9 research outputs found


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    U ovom su radu obrađeni i sažeti svi relevantni podaci o ribarstvu u Republici Hrvatskoj. To znači da su obrađeni podaci o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe i drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i rekreacijskoā€“Å”portski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada riba), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te o novčanim poticajima u ribarstvu. Uzgoj slatkovodne ribe u godini 2003. obilježen je smanjenjem proizvodnje s obzirom na prethodnih pet godina. I dalje Å”aran je najdominantnija riba u uzgoju slatkovodne ribe, ali se njegov udio smanjuje iz godine u godinu, dok se udio proizvedene pastrve povećava. Uz smanjenje proizvodnje, smanjene su i ukupne i proizvodne povrÅ”ine na kojima se obavlja uzgoj, te su proizvodne povrÅ”ine najmanje u desetogodiÅ”njem razdoblju i iznose 6.281,97 ha. U godini 2003. smanjen je i potroÅ”ak hrane, dok je potroÅ”ak gnojiva i vapna povećan, odnosno najveći je u desetogodiÅ”njem razdoblju. Takav povećan i potroÅ”ak gnojiva i vapna uvjetovan je nepovoljnim klimatskim uvjetima tijekom ljeta. U godini 2003. neÅ”to je bolja situacija u uzgoju morske ribe (marikulture) nego u uzgoju slatkovodne ribe. Dosegnuta proizvodnja bijele ribe ne mijenja se već nekoliko godina i iznosi 2.510 tona, a i uzgoj kamenica stagnira, dok se uzgoj dagnji u nekoliko posljednjih godina povećava kao i uzgoj tuna. Ulov ribe u gospodarskom ribolovu iznosi 29.102 tone i obavlja se na 34.000 km2, pa je u odnosu prema godini 2002. ulov povećan čak 49,24%. Uz povećanje ukupnog ulova povećan je i broj gospodarskih ribara te broj ribarskih plovila. Broj ribara koji obavljaju ribolov za vlastitu potroÅ”nju bez prava prodaje, odnosno ribari koji obavljaju mali ribolov u godini 2003. iznosi 13.500. Proizvodnja ribe i ribljih proizvoda u 2003. godini iznosi 19.000 tona, od čega 62% otpada na konzerviranu ribu. Uvoz i izvoz ribe i ribljih proizvoda povećava se u desetogodiÅ”njem razdoblju. Vrijednost izvoza stalno nadmaÅ”uje vrijednost uvoza iako je odnos izvoza i uvoza količinski mnogo veći na strani uvoza. Jedna od mjera potpore jesu i novčani poticaji koji se isplaćuju po proizvedenoj i prodanoj količini pa je u godini 2003. isplaćeno 68.266.489,79 kuna, odnosno 4,86 % viÅ”e nego u godini 2002.This work deals with the analysis and sublimation of all the relevant informations regarding fisheries in Republic of Croatia. This means that there were processed data about freshwater fisheries (farming of freshwater fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries (mariculture, commercial fisheries, smallā€“scale fisheries and processing of fish products), import and export of fish and fish products as well as the financial subventions regarding fisheries. The farming of freshwater fish in 2003 is marked by the decrease of production comparing to the past 5 years. Carp is furthermore the most dominant fish species in freshwater fish farming, but itā€™s percentage is decreasing, and the percentage of the trout is increasing over the years. In addition to the decrease of production, the areas of production are decreasing as well, and now they are the smallest in the past decade ā€” 6,281.97 ha. In 2003 the amount of used food is also decreased, but the amount of used fertilizers and lime is increased, that means it is the biggest in the past decade. This is caused by the bad climate conditions during the summer. Marine fisheries farming (mariculture) in 2003 is in a slightly better position then the freshwater fish farming. The production of white fish species, which was reached before few years, is not changing ā€” 2,510 tons, also the farming of oysters is stagnating, but in the past few years the farming of mussels and tuna fish is increasing. The total marine fish catch is 29,102 tons and it is performed over 34,000 km2, comparing to the 2002 it is increased by almost 49.24%. Additional to the increase of the total catch the number of commercial fishermen and fishing vessels is also increased. The number of fisherman