1,581 research outputs found

    Linking Locations: Storytelling with Pervasive Technology

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    With online location-aware smart phones in more and more pockets, storytelling is moving to the streets. Simultaneously, an increasing abundance of Linked Data is being made available, complete with geographical information. In this paper, we review the state of the art and suggest approaches to, and issues with, a storytelling system that combines these two technologies

    Harmonizing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Transportation and Land-Use Planning in California Cities

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    Abstract: Recent extreme weather events in California—wildfires, drought, and flooding—make abundantly clear the need to plan effective responses to both the causes and the consequences of climate change. A central challenge for climate planning efforts has been identifying transportation and land-use (TLU) strategies that simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions (“mitigation”) and adapt communities so that they will be less affected by the adverse impacts of climate change (“adaptation”). Sets of policies that collectively address both mitigation and adaptation are known as “integrated actions.” This study explores municipal climate planning in California to determine whether cities incorporate integrated actions into their plans, assess the potential drivers of conflict between mitigation and adaptation in municipal plans, and identify ways the State of California can help cities more effectively incorporate integrated actions. The study methods consisted of a detailed analysis of climate planning documents from 23 California cities with particularly long histories of climate planning, plus interviews with 25 local, regional, and state officials who work on municipal climate planning. The authors found that some cities did adopt packages of integrated actions, and, promisingly, two cities with recently updated climate plans explicitly focused on the need for integrated actions. However, most cities addressed climate mitigation and adaptation in separate efforts, potentially reducing synergies between the two types of action and even creating conflicts. Since the first generation of climate action plans focused primarily on mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), adaptation strategies have not yet been effectively or fully combined into mitigation plans in many cities. Also, a cross-comparison of plan content and interview data suggests that cities often had sets of policies that could potentially create conflicts—mitigation policies that would undermine adaptation capacity, and vice versa. In addition, where a city did adopt integrated actions, these efforts are typically not labeled as such, nor do the policies appear within the same policy document. The study findings suggest promising steps that both municipal and state governments can take to support integrated TLU actions at the local level. For example, cities can proactively link the content in climate mitigation and adaptation plans—a process that will require building the capacity for cross-collaboration between the various departments in charge of developing, implementing, and monitoring climate-related plans. As for the state government, it can provide funding specifically for planning and implementing integrated actions, offer technical support to help municipalities adopt programs and projects that produce integrated mitigation and adaptation benefits, and fund research in the area of integrated actions

    Defining a representative vibration durability test for electric vehicle (EV) rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS)

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    This study defines a process to devise random power spectral density (PSD) profiles that are representative of 100,000 miles of UK customer electric vehicle (EV) usage utilising vibration measurements from three contemporary EV’s, for undertaking vibration durability evaluations of underfloor mounted rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS). This paper also presents a critical assessment of current random vibration test procedures available to engineers for validating the mechanical performance of EV RESS via comparing the shock response spectrum (SRS) and fatigue damage spectrum (FDS) of these standards to the SRS and FDS of 100,000 miles UK durability

    Structural Equation Modelling: Guidelines for Determining Model Fit

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    The following paper presents current thinking and research on fit indices for structural equation modelling. The paper presents a selection of fit indices that are widely regarded as the most informative indices available to researchers. As well as outlining each of these indices, guidelines are presented on their use. The paper also provides reporting strategies of these indices and concludes with a discussion on the future of fit indices

    Estimating magnetic fields of homes near transmission lines in the California Power Line Study.

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    The California Power Line Study is a case-control study investigating the relation between residences near transmission lines and risk of childhood leukemia. It includes 5788 childhood leukemia cases and 5788 matched primary controls born between 1986 and 2007. We describe the methodology for estimating magnetic fields at study residences as well as for characterizing sources of uncertainty in these estimates. Birth residences of study subjects were geocoded and their distances to transmission lines were ascertained. 302 residences were deemed sufficiently close to transmission lines to have non-zero magnetic fields attributable to the lines. These residences were visited and detailed data, describing the physical configuration and dimensions of the lines contributing to the magnetic field at the residence, were collected. Phasing, loading, and directional load flow data for years of birth and diagnosis for each subject as well as for the day of site visit were obtained from utilities when available; when yearly average load for a particular year was not available, extrapolated values based on expert knowledge and prediction models were obtained. These data were used to estimate the magnetic fields at the center, closest and farthest point of each residence. We found good correlation between calculated fields and spot measurements of fields taken on site during visits. Our modeling strategies yielded similar calculated field estimates, and they were in high agreement with utility extrapolations. Phasing was known for over 90% of the lines. Important sources of uncertainty included a lack of information on the precise location of residences located within apartment buildings or other complexes. Our findings suggest that we were able to achieve high specificity in exposure assessment, which is essential for examining the association between distance to or magnetic fields from power lines and childhood leukemia risk

    The challenge of liberalising airline competition in a less developed country: The case of Nepal

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    A new wave of liberalisation of airline markets is taking place in less devel oped nations, although the initial motivation in most cases is to supplement the capacity of the government’s own airline. Liberalisation tends to begin with free market entry and a strong interest in privatisation whilst other regulatory controls are maintained. This position is untenable and policy makers in the less developed countries are having to learn quickly without the benefit of the detailed analyses that preceded liberalisation in the developed countries. This set of circumstances is illustrated with an examination of the situation in Nepal where, until recently, the Government's own airline enjoyed a monopoly. Though the entry of private sector airlines in Nepal has added capacity and improved services, challenges remain to be addressed. This paper explores these problems and focuses on the lessons that policy makers in the less developed countries can draw from experiences elsewhere
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