2 research outputs found

    Image_1_Roles of vaginal flora in human papillomavirus infection, virus persistence and clearance.tif

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    Vaginal flora plays a vital role in human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and progression to cancer. To reveal a role of the vaginal flora in HPV persistence and clearance, 90 patients with HPV infection and 45 healthy individuals were enrolled in this study and their vaginal flora were analyzed. Women with HPV infection were treated with Lactobacillus in the vaginal environment as a supplement to interferon therapy. Our results indicated that patients with high risk HPV (Hr-HPV) 16/18 infection had a significantly higher alpha diversity compared with the healthy control (p 0.05). Patients with multiple HPV infection had insignificantly higher alpha diversity compared with single HPV infection (p > 0.05). The vaginal flora of patients with HPV infection exhibited different compositions when compared to the healthy controls. The dominant bacteria with the highest prevalence in HPV-positive group were Lactobacillus iners (n = 49, 54.44%), and the top 3 dominant bacteria in the HPV-persistent group were Lactobacillus iners (n = 34, 53.13%), Sneathia amnii (n = 9, 14.06%), and Lactobacillus delbrueckii (n = 3, 4.69%). Patients with HPV clearance had significantly lower alpha diversity, and the flora pattern was also different between groups displaying HPV clearance vs. persistence. The patients with persistent HPV infection had significantly higher levels of Bacteroidaceae, Erysipelotrichaceae, Helicobacteraceae, Neisseriaceae, Streptococcaceae (family level), and Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Neisseria, and Helicobacter (genus level) than patients who had cleared HPV (p ImportanceOur study revealed differences in vaginal flora patterns are associated with HPV persistence and its clearance. Interferon plus probiotics can greatly improve virus clearance in some patients. Distinguishing bacterial features associated with HPV clearance in patients would be helpful for early intervention and reverse persistent infection.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_New insight into the microbiome, resistome, and mobilome on the dental waste water in the context of heavy metal environment.docx

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    ObjectHospital sewage have been associated with incorporation of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) into microbes, which is considered as a key indicator for the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The compositions of dental waste water (DWW) contain heavy metals, the evolution of AMR and its effects on the water environment in the context of heavy metal environment have not been seriously investigated. Thus, our major aims were to elucidate the evolution of AMR in DWW.MethodsDWW samples were collected from a major dental department. The presence of microbial communities, ARGs, and MGEs in untreated and treated (by filter membrane and ozone) samples were analyzed using metagenomics and bioinformatic methods.ResultsDWW-associated resistomes included 1,208 types of ARGs, belonging to 29 antibiotic types/subtypes. The most abundant types/subtypes were ARGs of multidrug resistance and of antibiotics that were frequently used in the clinical practice. Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Chryseobacterium indologenes, Sphingomonas laterariae were the main bacteria which hosted these ARGs. Mobilomes in DWW consisted of 93 MGE subtypes which belonged to 8 MGE types. Transposases were the most frequently detected MGEs which formed networks of communications. For example, ISCrsp1 and tnpA.5/4/11 were the main transposases located in the central hubs of a network. These significant associations between ARGs and MGEs revealed the strong potential of ARGs transmission towards development of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria. On the other hand, treatment of DWW using membranes and ozone was only effective in removing minor species of bacteria and types of ARGs and MGEs.ConclusionDWW contained abundant ARGs, and MGEs, which contributed to the occurrence and spread of AMR bacteria. Consequently, DWW would seriously increase environmental health concerns which may be different but have been well-documented from hospital waste waters.</p