which fish for their own consumption without the right to sell fish, that means the smallā€“scale fishermen in 2003 is 13,500. The production of fish and fish products in 2003 is 19,000 tons, and the 62 % of it is canned fish. The import and export of fish and fish products is increasing over the last decade. The value of export is constantly overcoming the value of import, although the balance of export and import in amount is much bigger in the case of import. As one of the support measures, financial state subventions are paid according to the produced and sold amount, and in 2003 the state subventions were 68,266,489.79 kunas, which is 4.86 % more comparing to the 2002


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    Zakonom o državnoj potpori u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i Å”umarstvu (Ā»Narodne novineĀ«, 87/02 i 117/03) promijenjen je dosadaÅ”nji sustav potpore. Korisnicima potpore u ribarstvu namijenjeno je nekoliko načina potpore i pomoći. DosadaÅ”nji novčani poticaji koji su bili propisani za ribarstvo od godine 1995., od 1. siječnja 2003. isplaćivali su se s pomoću modela poticanja proizvodnje. Uz taj dobro prihvaćeni model potpore, tu su joÅ” i model kapitalnih ulaganja, potpora osiguranju proizvodnje, pravo na uporabu plavog dizela, te kreditiranje uzgoja slatkovodne i morske mlađi, konzumne ribe i Å”koljaka. Ovih pet modela potpore i pomoći mogu rabiti uzgajivači morske i slatkovodne ribe, Å”koljaka, dok je za ulov morske ribe predviđen model poticanja proizvodnje (ulov male plave ribe), model kapitalnih ulaganja te uporaba plavog dizela. Prerađivači morske i slatkovodne ribe mogu se koristiti modelom poticanja proizvodnje i modelom kapitalnih ulaganja. Za sve te modele jedinstveno je da pravo na njih imaju pravne ili fizičke osobe registrirane za obavljanje djelatnosti ulova (posjedovanje povlastice za gospodarski ribolov), uzgoja (posjedovanje povlastice za akvakulturu, odnosno povlastice za uzgoj ribe i drugih morskih organizama) i prerade (posjedovanje rjeÅ”enja o udovoljavanju propisanim veterinarskoā€“sanitarnim uvjetima i registracijski list i čiji objekti su upisani u Upisnik odobrenih objekata).By passing the law on state support in agriculture, fishery and forestry the former support system has been changed. Fishery support beneficiaries can use several kinds of support and help. Former financial stimulations for fishery regulated by law from 1995 to 1st January 2003 were settled by the production stimulation model. Besides that well received model, there are the capital investment model, the support in production insurance, the right to use blue diesel, and granting credit for production of freshwater and saltwater fry, adult fish and shells. These five models of support and help can be used by freshwater and saltwater fish and shell breeders, while for fishing the marine fish the production stimulation model is applied (fishing of small pelagic fish), as well as the capital investment model and right to use blue diesel. Marine and freshwater processors can use the production stimulation and the capital investment model. All these models have in common the fact that all physical and legal entities registered for fishing activities (having licence for commercial fishery), aquaculture (the licence for aquaculture or the one for fish and other marine organisam breeding) and processing (having the regulated veterinarian and sanitary conditions, the registration document and having been registered in the List of approved facilities) have the right to use them


