48 research outputs found

    Multianalyte Tests for the Early Detection of Cancer: Speedbumps and Barriers

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    It has become very clear that a single molecular event is inadequate to accurately predict the biology (or pathophysiology) of cancer. Furthermore, using any single molecular event as a biomarker for the early detection of malignancy may not comprehensively identify the majority of individuals with that disease. Therefore, the fact that technologies have arisen that can simultaneously detect several, possibly hundreds, of biomarkers has propelled the field towards the development of multianalyte-based in vitro diagnostic early detection tests for cancer using body fluids such as serum, plasma, sputum, saliva, or urine. These multianalyte tests may be based on the detection of serum autoantibodies to tumor antigens, the presence of cancer-related proteins in serum, or the presence of tumor-specific genomic changes that appear in plasma as free DNA. The implementation of non-invasive diagnostic approaches to detect early stage cancer may provide the physician with evidence of cancer, but the question arises as to how the information will affect the pathway of clinical intervention. The confirmation of a positive result from an in vitro diagnostic cancer test may involve relatively invasive procedures to establish a true cancer diagnosis. If in vitro diagnostic tests are proven to be both specific, i.e. rarely produce false positive results due to unrelated conditions, and sufficiently sensitive, i.e. rarely produce false negative results, then such screening tests offer the potential for early detection and personalized therapeutics using multiple disease-related targets with convenient and non-invasive means. Here we discuss the technical and regulatory barriers inherent in development of clinical multianalyte biomarker assays

    Analysis of the expression of human tumor antigens in ovarian cancer tissues

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    Biomarkers for early detection of cancer have great clinical diagnostic potential. Numerous reports have documented the generation of humoral immune responses that are triggered in response to changes in protein expression patterns in tumor tissues and these biomarkers are referred to as tumor associated antigens (TAAs). Using a high-throughput technology, we previously identified 65 proteins as diagnostically useful TAAs by profiling the humoral immune responses in ovarian cancer (OVCA) patients. Here we determined the expression status of some of those TAAs in tissues from OVCA patients. The protein expression patterns of 4 of those 65 antigens, namely NASP, RCAS1, Nijmegen breakage syndrome1 (NBS1) and eIF5A, along with p53 and Her2 (known molecular prognosticators) and two proteins that interact with NBS1, MRE11 and RAD50, were assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). NASP and RCAS1 proteins were more frequently expressed in ovarian cancer tissues than with normal ovarian tissue and serous cystadenomas and MRE11 was less frequently expressed. When evaluated simultaneously, only NASP and MRE11 remained statistically significant with sensitivity of 66% and specificity of 89%. None of these proteins’ expression levels were prognostic for survival. Together, our results indicate that occurrence of humoral immune responses against some of these TAAs in OVCA patients is triggered by antigen protein overexpression

    Medicina e Cirurgia de Animais de Companhia

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    NF1 mutations predispose to neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and women with NF1 have a moderately elevated risk for breast cancer, especially under age 50. Germline genomic analysis may better define the risk so screening and prevention can be applied to the individuals who benefit the most. Survey conducted in several neurofibromatosis clinics in the United States has demonstrated a 17.2% lifetime risk of breast cancer in women affected with NF1. Cumulated risk to age 50 is estimated to be 9.27%. For genomic profiling, fourteen women with NF1 and a history of breast cancer were recruited and underwent whole exome sequencing (WES), targeted genomic DNA based and RNA-based analysis of the NF1 gene. Deleterious NF1 pathogenic variants were identified in each woman. Frameshift mutations because of deletion/duplication/complex rearrangement were found in 50% (7/14) of the cases, nonsense mutations in 21% (3/14), in-frame splice mutations in 21% (3/14), and one case of missense mutation (7%, 1/14). No deleterious mutation was found in the following high/moderate-penetrance breast cancer genes: ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, BARD1, BRIP1, CDH1, CHEK2, FANCC, MRE11A, NBN, PALB2, PTEN, RAD50, RAD51C, TP53, and STK11. Twenty-five rare or common variants in cancer related genes were discovered and may have contributed to the breast cancers in these individuals. Breast cancer predisposition modifiers in women with NF1 may involve a great variety of molecular and cellular functions

    Epigenetic Silencing of IRF7 and/or IRF5 in Lung Cancer Cells Leads to Increased Sensitivity to Oncolytic Viruses

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    Defective IFN signaling results in loss of innate immunity and sensitizes cells to enhanced cytolytic killing after Vesticular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) infection. Examination of the innate immunity status of normal human bronchial epithelial cells Beas2B and 7 lung cancer cells revealed that the abrogation of IFN signaling in cancer cells is associated with greater sensitivity to VSV infection. The disruption of the IFN pathway in lung cancer cell lines and primary tumor tissues is caused by epigenetic silencing of critical interferon responsive transcription factors IRF7 and/or IRF5. Although 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine treatment fails to reactivate IRF7 and IRF5 expression or protect cells from VSV infection, manipulating IFN signaling by altering IRF expression changes the viral susceptibility of these cells. Lung cancer cells can be partially protected from viral killing using IRF5+IRF7 overexpression, whereas IFN pathway disruption by transfection of siRNAs to IRF5+IRF7 increases cells' vulnerability to viral infection. Therefore, IRF5 and IRF7 are key transcription factors in IFN pathway that determine viral sensitivity of lung cancer cells; the epigenetically impaired IFN pathway in lung cancer tissues provides potential biomarkers for successful selective killing of cancer cells by oncolytic viral therapy

    K3326X and Other C-Terminal BRCA2 Variants Implicated in Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: A Review

