4 research outputs found

    Plasma lipid profiles discriminate bacterial from viral infection in febrile children

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    Fever is the most common reason that children present to Emergency Departments. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of bacterial infection ar

    Pengaruh Inflasi Terhadap Kurs Rupiah : Pendekatan Vektor Error Correction Model

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    LUKMAN ADITYA, 2020 Influence of Inflation on the Rupiah Exchange Rate Vector Error Correction Model Approach, under the guidance of Michael as supervisor I and Muhammad Awaluddin as supervisor II.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Inflation on the Rupiah Exchange Rate Approach Vector Error Correction Model. This research is a quantitative study, using secondary data with a Vector Error Correction Model analysis tool using the Eviews application program Version 10.2.          The research results show that inflation in the short run has a positive effect on the rupiah exchange rate, inflation in the long run has a negative effect on the rupiah exchange rate

    Penerapan Pasal 303 Kitab Undang Undang Hukum Pidana Terhadap Judi Kartu Leng Pada Adat Maranggap Suku Batak (Study Kasus Di Kepolisian Resor Kota Pematangsiantar

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    Kepolisian negara Republik Indonesia yang selanjutnya disebut Polri adalah salah satu lembaga negara yang berperan sebagai penegak hukum di negara ini. Pasal 13 Undang Undang No.2 Tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia menjabarkan bahwa tugas polri adalah untuk memberikan kemanan dan ketertiban masyrakat, menegekkan hukum, serta memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Masyarakat di kota Pematangsiantar yang memiliki budaya dan adat istiadat yang kuat dalam rangka melakukan permainan Kartu Leng yang bertujuan menghibur atau menemani keluarga yang sedang berduka karena adanya salah satu anggota keluarga yang meninggal dunia dalam adat suku batak. Permainan judi kartu leng dalam adat maranggap ini tidak memenuhi unsur dalam pasal 303 KUHP, dalam hal ini kepolisian memberikan sikap yang sesuai dengan Masyarakat. Dаlаm kаsus judi Kartu Leng di Polres Kota Pematangsiantar memiliki dua kasus yang berbeda. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan ada permainan Judi Leng yang di mainkan di luar dari kegiatan adat yаng merupakan judi yang dapat di tindak pidana. Dalam pembahasan skripsi ini memiliki kesimpulan bahwa penerapan pasal 303 KUHP terhadap judi kartu Leng dalam adat maranggap suku batak di Kota Pematangsiantar, antara lain sebagai berikut: 1) dalam Penerapan Pasal 303 ayat (1) KUHP dengan Pasal 303 bis KUHP dapat menindak pidana apabila memang perbuatan dan unsur perjudian dalam perbuatan tesebut dapat dibuktikan. Namun, karena keberadaan adat istiadat yang masih kuat dan melekat oleh masyarakat di kota Pematangsiantar dalam pelaksanaan maranggap yang menyatakan perbuatan tersebut hanya sebuah permainan yang bertujuan untuk mengisi waktu kekosongan saat melaksanakan acara adat. ; 2) sikap kepolisian viii saat ini menyikapi bahwa perbuatan tersebut merupakan sebuah bagian dari adat istiadat yang melekat didalam masyarakat dan saat ini untuk laporan terkait perbuatan tersebut tidak ada. Namun pihak Kepolisian Resor Pematangsiantar tetap memberikan himbauan agar tidak menyalahgunakan adat istiadat untuk melakukan perjudian dan mencari untung didalamnya. Sebab, apabila hal tersebut terjadi maka pihak kepolisian akan memprosesnya

    Assessing readability formula differences with written health information materials: Application, results, and recommendations

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    Abstract Background: Readability formulas are often used to guide the development and evaluation of literacysensitive written health information. However, readability formula results may vary considerably as a result of differences in software processing algorithms and how each formula is applied. These variations complicate interpretations of reading grade level estimates, particularly without a uniform guideline for applying and interpreting readability formulas. Objectives: This research sought to (1) identify commonly used readability formulas reported in the health care literature, (2) demonstrate the use of the most commonly used readability formulas on written health information, (3) compare and contrast the differences when applying common readability formulas to identical selections of written health information, and (4) provide recommendations for choosing an appropriate readability formula for written health-related materials to optimize their use. Methods: A literature search was conducted to identify the most commonly used readability formulas in health care literature. Each of the identified formulas was subsequently applied to word samples from 15 unique examples of written health information about the topic of depression and its treatment. Readability estimates from common readability formulas were compared based on text sample size, selection, formatting, software type, and/or hand calculations. Recommendations for their use were provided. Results: The Flesch-Kincaid formula was most commonly used (57.42%). Readability formulas demonstrated variability up to 5 reading grade levels on the same text. The Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) readability formula performed most consistently. Depending on the text sample size, selection, formatting, software, and/or hand calculations, the individual readability formula estimated up to 6 reading grade levels of variability. Conclusions: The SMOG formula appears best suited for health care applications because of its consistency of results, higher level of expected comprehension, use of more recent validation criteria for determining reading grade level estimates, and simplicity of use. To improve interpretation of readability results, reporting reading grade level estimates from any formula should be accompanied with information about word sample size, location of word sampling in the text, formatting, and method of calculation