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    This work deals with all the relevant statistic data regarding fisheries of Republic of Croatia, including freshwater fisheries data (aquaculture of fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries data (mariculture, commercial fisheries, smallā€“scale fisheries and processing of fish and other marine organisms), as well as data about import and export of fish and fish products and the data about financial subventions in fisheries. Regarding aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) in 2005. there have been noticed slight production increase (both warmwater and coldwater fish species). The total freshwater fish production in 2005. was 6,199 tons (4,776 tons of warmā€“water species and 1,423 tons of coldā€“water species). Total areas and production areas were decreased comparing to 2004. (in all categories of production areas except for consumā€“fish production areas, where a slight increase has been noticed). Total catch of freshwater fish in 2005. was 656 tons. The total marine fish species production in 2005. was 3,000 tons, production of tuna 4,000 tons, mussels 2,500 tons and oysters 800,000 pieces. In mariculture sector there has been noticed the biggest increase in fishā€“fry production (43.39% comparing to 2004., in 2005. it was 10,000,000 pieces). The catch of marine fish was increased by 8.50% comparing to 2004. (increase was noticed for white and blue fish species). During 2005. there were no significant changes regarding the number of commercial fishermen comparing to the last two years, while the number of smallā€“scale fishermen decreased 3.80% comparing to the last year. The total production of fish products in 2005. as 16,945 tons, which is 31.65% more comparing to 2004. In this sector the most significant is the increase of salted fish production, which was 56.11% more than 2004. The value of import in 2005. was higher than the value of export, which represents the only exception in last decade. The capital investments model is most similar to the financial subventions model which is applied in EU countries, and in 2004. there have been 20.44% more financial means payed for this purpose


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    Zakonom o državnoj potpori u poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i Å”umarstvu (Ā»Narodne novineĀ«, 87/02 i 117/03) promijenjen je dosadaÅ”nji sustav potpore. Korisnicima potpore u ribarstvu namijenjeno je nekoliko načina potpore i pomoći. DosadaÅ”nji novčani poticaji koji su bili propisani za ribarstvo od godine 1995., od 1. siječnja 2003. isplaćivali su se s pomoću modela poticanja proizvodnje. Uz taj dobro prihvaćeni model potpore, tu su joÅ” i model kapitalnih ulaganja, potpora osiguranju proizvodnje, pravo na uporabu plavog dizela, te kreditiranje uzgoja slatkovodne i morske mlađi, konzumne ribe i Å”koljaka. Ovih pet modela potpore i pomoći mogu rabiti uzgajivači morske i slatkovodne ribe, Å”koljaka, dok je za ulov morske ribe predviđen model poticanja proizvodnje (ulov male plave ribe), model kapitalnih ulaganja te uporaba plavog dizela. Prerađivači morske i slatkovodne ribe mogu se koristiti modelom poticanja proizvodnje i modelom kapitalnih ulaganja. Za sve te modele jedinstveno je da pravo na njih imaju pravne ili fizičke osobe registrirane za obavljanje djelatnosti ulova (posjedovanje povlastice za gospodarski ribolov), uzgoja (posjedovanje povlastice za akvakulturu, odnosno povlastice za uzgoj ribe i drugih morskih organizama) i prerade (posjedovanje rjeÅ”enja o udovoljavanju propisanim veterinarskoā€“sanitarnim uvjetima i registracijski list i čiji objekti su upisani u Upisnik odobrenih objekata).By passing the law on state support in agriculture, fishery and forestry the former support system has been changed. Fishery support beneficiaries can use several kinds of support and help. Former financial stimulations for fishery regulated by law from 1995 to 1st January 2003 were settled by the production stimulation model. Besides that well received model, there are the capital investment model, the support in production insurance, the right to use blue diesel, and granting credit for production of freshwater and saltwater fry, adult fish and shells. These five models of support and help can be used by freshwater and saltwater fish and shell breeders, while for fishing the marine fish the production stimulation model is applied (fishing of small pelagic fish), as well as the capital investment model and right to use blue diesel. Marine and freshwater processors can use the production stimulation and the capital investment model. All these models have in common the fact that all physical and legal entities registered for fishing activities (having licence for commercial fishery), aquaculture (the licence for aquaculture or the one for fish and other marine organisam breeding) and processing (having the regulated veterinarian and sanitary conditions, the registration document and having been registered in the List of approved facilities) have the right to use them


