14 research outputs found
Hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with diabetes in course of liver cirrhosis
WSTĘP. Celem pracy była ocena liczby zdarzeń i czasu
trwania hipoglikemii, w tym nieuświadomionych,
zarejestrowanych systemem ciągłego monitorowania
glikemii (CGMS, continuous glucose monitoring
system) u chorych na cukrzycę rozpoznaną w przebiegu
marskości wątroby.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania włączono 18 chorych
z cukrzycą zdiagnozowaną w przebiegu marskości
wątroby. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 18 chorych
na cukrzycę typu 2. Badanie przeprowadzono
w warunkach ambulatoryjnych w Poradni Diabetologicznej
Kliniki Kardiologii Interwencyjnej, Kardiodiabetologii
i Rehabilitacji Kardiologicznej w Łodzi.
Czas rejestracji epizodów niedocukrzeń za pomocą
CGMS wynosił 72 godziny dla jednego chorego. Niedocukrzenie
rozpoznawano przy wartości glikemii
poniżej 60 mg/dl.
WYNIKI. Liczba klinicznie jawnych hipoglikemii była
prawie 2-krotnie większa w grupie chorych na cukrzycę
z marskością wątroby niż w grupie kontrolnej
(p = 0,02). Liczba hipoglikemii o niemym klinicznie
przebiegu nie różniła istotnie badanych grup (NS).
Analizując średni czas trwania hipoglikemii, w tym
nieuświadomionych, nie zaobserwowano istotnych
różnic między badanymi grupami (NS).
WNIOSKI. Chorzy na cukrzycę w przebiegu marskości
wątroby są narażeni na częstsze epizody jawnych
klinicznie niedocukrzeń niż chorzy na cukrzycę typu 2
bez marskości wątroby. System CGMS jest przydatny
w diagnostyce niedocukrzeń u chorych na cukrzycę
w przebiegu marskości wątroby.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study was to evaluate
hypoglycaemic episodes, including symptomfree
events detected with continuous glucose monitoring
system (CGMS) in patients with diabetes
mellitus in course of liver cirrhosis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. 18 patients with diabetes
in course of liver cirrhosis and 18 type 2 diabetic
patients (control group) were enrolled into the study.
All patients were treated with insulin. During
72 hours glucose values with CGMS was measured,
insulin treatment was not modified. The state of hypoglycemia
assumed as glucose value < 60 mg/dl.
Duration and number of hypoglycaemic events, including
symptom-free hypoglycaemic episodes were
analyzed in both groups.
RESULTS. Mean number of hypoglycaemic events
detected with CGMS for three days was higher for
patients with hepatogenous diabetes than for type 2
patients (p = 0.02). Mean number of symptom-free
hypoglycaemic events detected with CGMS was statistically
similar in both groups (NS). Mean duration of hypoglycaemic episodes, including symptom-free
hypoglycaemic episodes was similar in both groups
CONCLUSIONS. It was concluded, that hepatogenic
diabetes is associated with essentially higher number
of hypoglycaemic events than type 2 diabetes.
CGMS is useful in diabetic patients with liver cirrhosis
for hypoglycaemic episodes detection
Evaluation of selected biochemical glycemic and lipid parameters in type 2 diabetic patients with
WSTĘP. Celem pracy było porównanie wybranych parametrów
biochemicznych, będących elementami zespołu metabolicznego
u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 z "nadciśnieniem białego fartucha"
oraz z prawidłowymi wartościami ciśnienia tętniczego.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania włączono 85 chorych na cukrzycę
typu 2 bez stwierdzonego dotychczas nadciśnienia tętniczego, u których
oznaczano ciśnienie tętnicze metodą Korotkowa w warunkach
gabinetu lekarskiego. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono 24-godzinne
ambulatoryjne monitorowanie ciśnienia tętniczego (ABPM,
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring). Z dalszego udziału w badaniu
wykluczono chorych (n = 28), u których stwierdzono nadciśnienie tętnicze
(ciśnienie tętnicze w ABPM w ciągu dnia > 135/85 mm Hg).
