation of transcription. Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG), on the other hand, catabolizes pADPr and thereby accounts for the transient nature of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Our investigation of the interactomes of PARP-1, PARP-2, and PARG by affinity-purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) aimed, on the one hand, to confirm current knowledge on these interactomes and, on the other hand, to discover new protein partners which could offer insights into PARPs and PARG functions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PARP-1, PARP-2, and PARG were immunoprecipitated from human cells, and pulled-down proteins were separated by gel electrophoresis prior to in-gel trypsin digestion. Peptides were identified by tandem mass spectrometry. Our AP-MS experiments resulted in the identifications of 179 interactions, 139 of which are novel interactions. Gene Ontology analysis of the identified protein interactors points to five biological processes in which PARP-1, PARP-2 and PARG may be involved: RNA metabolism for PARP-1, PARP-2 and PARG; DNA repair and apoptosis for PARP-1 and PARP-2; and glycolysis and cell cycle for PARP-1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study reveals several novel protein partners for PARP-1, PARP-2 and PARG. It provides a global view of the interactomes of these proteins as well as a roadmap to establish the systems biology of poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism.</p

    The Transcriptional Regulator CBP Has Defined Spatial Associations within Interphase Nuclei

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that nuclear macromolecules and macromolecular complexes are compartmentalized through binding interactions into an apparent three-dimensionally ordered structure. This ordering, however, does not appear to be deterministic to the extent that chromatin and nonchromatin structures maintain a strict 3-D arrangement. Rather, spatial ordering within the cell nucleus appears to conform to stochastic rather than deterministic spatial relationships. The stochastic nature of organization becomes particularly problematic when any attempt is made to describe the spatial relationship between proteins involved in the regulation of the genome. The CREB–binding protein (CBP) is one such transcriptional regulator that, when visualised by confocal microscopy, reveals a highly punctate staining pattern comprising several hundred individual foci distributed within the nuclear volume. Markers for euchromatic sequences have similar patterns. Surprisingly, in most cases, the predicted one-to-one relationship between transcription factor and chromatin sequence is not observed. Consequently, to understand whether spatial relationships that are not coincident are nonrandom and potentially biologically important, it is necessary to develop statistical approaches. In this study, we report on the development of such an approach and apply it to understanding the role of CBP in mediating chromatin modification and transcriptional regulation. We have used nearest-neighbor distance measurements and probability analyses to study the spatial relationship between CBP and other nuclear subcompartments enriched in transcription factors, chromatin, and splicing factors. Our results demonstrate that CBP has an order of spatial association with other nuclear subcompartments. We observe closer associations between CBP and RNA polymerase II–enriched foci and SC35 speckles than nascent RNA or specific acetylated histones. Furthermore, we find that CBP has a significantly higher probability of being close to its known in vivo substrate histone H4 lysine 5 compared with the closely related H4 lysine 12. This study demonstrates that complex relationships not described by colocalization exist in the interphase nucleus and can be characterized and quantified. The subnuclear distribution of CBP is difficult to reconcile with a model where chromatin organization is the sole determinant of the nuclear organization of proteins that regulate transcription but is consistent with a close link between spatial associations and nuclear functions