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    S obzirom na važnost ribarstva, unutar kojeg je i slatkovodno ribarstvo, za gospodarstvo Republike Hrvatske, cilj je ovoga rada prikazati stanje u razdoblju od 1995. do 1998. i plan proizvodnje ribe za godinu 1999. Veća je pažnja posvećena razdoblju od godine 1998. do 1999. kako bi se dobio cjeloviti i detaljan uvid u sadaÅ”nje stanje slatkovodnog ribarstva i usmjerenost kretanja te proizvodnje. Prikazani su podaci i o toplovodnim (Å”aranskim) ribnjacima i o hladnovodnim (pastrvskim) ribnjacima. Obrađeno je 29 ribnjačarstava i ribogojiliÅ”ta, od toga 20 toplovodnih i devet hladnovodnih, koji su dostavili tražene podatke u Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i Å”umarstva, Upravu ribarstva. Za tri ribnjaka provedena je procjena stanja jer nisu dostavili tražene podatke. Å to se tiče broja djelatnika zaposlenih na ribnjacima, zabilježen je lagani pad u razdoblju od godine 1995. do 1997. Broj se djelatnika godine 1998. osjetno povećao, i to 10,07 % u odnosu na godinu 1997. Kvalifikacija zaposlenih u 1998. pokazuje da je najviÅ”e nekvalificiranih djelatnika, Å”to je i sukladno potrebama obavljanja djelatnosti na ribnjacima. Ukupne povrÅ”ine toplovodnih ribnjaka iznosile su u godini 1998. 12.708 ha, a proizvodna povrÅ”ina 9.782 ha. NajviÅ”e su zastupljena ribnjačarstva do 500 ha ukupne povrÅ”ine (45,45 %), dok je 50,00 % proizvodne povrÅ”ine od 500 do 1 000 ha. Proizvodnja na hladnovodnim ribnjacima odvija se na 165.905 m 2 ukupnih povrÅ”ina ribogojiliÅ”ta, a samo je 40.538 m 2 proizvodnih povrÅ”ina ribogojiliÅ”ta. Proizvodnja ribe u promatranom je razdoblju u stalnom porastu, a taj trend porasta predviđa se i u godini 1999, i to 28,30 % u odnosu na godinu 1998. Porast se predviđa za sve vrste riba, osim za glavaÅ”a i linjaka. Unutar proizvodnje linjaka očekuje se porast proizvodnje konzumnog linjaka, ali se očekuje smanjenje proizvodnje jednogodiÅ”njeg i dvogodiÅ”njeg mlađa. Od svih ribljih vrsta u proizvodnji je najzastupljeniji Å”aran, i to godine 1998. s 80,93 %, slijedi pastrva s 8,30 %, biljožderne vrste riba s 8,01 %, a na kraju su sve ostale ribe s 2,76 %, među kojima je najzastupljenija proizvodnja soma. Neznatno promijenjena struktura takve proizvodnje očekuje se i u godini 1999. JoÅ” se uvijek očekuje najveća proizvodnja Å”arana, neÅ”to povećana - 81,97 %, slijedi proizvodnja pastrva - 6,68 %, biljoždernih vrsta riba - 7,69 %, te ostalih vrsta riba, gdje se očekuje povećanje postotka proizvodnje u odnosu na godinu 1998. i iznosi 3,67 %. UzevÅ”i u obzir proizvodne povrÅ”ine ribnjaka i ostvarenu proizvodnju u godini 1998, dolazi se do zaključka da je prosječni prinos u Å”aranskim ribnjacima bio 710,37 kg/ha, Å”to je znatno ispod očekivanih prinosa od oko 1.000 kg/ha. Dakako, treba naglasiti da su neki ribnjaci vrijednost od 1.000 kg/ha uspjeli dostići pa čak i premaÅ”iti. U pastrvskim je ribnjacima prosječni prinos iznosio je 133,17 t/ha. Povećana proizvodnja iziskuje i povećanu potrebu za hranom. U hranidbi riba predviđa se najveći potroÅ”ak kukuruza (60,59 %), zatim pÅ”enice (14,91 %), smjese (10,36 %), ječma (8,38 %), te sojine sačme (3,29 %), mesno-koÅ”tanoga braÅ”na (0,48 %), ribljega braÅ”na (0,51 %), lijekova, ljekovite hrane i dodataka hrani (0,68 %) i ostale hrane (0,81 %) Ribe iz toplovodnih ribnjaka plasiraju se i na domaće i na inozemno tržiÅ”te, dok se pastrve plasiraju isključivo na domaćemu tržiÅ”tu. Ukupna realizacija na tržiÅ”tu slatkovodne ribe iznosila je godine 1998. oko 45 milijuna kuna. Kao jedna od mjera za unapređivanje ribarstva i akvakulture općenito jesu poticaji za proizvodnju slatkovodne ribe. Na temelju Zakona o novčanim poticajima