W celu zdiagnozowania "nadciśnienia białego fartucha" porównywano
wartości ciśnienia tętniczego z ABPM w ciągu dnia z wartościami "gabinetowego ciśnienia tętniczego". Rozpoznawano "nadciśnienie białego
fartucha", stwierdzając średnie ciśnienie tętnicze z ABPM w ciągu
dnia 140/90
mm Hg. Ostatecznie do badania zakwalifikowano 57 chorych, których
podzielono na dwie grupy. Grupę 1 (n = 23) stanowiły osoby
z rozpoznaniem "nadciśnienia białego fartucha", a grupę 2 (n = 34)
- osoby z prawidłowymi wartościami ciśnienia tętniczego (ciśnienie
tętnicze z ABPM w ciągu dnia < 135/85 mm Hg, a gabinetowe < 140/
90 mm Hg). Chorym oznaczono glukozę na czczo, hemoglobinę glikowaną,
fibrynogen, kwas moczowy, cholesterol całkowity, triglicerydy
oraz cholesterol frakcji LDL w surowicy krwi.
WYNIKI. Wartości oznaczonych parametrów biochemicznych nie
różniły się istotnie między badanymi grupami (p > 0,05).
WNIOSKI. Chorzy na cukrzycę typu 2 z "nadciśnieniem białego
fartucha" oraz chorzy, u których nie występuje ten typ nadciśnienia,
nie różnią się istotnie stężeniem kwasu moczowego, fibrynogenu,
cholesterolu całkowitego, triglicerydów, cholesterolu frakcji
LDL, hemoglobiny glikowanej i glukozy na czczo w surowicy krwi.INTRODUCTION. The aim of the study was to compare serum level
of selected biochemical parameters - elements of metabolic
syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients with "white coat hypertension"
and with normal blood pressure.
MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study comprised 85 type 2 diabetic
patients without hitherto arterial hypertension diagnosis. In
all patients blood pressure with use of mercurial sphygmomanometer
and 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) were
performed. The patients (n = 28) with diagnosed sustained arterial
hypertension (blood pressure values > 135/85 mm Hg) were
excluded. "White coat hypertension" was detected in case of mean
blood pressure values in ABPM during the day were < 135/85 mm Hg
and "office blood pressure" > 140/90 mm Hg. Normal blood pressure
was when ABPM values were < 135/85 mm Hg and "office
blood pressure" were < 140/90 mm Hg. 57 patients were devided
into two groups. The group 1 (n = 23) comprised patients with
"white coat hypertension" and group 2 (n = 34) consisted of normotensive
patients. In all patients total cholesterol, triglicerydes,
LDL-cholesterol, urine acide, fibrynogen, glycated hemoglobin and
fasting glycemia were estimated.
RESULTS. The values of studied serum biochemical parameters
didn’t differ both studied groups (p > 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS. It were not significant differences in biochemical
parameters: total cholesterol, triglicerydes, LDL-cholesterol, urine
acide, fibrynogen, glycated hemoglobin and fasting glycemia between
type 2 diabetic patients with "white coat hypertension" and
with normal blood pressure
The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts
The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan
The Application of Metabolomics in Forensic Science with Focus on Forensic Toxicology and Time-of-Death Estimation
Recently, the diagnostic methods used by scientists in forensic examinations have enormously expanded. Metabolomics provides an important contribution to analytical method development. The main purpose of this review was to investigate and summarize the most recent applications of metabolomics in forensic science. The primary research method was an extensive review of available international literature in PubMed. The keywords “forensic” and “metabolomics” were used as search criteria for the PubMed database scan. Most authors emphasized the analysis of different biological sample types using chromatography methods. The presented review is a summary of recently published implementations of metabolomics in forensic science and types of biological material used and techniques applied. Possible opportunities for valuable metabolomics’ applications are discussed to emphasize the essential necessities resulting in numerous nontargeted metabolomics’ assays
Metabolomic Insight into Polycystic Ovary Syndrome—An Overview
Searching for the mechanisms of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) pathophysiology has become a crucial aspect of research performed in the last decades. However, the pathogenesis of this complex and heterogeneous endocrinopathy remains unknown. Thus, there is a need to investigate the metabolic pathways, which could be involved in the pathophysiology of PCOS and to find the metabolic markers of this disorder. The application of metabolomics gives a promising insight into the research on PCOS. It is a valuable and rapidly expanding tool, enabling the discovery of novel metabolites, which may be the potential biomarkers of several metabolic and endocrine disorders. The utilization of this approach could also improve the process of diagnosis and therefore, make treatment more effective. This review article aims to summarize actual and meaningful metabolomic studies in PCOS and point to the potential biomarkers detected in serum, urine, and follicular fluid of the affected women
