213 research outputs found

    Safe design of skyrise greenery in Singapore

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    Singapore is transforming from a “garden city� to a “City-in-a-Garden�. Designing for safety is recognized by researchers and some governments as a best practice in facilitating eventual worker safety within the built environment. This research was undertaken to understand and describe the status of safe design for skyrise greenery in Singapore. Forty-one rooftop and vertical greenery systems were observed with a focus on access, fall from height, and planting considerations. Rooftop greenery systems in Singapore were found to be adhering to safe design principles. Vertical and ledge greenery systems, on the other hand, are newer arrangements and were found to be in need of design for safety guidance. The results add to the body of knowledge in the area of safe design and skyrise greenery and will aid those seeking to understand from a policy and practice perspective. The published version of this article can be accessed here: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/20466091211260677.Funding provided by the Singapore National Parks Board and Centre for Urban Greenery and Ecology's Research Fellowship Programme

    Spectroscopic studies of jet-cooled AINi

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    Journal ArticleResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been used to interrogate diatomic AlNi produced by laser vaporization of a 1:l alloy target in a supersonic molecular beam of helium. Although a large density of states in this molecule prohibits a concise elucidation of its electronic structure, the presence of discrete transitions has allowed several bands to be rotationally resolved. From the analysis of these bands the ground state has been determined as X 2?5/2, originating from the 3SA3&Nio2 configuration, and the bond length has been measured as 2.3211?0.0007 A. The dissociation energy and ionization potential of AlNi have also been determined as D0( AlNi) =2.29?0.05 eV and I.P. ( AlNi) =6.95?0.09 eV, respectively

    Interaction of an aluminum atom with an alkaline earth atom: spectroscopic and ab initio investigations of AICa

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    Journal ArticleA spectroscopic analysis of diatomic AlCa generated by laser vaporization of a 2:1 AI:Ca metal alloy followed by supersonic expansion has been completed using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Four excited electronic states have been identified and investigated in the energy region from 13 500 to 17 900 cm-1. These are the [13.5] ?II,, the [15.8] ??, the [17.0] ??3/2(?), and the [ 17.61 2?3/2 states. From rotational analysis excited state bond lengths have been measured for three of the four excited states, and the ground state has been unambiguously determined as a ?II, state with a weighted least squares value of the ground state bond length of r"0 = 3.1479 ? 0.00 10 A. The ionization energy of the molecule has also been directly determined as 5.072?0.028 eV. Ab inirio calculations for the potential energy curves of seven low-lying states of AlCa [X ?IIr, ??+, 4?-, 4IIr, ?II,(2), ??, and X l?+ and for the X 1?+ ground electronic state of AlCa+ have been carried out. In agreement with experiment, ?II, is calculated to be the ground electronic state of the neutral molecule. The dissociation energies of AlCa (X ?II,) into Al(3s?3p?,?Po) +Ca(4s?,?S) and for AlCa+ (X ??+) into A1+(3s?,?S) +Ca(4s?,?S) are calculated to be 0.47 and 1.50 eV, respectively. The excited ??+, 4?-, 4II,, 2II(2), ??, and ??+ states are calculated to lie 0.2, 0.7, 0.7, 1.1, 1.1, and 1.1 eV above X ?IIr,, respectively, and the vertical and adiabatic ionization energies of AlCa have been calculated to be 5.03 and 4.97 eV, respectively

    Interaction of an aluminum atom with a closed subshell metal atom: spectroscopic analysis of AIZn

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    Journal ArticleResonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy has been employed to investigate diatomic AlZn produced by laser vaporization of a 1:2 Al:Zn alloy target disk in a supersonic expansion of helium. Several discrete transitions are reported in the energy range from 18 400 to 19 100 cm-?. Most of these are assigned as members of the B ?II.?x ?II system, although an isolated band has been observed and assigned as the 2-0 band of the A ?' =0.5?X ?II 1/2 system. A pair of strongly mixed levels are identified as resulting from a homogeneous spin-orbit perturbation between the A ?' =0.5, v' =3 and the B ?II1l2, v' = 1 levels, and the perturbation matrix element has been deduced to be 8.11 cm-? for 27 Al64Zn, 8.23 cm-? for 27 Al66Zn. The ground state has been unambiguously identified as a 2rrr state with a bond length of 2.6957?0.0004 ?. Comparisons to the results of the preceding article on the spectroscopy of AlCa are also provided, along with a discussion of the chemical bonding in AlZn in relation to AlCa, AlAr, and AIKr