u poljoprivredi i ribarstvu tijekom godine 1998. isplaćeni su novčani poticaji za uzgoj slatkovodne ribe u iznosu od 5.623.957,01 kuna, Å”to je porast od 77,57 % u odnosu na godinu 1997.As fishery, including freshwater, is very important for economy of the Republic of Croatia, the aim of this paper is to show its condition from 1995 to 1998. and also to draw a plan for fish production in 1999. The period from 1998-1999. is more stressed in order to have a total and detailed view into the present condition of the freshwater fishery and into the direction in wish that production is going. Data about carp ponds and also about trout ponds is presented. Twentynine fish-ponds are processed out of which 20 are carp ponds and 9 trout ponds. Data was delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Fisheries Directorate. An assessment of the condition is made for 3 fish-ponds as the desired data was not provided. As to the number of employees on fish-ponds, a slight decline could be percived in the period from 1995 to 1997. In 1998 a number of employees considerably increased for 10.07% in relation to 1997. qualification of the employees in 1998. show that the most of them are unqualified what is in accord with the requirements of a job on a fish-pond. Overall surface of the carp ponds in 1998 was 12,708 and the production surface was 9,782 ha. The most of the fish-ponds have up to 500 ha of total surface (45.45%), while 50% of the fish-ponds have production surface from 500-100 ha. The production in the trout ponds is made on 165,905 m 2 of the overall surface of the ponds, and only 40,538 m 2 are the production surface of the ponds. The production of fish in that period was in constant increase and that increasing trend in expected in 1999, and it will be an 28.30 % increase in relation to 1998. The increase is expected for all kids of fish except for big head carps, silver carps and tinch fishs. As a part of the production of tinch fishs an increase in production of consumption tinch fish is expected, but a decrease in production of one-year and two-year old fishs and two-year old fish. Out of all kinds of fish, the most produced in 1998. was carp (80.93%), then trout (8.30 %), herbivorous kinds of fish (8.01%) and all other fish (2.76%) out of which sheat fish was the most produced. Only slightly changed structure of the production is expected in 1999. Carp production will still be the most prolific and slightly increased - 81.97%, trout - production - 6.68 %, herbivorous fish - 7.69% and other kinds of fish - 3.69% which in increased percentage in relation to 1998. Taking into consideration production surfaces of the fish ponds and the realized production in 1998., it can be conciuded that the average amount in carp fish ponds was 710.37 kg/ha which is substantially under desired amount of about 1000 kg/ha. Surely, it should be stressed that some fish ponds managed to attain that number and even to exceed it. In trout fish ponds the average amount was 133.17 t/ha. The increased production requires an increased need for food. It is expected that the largest expenditure for fish feeding will be that of corn (60.59%), wheat (14.91%), mixture (10.36%), barley (8.38%), and soya shot (3.29%), meat-bone flour (0.48), fish flour (0.51%), medicines, medicinal food and aditives (0.68%) and other food (0.81%). Fish in carp ponds are sold on the domestic market and abroad, while trouts are sold only on the domestic market. Total realization on the freshwater fish market was 45 milions kunas in 1998. As one of the mesaures for improvement of fishery and aquaculture in general are stimuli for production of freshwater fish. On the grounds of the law of monetary incentive in agriculture and fishery. During 1998. A monetary incentive for growing of freshwater fish was payed and it was 5,623,957.01 kunas which is an increase of 77.57% in relation to 1997