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    Whole genome analysis and the search for mutations in germline and tumor DNAs is becoming a major tool in the evaluation of risk as well as the management of hereditary cancer syndromes. Because of the identification of cancer predisposition gene panels, thousands of such variants have been catalogued yet many remain unclassified, presenting a clinical challenge for the management of hereditary cancer syndromes. Although algorithms exist to estimate the likelihood of a variant being deleterious, these tools are rarely used for clinical decision-making. Here, we review the progress in classifying K3326X, a rare truncating variant on the C-terminus of BRCA2 and review recent literature on other novel single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, on the C-terminus of the protein, defined in this review as the portion after the final BRC repeat (amino acids 2058–3418)

    K3326X and Other C-Terminal BRCA2 Variants Implicated in Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: A Review

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    Whole genome analysis and the search for mutations in germline and tumor DNAs is becoming a major tool in the evaluation of risk as well as the management of hereditary cancer syndromes. Because of the identification of cancer predisposition gene panels, thousands of such variants have been catalogued yet many remain unclassified, presenting a clinical challenge for the management of hereditary cancer syndromes. Although algorithms exist to estimate the likelihood of a variant being deleterious, these tools are rarely used for clinical decision-making. Here, we review the progress in classifying K3326X, a rare truncating variant on the C-terminus of BRCA2 and review recent literature on other novel single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs, on the C-terminus of the protein, defined in this review as the portion after the final BRC repeat (amino acids 2058–3418)

    Functional Analysis Provides Insight into Missing Heritability

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    Accurate ascertainment of genetic risk can be potentially lifesaving for patients who inherit cancer promoting mutations. However, even with the most extensive panel testing clinically available, a large number of patients will test negative despite family history of cancer or test positive for a variant of unknown significance (VUS). For these patients, clinical management is complicated; patients want to know their risk, and may fear disease they are not at great risk for (benign VUS) or they may not be given access to potentially lifesaving early screening procedures (pathogenic VUS). ATM has proven a challenge to clinicians due to its well defined nature as a moderate penetrance gene. The variable penetrance of damaging ATM alleles makes it more difficult to assess risk both by population studies and by computational means. To address this problem, we have developed and validated an approach that can be applied to rapidly investigate likely pathogenic mutations in at risk populations. In this study, six ATM VUS were analyzed for their biochemical significance. Analysis showed consistent results, with two of the likely pathogenic variants performing similarly to the known pathogenic control variants. With further study, the data generated by this project can be applied clinically to improve diagnostic accuracy for hundreds of patients a year. In addition, this search and validation strategy can be applied to different cohorts, small or large, of at risk patients with hereditary cancer patterns to improve the accuracy and reliability of cancer genetic testing

    Paraneoplastic antigens as biomarkers for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer

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    Paraneoplastic syndromes are a group of rare disorders that can be triggered by an abnormal immune response to proteins from tumors of the lung, ovary, lymphatics, or breast. Paraneoplastic clinical syndromes affect <1% of patients with cancer; however, the frequency of subclinical levels of paraneoplastic autoantibodies in asymptomatic patients with cancer is unknown. Numerous studies have reported that ovarian cancer patients show signs of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNSs) before or after their cancers are diagnosed. PNSs arise from a tumor-elicited immune response against onconeural antigens that are shared by tissues of nervous system, muscle, and tumor cells. Studies on the serum IgGs obtained from ovarian cancer patients have indicated the presence of onconeural antibodies in the absence of any PNS symptoms. The occurrence of PNSs is low in ovarian cancer patients and it can be accompanied by onconeural antibodies. The diagnosis of PNSs is accompanied by a suspicion of a malignant tumor such that neurologists typically refer such patients for a tumor diagnostic workup. There will be tremendous utility if subclinical levels (without paraneoplastic neurological symptoms or myositis) of these autoantibodies to paraneoplastic antigens can be exploited to screen asymptomatic high-risk patients for ovarian cancer, and used as biomarkers in immunoassays for the early detection or recurrence of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer overall survival is likely to be improved with early detection. Therefore, a panel of onconeural antigens that can detect paraneoplastic autoantibodies in patient sera should provide diagnostic utility for an earlier therapeutic intervention. Here we review the usefulness of PNS and other paraneoplastic syndromes and their association with paraneoplastic antigens to exploit these autoantibody biomarkers to form diagnostic multi-analyte panels for early detection of ovarian cancer

    DNA Repair Mechanisms, Protein Interactions and Therapeutic Targeting of the MRN Complex

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    Repair of a DNA double-strand break relies upon a pathway of proteins to identify damage, regulate cell cycle checkpoints, and repair the damage. This process is initiated by a sensor protein complex, the MRN complex, comprised of three proteins-MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1. After a double-stranded break, the MRN complex recruits and activates ATM, in-turn activating other proteins such as BRCA1/2, ATR, CHEK1/2, PALB2 and RAD51. These proteins have been the focus of many studies for their individual roles in hereditary cancer syndromes and are included on several genetic testing panels. These panels have enabled us to acquire large amounts of genetic data, much of which remains a challenge to interpret due to the presence of variants of uncertain significance (VUS). While the primary aim of clinical testing is to accurately and confidently classify variants in order to inform medical management, the presence of VUSs has led to ambiguity in genetic counseling. Pathogenic variants within MRN complex genes have been implicated in breast, ovarian, prostate, colon cancers and gliomas; however, the hundreds of VUSs within MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 precludes the application of these data in genetic guidance of carriers. In this review, we discuss the MRN complex’s role in DNA double-strand break repair, its interactions with other cancer predisposing genes, the variants that can be found within the three MRN complex genes, and the MRN complex’s potential as an anti-cancer therapeutic target