Common Strategies and Factors Affecting Off-Line Breath Sampling and Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis Using Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (TD-GC-MS)
An analysis of exhaled breath enables specialists to noninvasively monitor biochemical processes and to determine any pathological state in the human body. Breath analysis holds the greatest potential to remold and personalize diagnostics; however, it requires a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration of many specialists. Despite the fact that breath is considered to be a less complex matrix than blood, it is not commonly used as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for early detection of disordered conditions due to its problematic sampling, analysis, and storage. This review is intended to determine, standardize, and marshal experimental strategies for successful, reliable, and especially, reproducible breath analysi
The Correlation between Physical Crosslinking and Water-Soluble Drug Release from Chitosan-Based Microparticles
Microparticles containing water-soluble zidovudine were prepared by spray-drying using chitosan glutamate and beta-glycerophosphate as an ion crosslinker (CF). The Box–Behnken design was applied to optimize the microparticles in terms of their drug loading and release behavior. Physicochemical studies were undertaken to support the results from dissolution tests and to evaluate the impact of the crosslinking ratio on the microparticles’ characteristics. The zidovudine dissolution behavior had a complex nature which comprised two phases: an initial burst effect followed with a prolonged release stage. The initial drug release, which can be modulated by the crosslinking degree, was primarily governed by the dissolution of the drug crystals located on the microparticles’ surfaces. In turn, the further dissolution stage was related to the drug diffusion from the swollen polymer matrix and was found to correlate with the drug loading. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) studies revealed the partial incorporation of a non-crystallized drug within the polymer matrix, which correlated with the amount of CF. Although CF influenced the swelling capacity of chitosan glutamate microparticles, surprisingly a higher amount of CF did not impact the time required for 80% of the drug to be released markedly. The formulation with the lowest polymer:CF ratio, 3:1, was selected as optimal, providing satisfactory drug loading and displaying a moderate burst effect within the first 30 min of the study, followed with a prolonged drug release of up to 210 min
Bayesian multilevel model of micro RNA levels in ovarian-cancer and healthy subjects.
In transcriptomics, micro RNAs (miRNAs) has gained much interest especially as potential disease indicators. However, apart from holding a great promise related to their clinical application, a lot of inconsistent results have been published. Our aim was to compare the miRNA expression levels in ovarian cancer and healthy subjects using the Bayesian multilevel model and to assess their potential usefulness in diagnosis. We have analyzed a case-control observational data on expression profiling of 49 preselected miRNA-based ovarian cancer indicators in 119 controls and 59 patients. A Bayesian multilevel model was used to characterize the effect of disease on miRNA levels controlling for differences in age and body weight. The difference between the miRNA level and health status of the patient on the scale of the data variability were discussed in the context of their potential usefulness in diagnosis. Additionally, the cross-validated area under the ROC curve (AUC) was used to assess the expected out-of-sample discrimination index of a different sets of miRNAs. The proposed model allowed us to describe the set of miRNA levels in patients and controls. Three highly correlated miRNAs: miR-101-3p, miR-142-5p, miR-148a-3p rank the highest with almost identical effect sizes that ranges from 0.45 to 1.0. For those miRNAs the credible interval for AUC ranged from 0.63 to 0.67 indicating their limited discrimination potential. A little benefit in adding information from other miRNAs was observed. There were several miRNAs in the dataset (miR-604, hsa-miR-221-5p) for which inferences were uncertain. For those miRNAs more experimental effort is needed to fully assess their effect in the context of new hits discovery and usefulness as disease indicators. The proposed multilevel Bayesian model can be used to characterize the panel of miRNA profile and to assess the difference in expression levels between healthy and cancer individuals