80 research outputs found

    The first day is always the hardest: Functional connectivity during cue exposure and the ability to resist smoking in the initial hours of a quit attempt

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    Quitting smoking is the single best change in behavior that smokers can make to improve their health and extend their lives. Although most smokers express a strong desire to stop using cigarettes, the vast majority of quit attempts end in relapse. Relapse is particularly likely when smokers encounter cigarette cues. A striking number of relapses occur very quickly, with many occurring within as little as 24h. Characterizing what distinguishes successful quit attempts from unsuccessful ones, particularly just after cessation is initiated, is a research priority. We addressed this significant issue by examining the association between functional connectivity during cigarette cue exposure and smoking behavior during the first 24h of a quit attempt. Functional MRI was used to measure brain activity during cue exposure in nicotine-deprived daily smokers during the first day of a quit attempt. Participants were then given the opportunity to smoke. Using data collected in two parent studies, we identified a subset of participants who chose to smoke and a matched subset who declined (n=38). Smokers who were able to resist smoking displayed significant functional connectivity between the left anterior insula and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, whereas there was no such connectivity for those who chose to smoke. Notably, there were no differences in mean levels of activation in brain regions of interest, underscoring the importance of assessing interregional connectivity when investigating the links between cue-related neural responses and overt behavior. To our knowledge, this is the first study to link patterns of functional connectivity and actual cigarette use during the pivotal first hours of attempt to change smoking behavior

    Dehorning the Darwinian Dilemma for Normative Realism

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    Normative realists tend to consider evolutionary debunking arguments as posing epistemological challenges to their view. By understanding Sharon Street's 'Darwinian dilemma' argument in this way, they have overlooked and left unanswered her unique scientific challenge to normative realism. This paper counters Street's scientific challenge and shows that normative realism is compatible with evolutionary views of human evaluative judgment. After presenting several problems that her Adaptive Link Account (ALA) of evaluative judgments faces, I outline and defend an evolutionary byproduct perspective on evaluative judgment. I then argue that a consideration of levels of analysis in biological-behavioral explanation suggests that the realist who adopts the byproduct perspective I outline is not at a prima facie disadvantage to the normative anti-realist on grounds of parsimony. This perspective, I suggest, can enable normative realists to answer evolutionary challenges to their view

    Extraversion and the Rewarding Effects of Alcohol in a Social Context

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    The personality trait of extraversion has been linked to problematic drinking patterns. Researchers have long hypothesized that such associations are attributable to increased alcohol-reward sensitivity among extraverted individuals, and surveys suggest that individuals high in extraversion gain greater mood enhancement from alcohol than those low in extraversion. Surprisingly, however, alcohol administration studies have not found individuals high in extraversion to experience enhanced mood following alcohol consumption. Of note, prior studies have examined extraverted participants-individuals who selfidentify as being highly social-consuming alcohol in isolation. In the present research, we used a group drinking paradigm to examine whether individuals high in extraversion gained greater reward from alcohol than did those low in extraversion and, further, whether a particular social mechanism (partners' Duchenne smiling) might underlie alcohol reward sensitivity among extraverted individuals. Social drinkers (n Ï­ 720) consumed a moderate dose of alcohol, placebo, or control beverage in groups of 3 over the course of 36 min. This social interaction was video-recorded, and Duchenne smiling was coded using the Facial Action Coding System. Results indicated that participants high in extraversion reported significantly more mood enhancement from alcohol than did those low in extraversion. Further, mediated moderation analyses focusing on Duchenne smiling of group members indicated that social processes fully and uniquely accounted for alcohol reward-sensitivity among individuals high in extraversion. Results provide initial experimental evidence that individuals high in extraversion experience increased mood-enhancement from alcohol and further highlight the importance of considering social processes in the etiology of alcohol use disorder

    Emergence of qualia from brain activity or from an interaction of proto-consciousness with the brain: which one is the weirder? Available evidence and a research agenda

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    This contribution to the science of consciousness aims at comparing how two different theories can explain the emergence of different qualia experiences, meta-awareness, meta-cognition, the placebo effect, out-of-body experiences, cognitive therapy and meditation-induced brain changes, etc. The first theory postulates that qualia experiences derive from specific neural patterns, the second one, that qualia experiences derive from the interaction of a proto-consciousness with the brain\u2019s neural activity. From this comparison it will be possible to judge which one seems to better explain the different qualia experiences and to offer a more promising research agenda

    DRD4 Polymorphism Moderates the Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Social Bonding

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    Development of interpersonal relationships is a fundamental human motivation, and behaviors facilitating social bonding are prized. Some individuals experience enhanced reward from alcohol in social contexts and may be at heightened risk for developing and maintaining problematic drinking. We employed a 3 (group beverage condition) ×2 (genotype) design (N = 422) to test the moderating influence of the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4 VNTR) polymorphism on the effects of alcohol on social bonding. A significant gene x environment interaction showed that carriers of at least one copy of the 7-repeat allele reported higher social bonding in the alcohol, relative to placebo or control conditions, whereas alcohol did not affect ratings of 7-absent allele carriers. Carriers of the 7-repeat allele were especially sensitive to alcohol's effects on social bonding. These data converge with other recent gene-environment interaction findings implicating the DRD4 polymorphism in the development of alcohol use disorders, and results suggest a specific pathway by which social factors may increase risk for problematic drinking among 7-repeat carriers. More generally, our findings highlight the potential utility of employing transdisciplinary methods that integrate genetic methodologies, social psychology, and addiction theory to improve theories of alcohol use and abuse

    Potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults with mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease:Prevalence and associations with adverse events

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    Aim: Potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) use is prevalent in older adults and is associated with adverse events, hospitalisation and mortality. We assessed the patterns and associations of PIM use in older adults with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's Disease (AD), who may represent a particularly vulnerable group. Design: Analysis of data from NILVad, an 18-month Randomised Control Trial of Nilvadapine in mild-to-moderate AD. The v2 STOPP criteria were applied in duplicate to identify PIM use. Associations between PIM use and adverse events/unscheduled healthcare visits in addition to the associations between PIM use and AD progression were evaluated. Setting and Participants: 448 older adults with mild-to-moderate AD from 23 centres in nine European countries. Results: Of 448 participants (mean age: 72.56 ± 8.19 years), over half (55.8%) were prescribed a PIM with 30.1% being prescribed 2+ PIMs. The most frequent PIMs were (i) long-term benzodiazepines (11.6% N = 52/448), (ii) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors without appropriate indication (11.1% N = 50/448), and (iii) Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) without appropriate indication (10.7% N = 48/448). Increasing number of PIMs was associated with a greater risk of adverse events (IRR 1.17, 1.13-1.19, P < 0.001), serious adverse events (IRR 1.27; 1.17-1.37, P < 0.001), unscheduled hospitalisations (IRR 1.16, 1.03-1.30, P = 0.016) and GP visits (IRR 1.22, 1.15-1.28, P < 0.001). PIM use was not associated with dementia progression. Conclusions and Implications: PIM use is highly prevalent in mild-to-moderate AD and is associated with adverse events and unscheduled healthcare utilisation. Further attention to de-prescribing in this vulnerable group is warranted

    Smoking patterns and stimulus control in intermittent and daily smokers

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    Intermittent smokers (ITS) - who smoke less than daily - comprise an increasing proportion of adult smokers. Their smoking patterns challenge theoretical models of smoking motivation, which emphasize regular and frequent smoking to maintain nicotine levels and avoid withdrawal, but yet have gone largely unexamined. We characterized smoking patterns among 212 ITS (smoking 4-27 days per month) compared to 194 daily smokers (DS; smoking 5-30 cigarettes daily) who monitored situational antecedents of smoking using ecological momentary assessment. Subjects recorded each cigarette on an electronic diary, and situational variables were assessed in a random subset (n = 21,539 smoking episodes); parallel assessments were obtained by beeping subjects at random when they were not smoking (n = 26,930 non-smoking occasions). Compared to DS, ITS' smoking was more strongly associated with being away from home, being in a bar, drinking alcohol, socializing, being with friends and acquaintances, and when others were smoking. Mood had only modest effects in either group. DS' and ITS' smoking were substantially and equally suppressed by smoking restrictions, although ITS more often cited self-imposed restrictions. ITS' smoking was consistently more associated with environmental cues and contexts, especially those associated with positive or "indulgent" smoking situations. Stimulus control may be an important influence in maintaining smoking and making quitting difficult among ITS. © 2014 Shiffman et al

    The Effect of Alcohol on Emotional Inertia: A Test of Alcohol Myopia

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    This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. Alcohol myopia (AM) has emerged as one of the most widely researched theories of alcohol’s effects on emotional experience. Given this theory’s popularity, it is notable that a central tenet of AM has not been tested—namely, that alcohol creates a myopic focus on the present moment, limiting the extent to which the present is permeated by emotions derived from prior experience. We tested the impact of alcohol on moment-to-moment fluctuations in affect, applying advances in emotion assessment and statistical analysis to test this aspect of AM without drawing the attention of participants to their own emotional experiences. We measured emotional fluctuations using autocorrelation, a statistic borrowed from time-series analysis measuring the correlation between successive observations in time. High emotion autocorrelation is termed emotional inertia and is linked to negative mood outcomes. Social drinkers (N � 720) consumed alcohol, placebo, or control beverages in groups of 3 over a 36-min group formation task. We indexed affect using the Duchenne smile, recorded continuously during the interaction (34.9 million video frames) according to the Facial Action Coding System (P. Ekman, W. V. Friesen, & J. C. Hager, 2002). Autocorrelation of Duchenne smiling emerged as the most consistent predictor of self-reported mood and social bonding when compared with Duchenne smiling mean, standard deviation, and linear trend. Alcohol reduced affective autocorrelation, and autocorrelation mediated the link between alcohol and self-reported mood and social outcomes. Findings suggest that alcohol enhances the ability to freely enjoy the present moment untethered by past experience and highlight the importance of emotion dynamics in research examining affective correlates of psychopathology

    A social-attributional analysis of alcohol response.

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