107 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial Inheritance in Phytopathogenic Fungi—Everything Is Known, or Is It?

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    Mitochondria are important organelles in eukaryotes that provide energy for cellular processes. Their function is highly conserved and depends on the expression of nuclear encoded genes and genes encoded in the organellar genome. Mitochondrial DNA replication is independent of the replication control of nuclear DNA and as such, mitochondria may behave as selfish elements, so they need to be controlled, maintained and reliably inherited to progeny. Phytopathogenic fungi meet with special environmental challenges within the plant host that might depend on and influence mitochondrial functions and services. We find that this topic is basically unexplored in the literature, so this review largely depends on work published in other systems. In trying to answer elemental questions on mitochondrial functioning, we aim to introduce the aspect of mitochondrial functions and services to the study of plant-microbe-interactions and stimulate phytopathologists to consider research on this important organelle in their future projects

    Prediction of Fungal Proteins Secreted through Non-Classical Pathways

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    The Microbotryum genus of smut fungi is known to parasitize flowering plants by colonizing the plant host and ultimately replacing pollen with fungal spores, which continues the transmission process with the help of pollinators to disperse spores A hallmark of this genus of fungi is host specialization wherein one fungal species is only capable of infecting one species of plant host However, there are rare generalists that flout this pattern and one of those generalists, Microbotryum intermedium is the subject of this analysis. The life cycle of Microbotryum intermedium begins when a pollinator transmits spores to an uninfected flower Meiosis and conjugation take place, and are followed by systemic infection of the plant by the fungu

    CRISPR-Cas9 Editing of Nitrate Transporter Gene, um03849, in Ustilago maydis

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    Ustilago maydis, the basidiomycete smut-fungus, can infect and cause tumors in corn plants. For this, mating between compatible haploid cells is important. The mating and subsequent dimorphic transition in U. maydis require starvation for nutrients such as nitrogen, in addition to pheromone-receptor interactions between compatible partners. In this research, the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique was used to create INDEL mutations (sequence insertion or deletion) in the nitrate transporter gene, um03849, in U. maydis. The gene was edited in mating compatible haploid strains 1/2 and 2/9. The phenotypes were characterized for the um03849 mutants as to growth ability, mating efficiency and pathogenesis. DNA sequence analysis confirmed isolates with 3 bp-deletion, 19 bp-deletion and 2 bp-substitution in the 1/2 mating strain, while a 3 bp-deletion and a 66 bp-insertion were found in independent isolates of the 2/9 strain. The matting assay results showed that any forms of mutation in um03849 in U. maydis didn’t affect mating with its compatible partner, as assessed by “fuzz” on charcoal media. However, the growth of mutated 1/2 strains was affected when grown in a medium with nitrate or nitrite as a source of nitrogen. With respect to host plant pathogenesis, the 1/2 strain with 2 bp substitution crossed with 2/9 WT strain showed dramatically reduced infection. Base substitution in the 1/2 strain resulted in arginine being substituted for lysine. Thus, this study suggests that the nitrate transporter affects the growth and pathogenesis of U. maydis on its host plant in a manner dependent on the 1/2 background.https://ir.library.louisville.edu/uars/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Two Phosphodiesterases from Ustilago Maydis Share Structural and Biochemical Properties with Non-Fungal Phosphodiesterases

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    The dependence of Protein Kinase A (PKA) activity on cAMP levels is an important facet of the dimorphic switch between budding and filamentous growth as well as for pathogenicity in some fungi. To better understand these processes in the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis, we characterized the structure and biochemical functions of two phosphodiesterase (PDE) genes. Phosphodiesterases are enzymes involved in cAMP turnover and thus, contribute to the regulation of the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway. Two predicted homologs of PDEs were identified in the genome of U. maydis and hypothesized to be involved in cAMP turnover, thus regulating activity of the PKA catalytic subunit. Both umpde1 and umpde2 genes contain domains associated with phosphodiesterase activity predicted by InterPro analysis. Biochemical characterization of recombinantly produced UmPde1 (U. maydis Phosphodiesterase I) and UmPde2 demonstrated that both enzymes have phosphodiesterase activity in vitro, yet neither was inhibited by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX. Moreover, UmPde1 is specific for cAMP, while UmPde2 has broader substrate specificity, utilizing cAMP and cGMP as substrates. In addition, UmPde2 was also found to have nucleotide phosphatase activity that was higher with GMP compared to AMP. These results demonstrate that UmPde1 is a bona fide phosphodiesterase, while UmPde2 has more general activity as a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and/or GMP/AMP phosphatase. Thus, UmPde1 and UmPde2 likely have important roles in cell morphology and development and share some characteristics with a variety of non-fungal phosphodiesterases

    The Essentials of NY Mental Health Law: A Straightforward Guide for Clinicians of All Disciplines

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    Table of Contents onlyhttps://digitalcommons.nyls.edu/fac_books/1122/thumbnail.jp

    Two coastal upwelling domains in the northern California Current system

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    A pair of hydrographic sections, one north and one south of Cape Blanco at 42.9N, was sampled in five summers (1998–2000 and 2002–2003). The NH line at 44.6N lies about 130 km south of the Columbia River, and spans a relatively wide shelf off Newport, Oregon. The CR line at 41.9N off Crescent City, California, lies 300 km farther south and spans a narrower shelf. Summer winds are predominantly southward in both locations but the southward winds are stronger on the CR line. Sampling included CTD/rosette casts (to measure temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll), zooplankton net tows and continuous operation of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. We summarize and compare July-August observations from the two locations. We find significant summer-season differences in the coastal upwelling domains north and south of Cape Blanco. Compared to the domain off Newport, the domain off Crescent City has a more saline, cooler, denser and thicker surface mixed layer, a wider coastal zone inshore of the upwelling front and jet, higher nutrient concentrations in the photic zone and higher phytoplankton biomass. The southward coastal jet lies near the coast (about 20–30 km offshore, over the shelf) on the NH line, but far from shore (about 120 km) on the CR line; a weak secondary jet lies near the shelf-break (35 km from shore) off Crescent City. Phytoplankton tend to be light-limited on the CR line and nutrient-limited on the NH line. Copepod biomass is high (15 mg C m−3) inshore of the mid-shelf on both NH and CR lines, and is also high in the core of the coastal jet off Crescent City. The CR line shows evidence of deep chlorophyll pockets that have been subducted from the surface layer. We attribute these significant differences to stronger mean southward wind stress over the southern domain, to strong small-scale wind stress curl in the lee of Cape Blanco, and to the reduced influence of the Columbia River discharge in this region
