65 research outputs found

    The kinase inhibitor SI113 induces autophagy and synergizes with quinacrine in hindering the growth of human glioblastoma multiforme cells

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    open15noBackground: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), due to its location, aggressiveness, heterogeneity and infiltrative growth, is characterized by an exceptionally dismal clinical outcome. The small molecule SI113, recently identified as a SGK1 inhibitor, has proven to be effective in restraining GBM growth in vitro and in vivo, showing also encouraging results when employed in combination with other antineoplastic drugs or radiotherapy. Our aim was to explore the pharmacological features of SI113 in GBM cells in order to elucidate the pivotal molecular pathways affected by the drug. Such knowledge would be of invaluable help in conceiving a rational offensive toward GBM. Methods: We employed GBM cell lines, either established or primary (neurospheres), and used a Reverse-Phase Protein Arrays (RPPA) platform to assess the effect of SI113 upon 114 protein factors whose post-translational modifications are associated with activation or repression of specific signal transduction cascades.Results: SI113 strongly affected the PI3K/mTOR pathway, evoking a pro-survival autophagic response in neurospheres. These results suggested the use of SI113 coupled, for maximum efficiency, with autophagy inhibitors. Indeed, the association of SI113 with an autophagy inhibitor, the antimalarial drug quinacrine, induced a strong synergistic effect in inhibiting GBM growth properties in all the cells tested, including neurospheres. Conclusions: RPPA clearly identified the molecular pathways influenced by SI113 in GBM cells, highlighting their vulnerability when the drug was administered in association with autophagy inhibitors, providing a strong molecular rationale for testing SI113 in clinical trials in associative GBM therapy.openMatteoni S.; Abbruzzese C.; Matarrese P.; De Luca G.; Mileo A.M.; Miccadei S.; Schenone S.; Musumeci F.; Haas T.L.; Sette G.; Carapella C.M.; Amato R.; Perrotti N.; Signore M.; Paggi M.G.Matteoni, S.; Abbruzzese, C.; Matarrese, P.; De Luca, G.; Mileo, A. M.; Miccadei, S.; Schenone, S.; Musumeci, F.; Haas, T. L.; Sette, G.; Carapella, C. M.; Amato, R.; Perrotti, N.; Signore, M.; Paggi, M. G

    Castel di Sangro-Scontrone field camp – structural and applied geomorphology

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    The Geomorphological Field Camp 2014 in the Castel di Sangro-Scontrone area is the result of geological and geomorphological teaching field work activities carried out in Central Italy by a group of 23 students attending the Structural Geomorphology and Applied Geomorphology courses (Master's Degree in Geological Science and Technology of the Università degli Studi ‘G. d'Annunzio’ Chieti-Pescara, Italy, Department of Engineering and Geology). The Field Camp 2014 was organized in May 2014, following regular classes held during the fall term. General activities for the field camp were developed over four main stages: (1) preliminary analysis of the regional geological and geomorphological setting of the area; (2) preliminary activities for the analysis of the local area (orography, hydrography and photogeology investigations, and geographical information system processing); (3) field work, focused on the analysis of a specific issue concerning structural geomorphology or applied geomorphology (e.g. landscape evolution, river channel change, landslide distribution, and flood hazard); and (4) post-field work production of the map. Finally, the fundamental role of field work in the analysis of landscape and in land management was outlined: indeed, the overall field camp enhanced the crucial role of field-based learning for young geomorphologists in order to acquire a strong sensitivity to geomorphological processes and landscape evolution

    PAX8 promotes tumor cell growth by transcriptionally regulating E2F1 and stabilizing RB protein

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    The retinoblastoma protein (RB)–E2F1 pathway has a central role in regulating the cell cycle. Several PAX proteins (tissue-specific developmental regulators), including PAX8, interact with the RB protein, and thus regulate the cell cycle directly or indirectly. Here, we report that PAX8 expression is frequent in renal cell carcinoma, bladder, ovarian and thyroid cancer cell lines, and that silencing of PAX8 in cancer cell lines leads to a striking reduction in the expression of E2F1 and its target genes, as well as a proteasome-dependent destabilization of RB protein, with the RB1 mRNA level remaining unaffected. Cancer cells expressing PAX8 undergo a G1/S arrest and eventually senesce following PAX8 silencing. We demonstrate that PAX8 transcriptionally regulates the E2F1 promoter directly, and E2F1 transcription is enhanced after RB depletion. RB is recruited to the PAX8-binding site, and is involved in PAX8-mediated E2F1 transcription in cancer cells. Therefore, our results suggest that, in cancer, frequent and persistent expression of PAX8 is required for cell growth control through transcriptional activation of E2F1 expression and upregulation of the RB–E2F1 pathway

    Artichoke polyphenols sensitize human breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs via a ROS-mediated downregulation of flap endonuclease 1

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    Combined treatment of several natural polyphenols and chemotherapeutic agents is more effective comparing to the drug alone in inhibiting cancer cell growth. Polyphenolic artichoke extracts (AEs) have been shown to have anticancer properties by triggering apoptosis or reactive oxygen species- (ROS-) mediated senescence when used at high or low doses, respectively. Our aim was to explore the chemosensitizing potential of AEs in order to enhance the efficacy of conventional chemotherapy in breast cancer cells. We employed breast cancer cell lines to assess the potential synergistic effect of a combined treatment of AEs/paclitaxel (PTX) or AEs/adriamycin (ADR) and to determine the underlying mechanisms correlated to this potential therapeutic approach. Our data shows that AEs/PTX reduced cell proliferation by increasing DNA damage response (DDR) mediated by Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) downregulation that results into enhanced breast cancer cell sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs. We demonstrated that ROS/Nrf2 and p-ERK pathways are two molecular mechanisms involved in the synergistic effect of AEs plus PTX treatment. To highlight the role of ROS herein, we report that the addition of antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) significantly decreased the antiproliferative effect of the combined treatment. A combined therapy could be able to reduce the dose of chemotherapeutic drugs, minimizing toxicity and side effects. Our results suggest the use of artichoke polyphenols as ROS-mediated sensitizers of chemotherapy paving the way for innovative and promising natural compound-based therapeutic strategies in oncology

    Enhancement of doxorubicin content by the antitumor drug lonidamine in resistant Ehrlich ascites tumor cells through modulation of energy metabolism.

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    The effect of the antitumor drug lonidamine (LND) on respiration, aerobic glycolysis, adenylate pool, doxorubicin (DOX) uptake, and efflux in DOX-resistant and DOX-sensitive Ehrlich tumor cells was investigated. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) In both types of cells, LND inhibited both respiration and glycolysis in a dose-dependent manner and lowered the ATP concentration. The effect was more marked in cells incubated in glucose-free medium; 2) LND raised, to a remarkable extent, the intracellular content of DOX in resistant and sensitive cells respiring on endogenous substrates because of reduced ATP availability, whereas in glucose-supplemented medium, where both respiration and glycolysis contributed to ATP synthesis, the increase was lower; and 3) when LND was added to DOX-loaded cells, it failed to significantly inhibit DOX efflux because of time-dependent phenomena. These findings indicated that LND, a drug currently employed in tumor therapy, might also be useful in reducing or overcoming multidrug resistance (MDR) of those cells with a reduced ability to accumulate and retain antitumor drugs