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    Ovaj rad obrađuje sve relevantne statističke podatke o ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske, koji uključuju podatke o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe i drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i Å”portski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada riba), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te podatke o novčanim potporama u ribarstvu. U uzgoju slatkovodne ribe u godini 2004. zabilježene su neznatne promjene u odnosu prema 2003. godini. Ukupna proizvodnja slatkovodnih riba u godini 2004. iznosila je 5.618 tona, od čega 4.259 tona toplovodnih vrsta, a 1.359 tona hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupne i proizvodne povrÅ”ine povećane su u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom, i to ukupne povrÅ”ine 1,94%, a proizvodne povrÅ”ine 5,42%. Ukupan ulov slatkovodne ribe u godini 2004. iznosio je 567 tona. Ukupna proizvodnja bijele morske ribe povećana je oko 20% u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom. Uzgoj dagnji, koji je od godine 1999. u laganom porastu, tijekom godine 2004. je smanjen, a uzgoj kamenica stagnira. Ulov morske ribe u odnosu na 2003. godinu povećan je 9,74%. Najveće povećanje od 21,62% zabilježeno je pri ulovu demerzalnih i ostalih vrsta riba. Uz povećanje ukupnog ulova, neznatno je povećan i broj gospodarskih ribara te broj ribarskih plovila. Ribara koji obavljaju ribolov za vlastitu potroÅ”nju bez prava prodaje, odnosno ribara koji obavljaju mali ribolov, u godini 2004. bilo je 13.700. Ukupna proizvodnja ribljih prerađevina u 2004. iznosila je 14.270 tona, Å”to je smanjenje od 24,89% u usporedbi s 2003. godinom. Uz ovo, znatno smanjenje zabilježen je i trend povećanja proizvodnog asortimana, od čega posebice soljenog inćuna. Vrijednost izvoza i u godini 2004. nadmaÅ”ila je vrijednost uvoza, iako je odnos izvoza i uvoza količinski veći na strani uvoza. U usporedbi s prvom godinom isplate novčanih poticaja, 1997. godinom, tijekom godine 2004. isplaćeno je čak 67,21% veći iznos. Najznatniji udio od 32,03% isplaćen je za preradu ribe na područjima s težim uvjetima gospodarenja.This work deals with all the relevant statistic data regarding fisheries of Republic of Croatia, including freshwater fisheries data (aquaculture of fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries data (mariculture, commercial fisheries, smallā€“scale fisheries and processing of fish and other marine organisms), as well as data about import and export of fish and fish products and the data about financial subventions in fisheries. Regarding aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) in 2004 there have been noticed slight changes comparing to 2003. The total freshwater fish production in 2004 was 5,618 tons (4,259 tons of warmā€“water species and 1,359 tons of coldā€“water species). Total areas and production areas were increased comparing to 2003 (total areas 1.94% and production areas 5.42%). Total catch of freshwater fish in 2004 was 567 tons. The total marine fish species production was increased cca. 20% comparing to 2003. Mussels farming, which is slightly increasing since 1999, during 2004 was decreased, while oysters farming were stagnating. The catch of marine fish was increased by 9.74% comparing to 2003. The biggest increase is noticed regarding catch of demersal and other fish species. As well as the increase of the total catch, the number of commercial fishermen and fishing vessels was also increased in 2003. The number of fishermen who fish for their own consumption (without the right to sell fishā€“small scale fishermen) in 2004 was 13,700. The total production of fish products in 2004 was 14,270 tons, which is 24.89% less comparing to 2003. Along this decrease, there has been also noticed an increasing trend of the production assortments, specially salted anchovy. The value of import in 2004 was higher than the value of export, although the export/import balance was higher in amount on the import side. Financial subventions payments in 2004 were 67.21% higher comparing to the first year of payments (1997). The highest percentage (32.03%) was paid for the processing of fish in the areas with more difficult commerce conditions


