
U ovome su radu obrađeni prikupljeni statistički podaci o ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske, što znači podaci o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe I drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i športski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada ribe i drugih morskih organizama), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te podaci o novčanim poticajima u ribarstvu. U uzgoju slatkovodne ribe u godini 2006. zabilježen je porast proizvodnje hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupna proizvodnja slatkovodnih riba u 2005. godini iznosila je 6.328 tona, od čega 4.599 tona toplovodnih vrsta i 1.729 tona hladnovodnih vrsta slatkovodne ribe. Ukupne proizvodne površine smanjene su u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i to kod svih kategorija uzgajališta. Ukupan ulov slatkovodne ribe u godini 2006. iznosio je 674 tone. Ukupna proizvodnja bijele morske ribe u 2006. godini bila je 3.500 tona, tuna 6.700 tona, dagnji 3.500 tona i 1.000.000 komada kamenica. Ulov morske ribe povećan je u odnosu na 2005. godinu 9,21%. Povećanje ulova zabilježeno je i kod bijele i kod plave ribe. Tijekom 2006. godine nije bilo znatnije promjene u broju gospodarskih ribara u usporedbi s prethodnim dvjema godinama, dok se je broj malih ribara smanjio 1% u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Ukupna proizvodnja ribljih prerađevina u godini 2006. iznosila je 17.362 tona, što je povećanje od 2,46% u odnosu na 2005. godinu.This work deals with all the relevant statistic data regarding fisheries of Republic of Croatia, including freshwater fisheries data (aquaculture of fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries data (mariculture, commercial fisheries, small–scale fisheries and processing of fish and other marine organisms), as well as data about import and export of fish and fish products and the data about financial subventions in fisheries. Regarding aquaculture (freshwater fish farming) in 2005 there have been noticed production increase in coldwater fish species. The total freshwater fish production in 2006 was 6,328 tons (4,599 tons of warm–water species and 1,729 tons of cold–water species). Total areas and production areas were decreased comparing to 2005 in all categories of production areas. Total catch of freshwater fish in 2006 was 674 tons. The total marine fish species production in 2006 was 3,500 tons, production of tuna 6,700 tons, mussels 3,500 tons and oysters 1,000,000 pieces. The catch of marine fish was increased by 9.21% comparing to 2005 (increase was noticed for white and blue fish species). During 2006 there were no significant changes regarding the number of commercial fishermen comparing to the last two years, while the number of small–scale fishermen decreased 1% comparing to the last year. The total production of fish products in 2006 was 17,362 tons, which is 2.46% more comparing to 2005

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