    Spectroscopic analysis of jet-cooled AICu

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    Journal ArticleDiatomic AlCu has been interrogated using resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a supersonic expansion of helium. The ground state is shown to be X l?+, deriving from the 3&3dgd configuration, in agreement with theoretical predictions. The closed-shell nature of this molecule results in a low density of electronic states, allowing the chemical bonding and electronic structure to be investigated in detail. Five excited electronic states have been observed and characterized, leading to a potential energy diagram based solely on experimental results. Constants experimentally determined for AlCu include a ground state bond length (r0) of 2.3389?0.0004 A, a dissociation energy, Do, of 2.315?0.012 eV, and an ionization potential of 7.065?.014 eV

    Spectroscopic analysis of the open 3 d subshell transition metal aluminides: AIV, AICr, and AICo

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    Journal ArticleThree open 3d subshell transition metal aluminides, AlV, AICr, and AlCo, have been investigated by resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy to elucidate the chemical bonding in these diatomic molecules. The open nature of the 3d subshell results in a vast number of excited electronic states in these species, allowing bond strengths to be measured by the observation of abrupt predissociation thresholds in a congested optical spectrum, giving D?(AlV)=1.489?0.010 eV, D?(AlCr)=2.272?0.009 eV, and D?(AlCo)= 1.844?0.002 eV. At lower excitation energies the presence of discrete transitions has permitted determinations of the ground state symmetries and bond lengths of AlV and AlCo through rotationally resolved studies, giving r-6 (AlV, ??=O)=2.620?0.004 A and r: (AlCo, ??=3)=2.3833?0.0005 A. Ionization energies were also measured for all three species, yielding IE(AIV)=6.01?0.10 eV, IE(AlCr)=5.96?0.04 eV, and IE(AlCo)=6.99?0.17 eV. A discussion of these results is presented in the context of previous work on AlCu, AlNi, AlCa, and AlZn

    Kollaborative Softwareentwicklung – Zum Kollaborationsbegriff

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    Die Entwicklung von Software erfordert stets die Zusammenarbeit von mindestens zwei Personen (Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer). Bei komplexeren, über mehreren Teams oder Organisationen verteilten Softwareprojekten besitzen zusätzlich so genannte Gruppenprozesse erheblichen Einfluss auf Projekterfolg bzw. –misserfolg. Neben den Prozessen Kooperation, Koordination und Kommunikation sind hierbei auch menschli-che Faktoren (Kontext), die durch die umgebende Organisation sowie die persönliche Motivation und Kompetenz geprägt werden, von Bedeutung. Die kollaborative Soft-wareentwicklung umfasst somit die Aspekte Kooperation, Koordination und Kommuni-kation der kooperativen Softwareentwicklung, jedoch erweitert um die Einbeziehung des organisationsbedingten und persönlichen Kontexts des einzelnen Mitarbeiters. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das im Projekt CollaBaWü angewendete Verständnis zum Begriff der „kollaborativen Softwareentwicklung“ bzw. „kollaborativen Softwareerstellung“ zu vermitteln

    Entwicklungsmethodiken zur kollaborativen Softwareerstellung – Stand der Technik

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    Die weltweit wachsende Nachfrage nach Unternehmenssoftware erfordert immer neue Methoden und Formen der Zusammenarbeit (Kollaboration) bei der Softwareerstellung. Zu diesem Zweck untersucht und vergleicht dieses Arbeitspapier existierende Vorgehensmodelle und deren Evolution. Zusätzlich werde erste Ansätze zur kollaborativen Softwareerstellung vorgestellt und ihre Eignung für ein kommerzielles Umfeld analysiert. Die Arbeit verwendet hierzu einen eigenen Vergleichsrahmen, der u.a. auch so genannte "Kollaborationspunkte“ in Betracht zieht, d.h. Aktivitäten im Prozess an denen das Einbinden mehrerer Entwickler und/oder Anwender vorteilhaft ist. Die Erkenntnisse aus der vergleichenden Analyse des Stands der Technik werden schließlich dazu verwendet, Defizite existierender Ansätze aufzuzeigen und Anforderungen für unterstützende Werkzeuge abzuleiten

    New tool will help civil engineers meet CDM requirements to design for safety

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    © ICE Publishing. All rights reserved. A new tool is being developed to help civil engineers and other construction professionals improve their capability to design for safety under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. Patrick Manu and Lamine Mahdjoubi of the University of the West of England, Alistair Gibb of Loughborough University and Michael Behm of East Carolina University report
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