334 research outputs found

    Some Two-Loop Corrections to the Finite Temperature Effective Potential in the Electroweak Theory

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    Perturbation theory at finite temperature suffers from well-known infrared problems. In the standard model, as a result, one cannot calculate the effective potential for arbitrarily small values of Ï•\phi, the Higgs expectation value. Because the Higgs field is now known not to be extremely light, it is necessary to determine whether perturbation theory is a reliable guide to properties of the weak phase transition. In this note, we evaluate the most singular contributions to the potential at two loops as well as the leading strong interaction contributions. Above the critical temperature, the strong interaction corrections are reasonably small, while the weak corrections are about 10\%, even for rather small values of the Higgs field. At the critical temperature, the weak corrections have a more substantial effect, rendering the transition significantly more first order, but not significantly changing the upper bound on the Higgs mass required for baryogenesis.Comment: 13 pages, figures available on request, SCIPP 92/4

    Inflation at the Electroweak Scale

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    We present a simple model for slow-rollover inflation where the vacuum energy that drives inflation is of the order of GF−2G_F^{-2}; unlike most models, the conversion of vacuum energy to radiation (``reheating'') is moderately efficient. The scalar field responsible for inflation is a standard-model singlet, develops a vacuum expectation value of the order of 4\times 10^6\GeV, has a mass of order 1\GeV, and can play a role in electroweak phenomena.Comment: 14 page

    Boltzmann brains and the scale-factor cutoff measure of the multiverse

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    To make predictions for an eternally inflating "multiverse", one must adopt a procedure for regulating its divergent spacetime volume. Recently, a new test of such spacetime measures has emerged: normal observers - who evolve in pocket universes cooling from hot big bang conditions - must not be vastly outnumbered by "Boltzmann brains" - freak observers that pop in and out of existence as a result of rare quantum fluctuations. If the Boltzmann brains prevail, then a randomly chosen observer would be overwhelmingly likely to be surrounded by an empty world, where all but vacuum energy has redshifted away, rather than the rich structure that we observe. Using the scale-factor cutoff measure, we calculate the ratio of Boltzmann brains to normal observers. We find the ratio to be finite, and give an expression for it in terms of Boltzmann brain nucleation rates and vacuum decay rates. We discuss the conditions that these rates must obey for the ratio to be acceptable, and we discuss estimates of the rates under a variety of assumptions.Comment: 32 pp, 2 figs. Modified to conform to the version accepted by Phys. Rev. D. The last paragraph of Sec. V-A, about Boltzmann brains in Minkowski space, has been significantly enlarged. Two sentences were added to the introduction concerning the classical approximation and the hope of finding a motivating principle for the measure. Several references were adde

    Signatures of Planck-scale interactions in the cosmic microwave background?

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    Based on a rather general low-energy effective action (interacting quantum fields in classical curved space-times), we calculate potential signatures of new physics (such as quantum gravity) at ultra-high energies (presumably the Planck scale) in the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background. These Planck-scale interactions create non-Gaussian contributions, where special emphasis is laid on the three-point function as the most promising observable, which also allows the discrimination between models violating and those obeying Lorentz invariance. PACS: 98.80.Cq, 04.62.+v, 98.70.Vc, 98.80.Qc.Comment: 4 page

    The role of positively charged amino acids and electrostatic interactions in the complex of U1A protein and U1 hairpin II RNA

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    Previous kinetic investigations of the N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM) domain of spliceosomal protein U1A, interacting with its RNA target U1 hairpin II, provided experimental evidence for a ‘lure and lock’ model of binding in which electrostatic interactions first guide the RNA to the protein, and close range interactions then lock the two molecules together. To further investigate the ‘lure’ step, here we examined the electrostatic roles of two sets of positively charged amino acids in U1A that do not make hydrogen bonds to the RNA: Lys20, Lys22 and Lys23 close to the RNA-binding site, and Arg7, Lys60 and Arg70, located on ‘top’ of the RRM domain, away from the RNA. Surface plasmon resonance-based kinetic studies, supplemented with salt dependence experiments and molecular dynamics simulation, indicate that Lys20 predominantly plays a role in association, while nearby residues Lys22 and Lys23 appear to be at least as important for complex stability. In contrast, kinetic analyses of residues away from the RNA indicate that they have a minimal effect on association and stability. Thus, well-positioned positively charged residues can be important for both initial complex formation and complex maintenance, illustrating the multiple roles of electrostatic interactions in protein–RNA complexes

    Climate Change Affects Reproductive Phenology in Lianas of Australia’s Wet Tropics