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    Ovaj rad obrađuje sve relevantne statističke podatke o ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske, koji uključuju podatke o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe i drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i Å”portski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada riba), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te podatke o novčanim potporama u ribarstvu. U uzgoju slatkovodne ribe u godini 2004. zabilježene su neznatne promjene u odnosu prema 2003. godini. Ukupna proizvodnja slatkovodnih riba u godini 2004. iznosila je 5.618 tona, od čega 4.259 tona toplovodnih vrsta, a 1.359 tona hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupne i proizvodne povrÅ”ine povećane su u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom, i to ukupne povrÅ”ine 1,94%, a proizvodne povrÅ”ine 5,42%. Ukupan ulov slatkovodne ribe u godini 2004. iznosio je 567 tona. Ukupna proizvodnja bijele morske ribe povećana je oko 20% u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom. Uzgoj dagnji, koji je od godine 1999. u laganom porastu, tijekom godine 2004. je smanjen, a uzgoj kamenica stagnira. Ulov morske ribe u odnosu na 2003. godinu povećan je 9,74%. Najveće povećanje od 21,62% zabilježeno je pri ulovu demerzalnih i ostalih vrsta riba. Uz povećanje ukupnog ulova, neznatno je povećan i broj gospodarskih ribara te broj ribarskih plovila. Ribara koji obavljaju ribolov za vlastitu potroÅ”nju bez prava prodaje, odnosno ribara koji obavljaju mali ribolov, u godini 2004. bilo je 13.700. Ukupna proizvodnja ribljih prerađevina u 2004. iznosila je 14.270 tona, Å”to je smanjenje od 24,89% u usporedbi s 2003. godinom. Uz ovo, znatno smanjenje zabilježen je i trend povećanja proizvodnog asortimana, od čega posebice soljenog inćuna. Vrijednost izvoza i u godini 2004. nadmaÅ”ila je vrijednost uvoza, iako je odnos izvoza i uvoza količinski veći na strani uvoza. U usporedbi s prvom godinom isplate novčanih poticaja, 1997. godinom, tijekom godine 2004. isplaćeno je čak 67,21% veći iznos. Najznatniji udio od 32,03% isplaćen je za preradu ribe na područjima s težim uvjetima gospodarenja.This work deals with all the relevant statistic data regarding fisheries of Republic of Croatia, including freshwater fisheries data (aquaculture of fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries data (mariculture, commercial fisheries, smallā€“scale fisheries and processing of fish and other marine organisms), as well as data about import and export of fish and fish products and the data about financial subventions in fisheries. Regarding aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) in 2004 there have been noticed slight changes comparing to 2003. The total freshwater fish production in 2004 was 5,618 tons (4,259 tons of warmā€“water species and 1,359 tons of coldā€“water species). Total areas and production areas were increased comparing to 2003 (total areas 1.94% and production areas 5.42%). Total catch of freshwater fish in 2004 was 567 tons. The total marine fish species production was increased cca. 20% comparing to 2003. Mussels farming, which is slightly increasing since 1999, during 2004 was decreased, while oysters farming were stagnating. The catch of marine fish was increased by 9.74% comparing to 2003. The biggest increase is noticed regarding catch of demersal and other fish species. As well as the increase of the total catch, the number of commercial fishermen and fishing vessels was also increased in 2003. The number of fishermen who fish for their own consumption (without the right to sell fishā€“small scale fishermen) in 2004 was 13,700. The total production of fish products in 2004 was 14,270 tons, which is 24.89% less comparing to 2003. Along this decrease, there has been also noticed an increasing trend of the production assortments, specially salted anchovy. The value of import in 2004 was higher than the value of export, although the export/import balance was higher in amount on the import side. Financial subventions payments in 2004 were 67.21% higher comparing to the first year of payments (1997). The highest percentage (32.03%) was paid for the processing of fish in the areas with more difficult commerce conditions


