18 research outputs found

    Antiprismless, or: Reducing Combinatorial Equivalence to Projective Equivalence in Realizability Problems for Polytopes

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    This article exhibits a 4-dimensional combinatorial polytope that has no antiprism, answering a question posed by Bernt Lindst\"om. As a consequence, any realization of this combinatorial polytope has a face that it cannot rest upon without toppling over. To this end, we provide a general method for solving a broad class of realizability problems. Specifically, we show that for any semialgebraic property that faces inherit, the given property holds for some realization of every combinatorial polytope if and only if the property holds from some projective copy of every polytope. The proof uses the following result by Below. Given any polytope with vertices having algebraic coordinates, there is a combinatorial "stamp" polytope with a specified face that is projectively equivalent to the given polytope in all realizations. Here we construct a new stamp polytope that is closely related to Richter-Gebert's proof of universality for 4-dimensional polytopes, and we generalize several tools from that proof

    Transversals and colorings of simplicial spheres

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    Motivated from the surrounding property of a point set in Rd\mathbb{R}^d introduced by Holmsen, Pach and Tverberg, we consider the transversal number and chromatic number of a simplicial sphere. As an attempt to give a lower bound for the maximum transversal ratio of simplicial dd-spheres, we provide two infinite constructions. The first construction gives infintely many (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional simplicial polytopes with the transversal ratio exactly 2d+2\frac{2}{d+2} for every d≥2d\geq 2. In the case of d=2d=2, this meets the previously well-known upper bound 1/21/2 tightly. The second gives infinitely many simplicial 3-spheres with the transversal ratio greater than 1/21/2. This was unexpected from what was previously known about the surrounding property. Moreover, we show that, for d≥3d\geq 3, the facet hypergraph F(K)\mathcal{F}(\mathsf{K}) of a dd-dimensional simplicial sphere K\mathsf{K} has the chromatic number χ(F(K))∈O(n⌈d/2⌉−1d)\chi(\mathcal{F}(\mathsf{K})) \in O(n^{\frac{\lceil d/2\rceil-1}{d}}), where nn is the number of vertices of K\mathsf{K}. This slightly improves the upper bound previously obtained by Heise, Panagiotou, Pikhurko, and Taraz.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Realization spaces of arrangements of convex bodies

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    We introduce combinatorial types of arrangements of convex bodies, extending order types of point sets to arrangements of convex bodies, and study their realization spaces. Our main results witness a trade-off between the combinatorial complexity of the bodies and the topological complexity of their realization space. First, we show that every combinatorial type is realizable and its realization space is contractible under mild assumptions. Second, we prove a universality theorem that says the restriction of the realization space to arrangements polygons with a bounded number of vertices can have the homotopy type of any primary semialgebraic set

    Completeness for the Complexity Class ∀ ∃ R and Area-Universality

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    Exhibiting a deep connection between purely geometric problems and real algebra, the complexity class ∃R plays a crucial role in the study of geometric problems. Sometimes ∃R is referred to as the ‘real analog’ of NP. While NP is a class of computational problems that deals with existentially quantified boolean variables, ∃R deals with existentially quantified real variables. In analogy to Πp2 and Σp2 in the famous polynomial hierarchy, we study the complexity classes ∀∃R and ∃∀R with real variables. Our main interest is the AREA UNIVERSALITY problem, where we are given a plane graph G, and ask if for each assignment of areas to the inner faces of G, there exists a straight-line drawing of G realizing the assigned areas. We conjecture that AREA UNIVERSALITY is ∀∃R -complete and support this conjecture by proving ∃R - and ∀∃R -completeness of two variants of AREA UNIVERSALITY. To this end, we introduce tools to prove ∀∃R -hardness and membership. Finally, we present geometric problems as candidates for ∀∃R -complete problems. These problems have connections to the concepts of imprecision, robustness, and extendability