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    Lianas are increasing in abundance in many tropical forests. This increase can alter forest structure and decrease both carbon storage and tree diversity via antagonistic relationships between lianas and their host trees. Climate change is postulated as an underlying driver of increasing liana abundances, via increases in dry-season length, forest-disturbance events, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations; all factors thought to favour lianas. However, the impact of climate change on liana reproductive phenology, an underlying determinant of liana abundance, has been little studied, particularly outside of Neotropical forests. Over a 15-year period (2000–2014), we examined the phenological patterns of a liana community in intact rainforests of the Wet Tropics bioregion of Australia; a World Heritage Area and hotspot of floral diversity. Specifically, we assessed (1) flowering and fruiting patterns of liana species; (2) potential climate drivers of flowering and fruiting activity; and (3) the influence of El Niño-related climatic disturbances on liana phenology. We found that flowering and fruiting of the studied liana species increased over time. Liana reproduction, moreover, rose in apparent response to higher temperatures and reduced rainfall. Finally, we found flowering and fruiting of the liana species increased following El Niño events. These results suggest that liana reproduction and abundance are likely to increase under predicted future climate regimes, with potentially important impacts on the survival, growth, and reproduction of resident trees and thus the overall health of Australian tropical rainforests

    On the Production of Scalar and Tensor Perturbations in Inflationary Models

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    The amplitude and spectrum of the scalar and tensor perturbations depend upon the shape of the inflationary potential in the small interval where the scalar field responsible for inflation was between about 46 and 54 e-folds before the end of inflation. By expanding the inflationary potential in a Taylor series in this interval we show that the amplitude of the perturbations and the power-law slope of their spectra can be expressed in terms of the value of the potential 50 e-folds before the end of inflation, V50V_{50}, the steepness of the potential, x_{50} \equiv \mpl V_{50}^\prime /V_{50}, and the rate of change of the steepness, x50′x_{50}^\prime (prime denotes derivative with respect to the scalar field).Comment: 32 pages FERMILAB-Pub-93/026-

    Electromechanical reciprocity and arrhythmogenesis in long-QT syndrome and beyond.

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    An abundance of literature describes physiological and pathological determinants of cardiac performance, building on the principles of excitation-contraction coupling. However, the mutual influencing of excitation-contraction and mechano-electrical feedback in the beating heart, here designated 'electromechanical reciprocity', remains poorly recognized clinically, despite the awareness that external and cardiac-internal mechanical stimuli can trigger electrical responses and arrhythmia. This review focuses on electromechanical reciprocity in the long-QT syndrome (LQTS), historically considered a purely electrical disease, but now appreciated as paradigmatic for the understanding of mechano-electrical contributions to arrhythmogenesis in this and other cardiac conditions. Electromechanical dispersion in LQTS is characterized by heterogeneously prolonged ventricular repolarization, besides altered contraction duration and relaxation. Mechanical alterations may deviate from what would be expected from global and regional repolarization abnormalities. Pathological repolarization prolongation outlasts mechanical systole in patients with LQTS, yielding a negative electromechanical window (EMW), which is most pronounced in symptomatic patients. The electromechanical window is a superior and independent arrhythmia-risk predictor compared with the heart rate-corrected QT. A negative EMW implies that the ventricle is deformed-by volume loading during the rapid filling phase-when repolarization is still ongoing. This creates a 'sensitized' electromechanical substrate, in which inadvertent electrical or mechanical stimuli such as local after-depolarizations, after-contractions, or dyssynchrony can trigger abnormal impulses. Increased sympathetic-nerve activity and pause-dependent potentiation further exaggerate electromechanical heterogeneities, promoting arrhythmogenesis. Unraveling electromechanical reciprocity advances the understanding of arrhythmia formation in various conditions. Real-time image integration of cardiac electrophysiology and mechanics offers new opportunities to address challenges in arrhythmia management

    The magnetic mass of transverse gluon, the B-meson weak decay vertex and the triality symmetry of octonion

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    With an assumption that in the Yang-Mills Lagrangian, a left-handed fermion and a right-handed fermion both expressed as quaternion make an octonion which possesses the triality symmetry, I calculate the magnetic mass of the transverse self-dual gluon from three loop diagram, in which a heavy quark pair is created and two self-dual gluons are interchanged. The magnetic mass of the transverse gluon depends on the mass of the pair created quarks, and in the case of charmed quark pair creation, the magnetic mass mmagm_{mag} becomes approximately equal to TcT_c at T=Tc∼1.14ΛMSˉ∼260T=T_c\sim 1.14\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}\sim 260MeV. A possible time-like magnetic gluon mass from two self-dual gluon exchange is derived, and corrections in the B-meson weak decay vertices from the two self-dual gluon exchange are also evaluated.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure
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