420 research outputs found

    Network analysis of correlation strength between the most developed countries

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    A new algorithm of the analysis of correlation among economy time series is proposed. The algorithm is based on the power law classification scheme (PLCS) followed by the analysis of the network on the percolation threshold (NPT). The algorithm was applied to the analysis of correlations among GDP per capita time series of 19 most developed countries in the periods (1982, 2011), (1992, 2011) and (2002, 2011). The representative countries with respect to strength of correlation, convergence of time series and stability of correlation are distinguished. The results are compared with ultrametric distance matrix analysed by NPT.Comment: submitted to Acta Physica Polonica

    Delayed information flow effect in economy systems. An ACP model study

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    Applying any strategy requires some knowledge about the past state of the system. Unfortunately in the case of economy collecting information is a difficult, expensive and time consuming process. Therefore the information about the system is known at the end of some well defined intervals, e. g. company reports, inflation data, GDP etc. They describe a (market) situation in the past. The time delay is specific to the market branch. It can be very short (e.g. stock market offer is updated every minute or so and this information is immediately available) or long, like months in the case of agricultural market, when the decisions are taken based on the results from the previous harvest. The analysis of the information flow delay can be based on the ACP model of spatial evolution of economic systems. The entities can move on a square lattice and when meeting take one of the two following decisions: merge or create a new entity. The decision is based on the system state, which is known with some time delay. The effect of system's feedback is investigated. We consider the case of company distribution evolution in a heterogenous field. The information flow time delay implies different final states, including cycles.Comment: Presented at APFA

    The merger of natural intelligence with artificial intelligence, with a focus on Neuralink company

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    Human development is connected with permanent action to be better, to overcome nature, to build something that has so far been able to occur without its participation. The emergence of concepts such as artificial infertification, artificial blood, artificial organs, artificial eye retina, artificial brain or artificial intelligence suggests the desire to take control of man, the control which has so far been attributed to nature, To God the Creator, fate or chance. The dynamic development of science, modern tools and research methods make the thought of artificial intelligence becoming more and more real. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used by business people. Its development involves numerous groups of high-class specialists, using the most modern IT tools. Before the creation of the first "intelligent" machines, its idea lasted in the imagination of many people. The films and books of science fiction presented the future in which man was replaced by a machine, and the phenomenon of this reality were robots. Today, for the modern man, it is not a surprise robot, or a "smart" computer program. Thanks to the rapid development of electronics and computer science, we are able to create what was once only a topic of science fiction. AI is currently being used in various fields of science, such as medicine, economics and management. But it is also worth remembering that these processes are accompanied by numerous questions and doubts related to the ethics of its use. The aim of the articles is to inspire the discourse on the example of Neuralink – the search for answers to emerging doubts