17,833 research outputs found


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    Evidence for a developing gap in a 10 Myr old protoplanetary disk

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    We have developed a self-consistent model of the disk around the nearby 10 Myr old star TW Hya which matches the observed spectral energy distribution and 7mm images of the disk. The model requires a significant dust size evolution and a partially-evacuated inner disk region, as predicted by theories of planet formation. The outer disk, which extends to at least 140 AU in radius, is very optically thick at IR wavelengths and quite massive ~0.06 Msun for the relatively advanced age of this T Tauri star. This implies long viscous and dust evolution timescales, although dust must have grown to sizes of order ~1cm to explain the sub-mm and mm spectral slopes. In contrast, the negligible near-infrared excess emission of this system requires that the disk be optically thin inside ~4 AU.This inner region cannot be completely evacuated; we need ~0.5 lunar mass of ~1 micron particles remaining to produce the observed 10 micron silicate emission. Our model requires a distinct transition in disk properties at ~4 AU, separating the inner and outer disk. The inner edge of the optically-thick outer disk must be heated almost frontally by the star to account for the excess flux at mid-IR wavelengths. We speculate that this truncation of the outer disk may be the signpost of a developing gap due to the effects of a growing protoplanet; the gap is still presumably evolving because material still resides in it, as indicated by the silicate emission, the molecular hydrogen emission, and by the continued accretion onto the central star (albeit at a much lower rate than typical of younger T Tauri stars). TW Hya thus may become the Rosetta stone for our understanding of the evolution and dissipation of protoplanetary disks.Comment: 23 pages including 5 figures, Accepted by AP

    Lattice study of trapped fermions at unitarity

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    We present a lattice study of up to N=20 unitary fermions confined to a harmonic trap. Our preliminary results show better than 1% agreement with high precision solutions to the many-body Schrodinger equation for up to N=6. We are able to make predictions for larger N which were inaccessible by the Hamiltonian approach due to computational limitations. Harmonic traps are used experimentally to study cold atoms tuned to a Feshbach resonance. We show that they also provide certain benefits to numerical studies of many-body correlators on the lattice. In particular, we anticipate that the methods described here could be used for studying nuclear physics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, presented at the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2010), Villasimius, Italy, June 14-19 201

    The Situational Judgment Test Validity Void: Describing Participant Response Processes

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    Situational judgment tests (SJTs) are used to measure important components of professional competence that cannot be assessed via traditional tests of knowledge and skills. Despite their increasing popularity, there is a significant gap in the validity evidence and research on the response process to support how SJTs measure their intended constructs. This study evaluated an SJT to examine: (1) the factors that influence the response process, (2) the role of experience in the response process, (3) the role of contextual features in the response process, and (4) whether individuals attempt to identify the construct being assessed. Thirty participants—15 students and 15 pharmacists—completed a 12-item SJT designed to measure empathy. Each participant engaged in an uninterrupted think-aloud interview while they completed an SJT followed by a cognitive interview that asked specific questions about their decision-making process. Results of the qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that the SJT response processes include the complex integration of comprehension, retrieval, judgments, and response selections. In addition, job-specific knowledge and experiences comprised a significant portion of the retrieval process. Moreover, there was evidence that SJTs are highly contextual and that item characteristics such as setting, actors, or relationships can influence the response process. There was limited evidence to suggest individuals attempt to identify the construct being assessed. In summary, this study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the response process involved in SJTs using rigorous qualitative methodologies and it contributes to foundational steps to generate the validity evidence necessary to aid in score interpretation and future research.Doctor of Philosoph

    Lattice calculation for unitary fermions in a finite box

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    A fundamental constant in systems of unitary fermions is the so-called Bertsch parameter, the ratio of the ground state energy for spin paired unitary fermions to that for free fermions at the same density. I discuss how we computed this parameter as well as the pairing gap using a recently developed lattice construction for unitary fermions, by measuring correlation functions for up to 38 fermions in a finite box. Our calculation illustrates interesting issues facing the study of many-body states on the lattice, which may eventually be confronted in QCD calculations as well.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, The XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Lattice2010, June 14-19, 2010, Villasimius, Ital

    Identifying First-person Camera Wearers in Third-person Videos

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    We consider scenarios in which we wish to perform joint scene understanding, object tracking, activity recognition, and other tasks in environments in which multiple people are wearing body-worn cameras while a third-person static camera also captures the scene. To do this, we need to establish person-level correspondences across first- and third-person videos, which is challenging because the camera wearer is not visible from his/her own egocentric video, preventing the use of direct feature matching. In this paper, we propose a new semi-Siamese Convolutional Neural Network architecture to address this novel challenge. We formulate the problem as learning a joint embedding space for first- and third-person videos that considers both spatial- and motion-domain cues. A new triplet loss function is designed to minimize the distance between correct first- and third-person matches while maximizing the distance between incorrect ones. This end-to-end approach performs significantly better than several baselines, in part by learning the first- and third-person features optimized for matching jointly with the distance measure itself

    Longitudinal analysis of the developing rhesus monkey brain using magnetic resonance imaging: birth to adulthood.

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    We have longitudinally assessed normative brain growth patterns in naturalistically reared Macaca mulatta monkeys. Postnatal to early adulthood brain development in two cohorts of rhesus monkeys was analyzed using magnetic resonance imaging. Cohort A consisted of 24 rhesus monkeys (12 male, 12 female) and cohort B of 21 monkeys (11 male, 10 female). All subjects were scanned at 1, 4, 8, 13, 26, 39, and 52 weeks; cohort A had additional scans at 156 weeks (3 years) and 260 weeks (5 years). Age-specific segmentation templates were developed for automated volumetric analyses of the T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans. Trajectories of total brain size as well as cerebral and subcortical subdivisions were evaluated over this period. Total brain volume was about 64 % of adult estimates in the 1-week-old monkey. Brain volume of the male subjects was always, on average, larger than the female subjects. While brain volume generally increased between any two imaging time points, there was a transient plateau of brain growth between 26 and 39 weeks in both cohorts of monkeys. The trajectory of enlargement differed across cortical regions with the occipital cortex demonstrating the most idiosyncratic pattern of maturation and the frontal and temporal lobes showing the greatest and most protracted growth. A variety of allometric measurements were also acquired and body weight gain was most closely associated with the rate of brain growth. These findings provide a valuable baseline for the effects of fetal and early postnatal manipulations on the pattern of abnormal brain growth related to neurodevelopmental disorders
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