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    U ovome su radu obrađeni prikupljeni statistički podaci o ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske, Å”to znači podaci o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe I drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i Å”portski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada ribe i drugih morskih organizama), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te podaci o novčanim poticajima u ribarstvu. U uzgoju slatkovodne ribe u godini 2006. zabilježen je porast proizvodnje hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupna proizvodnja slatkovodnih riba u 2005. godini iznosila je 6.328 tona, od čega 4.599 tona toplovodnih vrsta i 1.729 tona hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupne proizvodne povrÅ”ine smanjene su u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i to kod svih kategorija uzgajaliÅ”ta. Ukupan ulov slatkovodne ribe u godini 2006. iznosio je 674 tone. Ukupna proizvodnja bijele morske ribe u 2006. godini bila je 3.500 tona, tuna 6.700 tona, dagnji 3.500 tona i 1.000.000 komada kamenica. Ulov morske ribe povećan je u odnosu na 2005. godinu 9,21%. Povećanje ulova zabilježeno je i kod bijele i kod plave ribe. Tijekom 2006. godine nije bilo znatnije promjene u broju gospodarskih ribara u usporedbi s prethodnim dvjema godinama, dok se je broj malih ribara smanjio 1% u odnosu na proÅ”lu godinu. Ukupna proizvodnja ribljih prerađevina u godini 2006. iznosila je 17.362 tona, Å”to je povećanje od 2,46% u odnosu na 2005. godinu.This work deals with all the relevant statistic data regarding fisheries of Republic of Croatia, including freshwater fisheries data (aquaculture of fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries data (mariculture, commercial fisheries, smallā€“scale fisheries and processing of fish and other marine organisms), as well as data about import and export of fish and fish products and the data about financial subventions in fisheries. Regarding aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) in 2005 there have been noticed production increase in coldwater fish species. The total freshwater fish production in 2006 was 6,328 tons (4,599 tons of warmā€“water species and 1,729 tons of coldā€“water species). Total areas and production areas were decreased comparing to 2005 in all categories of production areas. Total catch of freshwater fish in 2006 was 674 tons. The total marine fish species production in 2006 was 3,500 tons, production of tuna 6,700 tons, mussels 3,500 tons and oysters 1,000,000 pieces. The catch of marine fish was increased by 9.21% comparing to 2005 (increase was noticed for white and blue fish species). During 2006 there were no significant changes regarding the number of commercial fishermen comparing to the last two years, while the number of smallā€“scale fishermen decreased 1% comparing to the last year. The total production of fish products in 2006 was 17,362 tons, which is 2.46% more comparing to 2005

    Determination of the Cruise Vessels Seasonal Pattern in Eastern Adriatic

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    The notion of a seasonal pattern of cruise ships has been used frequently, but very few authors have analysed all the features of this pattern. This article adds some new insights on this topic by analysing cruise ship activity in the three largest ports on the east coast of Adriatic Sea in 2017 and 2018. The article presents an analysis of cruise ship arrivals at the ports and compares the analysis to the established pattern in the Mediterranean, revealing the nature of the seasonal pattern for the ports analysed. In addition, two further analyses were carried out, firstly the analysis of ship size, which determines new characteristics of the seasonal pattern. The second additional analysis considered the duration of ship visit during different times of the year and determined another pattern characteristic