39 research outputs found

    Uslovi gajenja i zdravstveno stanje teladi na malim seoskim farmama

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    Good rearing conditions are the key factor for health and welfare of calves. Diarrhea, respiratory and navel infections are commonly referred to as the most common health problems in calves. The aim of this study was an observation of rearing conditions and the occurrence of the most common health problems in calves on small rural farms in Danube Region of Serbia. Data were colected from 30 farms by surveying the farmers. The questionary consisted of 75 questions pertaining to the following: general information on the farm, and on calving, nutrition, weaning, housing, hygiene of space for cows and calves, on calf diseases and diseases prevention measures. According to the answers, the average number of all categories of cattle at the fams is 18 heads. Calves are separated from their mothers immediately after birth at 67% farms. They receive colostrum up to two hours after birth at 47% of the farms and immediately after birth at 20% of the farms. Average age of calves at weaning is 13 weeks. Calves begin to use hay usually between the 1 st and 2 nd week of life, and a concentrated feed in 2 nd week. They are held in different types of pens. Farmers specified diarrhea and respiratory diseases as the most common health problems in calves. Rearing conditions at the farms often do not meet the recommendations and the breeders do not implement all of the necessary preventive measures. Corrections in this regard could contribute to better health of calves.Dobri uslovi gajenja su ključni faktor za očuvanje zdravlja i dobrobit teladi. Kao najčeŔći zdravstveni problemi teladi obično se navode prolivi, infekcije disajnih puteva i infekcije pupka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je sagledavanje uslova gajenja i učestalost pojave najčeŔćih zdravstvenih problema kod teladi na malim seoskim farmama u Podunavskom regionu Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni sa 30 farmi anketiranjem farmera. Anketa se sastojala od 75 pitanja koja su se odnosila na: opÅ”te informacije o farmi, teljenje, ishranu teladi, odbijanje, smeÅ”taj, higijenu prostora za smeÅ”taj plotkinja i teladi, bolesti koje se javljaju kod teladi i mere preventive bolesti. Prema odgovorima, prosečan broj goveda svih kategorija na farmama je 18. Telad se na 67% farmi odmah po rođenju odvaja od majki. Dobijaju kolostrum 2 sata po rođenju na 47% farmi, a na 20% farmi odmah po rođenju. Prosečna starost teladi pri odbijanju je 13 nedelja. Telad počinje da koristi seno obično između 1. i 2. nedelje života, a koncentrat u 2. nedelji. Telad se drže u različitim tipovima bokseva. Farmeri su naveli proliv i respiratorne bolesti kao najčeŔće zdravstvene probleme kod teladi. Uslovi gajenja na farmama često nisu u skladu sa preporukama i odgajivači ne sprovode sve neophodne preventivne mere za sprečavanje pojave bolesti. Korekcije u ovom pogledu bi mogle doprineti boljem zdravstvenom stanju teladi

    The role of logistics in economic growth and global competitiveness*

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    Sve je veća potražnja za iznalaženjem novih obrazaca za gospodarski rast i razvoj, te povećanje konkurentnosti, pri čemu treba detaljnije razmotriti ulogu logistike. Glavna svrha članka je ispitati i usporediti učinke logističkih performansi zemalja EU-a, BRICS-a i ASEAN-a te testirati ulogu pojedinih logističkih komponenti. Metoda istraživanja temelji se na panel podacima uz primjenu regresije fiksnih učinaka za razdoblje od 2007. do 2018.godine. Rezultati potvrđuju da logistika ima pozitivan utjecaj na gospodarski rast i konkurentnost u ukupnom uzorku i zemljama EU-a, dok logistika doprinosi rastu konkurentnosti u zemljama BRICS-a. Identificirani su i pojedinačni doprinosi komponenti LPI-a, koji pokazuju važnost pod-indeksa za gospodarski rast i nacionalnu konkurentnost. Implikacije istraživanja naglaÅ”avaju ulogu logistike kao čimbenika gospodarskog rasta i razvoja te naglaÅ”avaju njezin potencijal u povećanju nacionalne konkurentnosti. Glavni doprinos su novi dokazi o učincima logistike na razini odabranih skupina zemalja, koji ističu važnost ovog sektora i daju preporuke kreatorima ekonomske politike.There is a rising demand to find new patterns for economic growth and development, and improving competitiveness, where the role of logistics should be considered in more detail. The main purpose of the article is to examine and compare the effects of countriesā€™ logistics performance in EU, BRICS, and ASEAN, and to test the role of individual logistics components. The research method is based on panel data using fixed effects regressions for the period 2007-2018. The results confirm the positive impact of logistics on economic growth and competitiveness in the total sample and EU countries, while logistics contributes to rising competitiveness in BRICS countries. Individual contributions of LPI components were also identified, presenting the importance of sub-indices for economic growth and national competitiveness. The research implications emphasize the role of logistics as a factor of economic growth and development and highlight its potential in rising national competitiveness. The main contribution is new evidence on the effects of logistics at the level of selected groups of countries, which highlights the importance of this sector and provides recommendations for economic policymakers

    Production performances and herd book of simmental and holstein friesian cattle in central Serbia

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    Central Serbia has a long tradition of cattle farming and, as a hilly-mountainous area it favors rearing of dual purpose Simmental breed, and to a lesser extent, Holstein-Friesian dairy breed. The first Herd Book of Serbia was founded in 1935. The high quality breeding animals registered are under the control of production performance properties. According to expert report of the Institute for Animal Husbandry and the results of the implementation of the breeding program in 2018 in the territory of Central Serbia, there were a total of 153.979 quality breeding animals of Simmental and 16509 quality breeding animals of Holstein-Friesian breed in the main herd. Both breeds are of national interest and are included in the breeding-selection program for dairy cattle that are implemented through the cooperation of breeders and breeding organizations in the field. In Central Serbia, there are 157 registered breeding organizations involved in breeding and livestock recording activities. In this paper, data of the Head breeding organization in cattle farming, the Institute for Animal Husbandry, as well as reports issued by the same entity each year were used. A tabular analysis and a five-year trend are presented according to: the number of recorded animals, primiparous females in linear evaluation, the realized yield of milk, milk fat and protein, as well as the trend of the number of bull dams in the population. Based on the analysis of the results of work on cattle breeding and selection, it can be concluded that some progress has been made in milk production of both breeds. It is important to emphasize that there is a significant effect of mentioned factors on the productivity of entire cattle population in Central Serbia. Systematic work on the breeding and selection of cattle is an important work that should be carried out in high quality, continuously and appropriately in order to achieve maximum effects in cattle production

    Kontaminacija toksigenim vrstama gljiva i njihovim mikotoksinima uzoraka kukuruza iz različitih regiona u Srbiji

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    This study was carried out in order to investigate the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungi and levels of zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in the maize stored immediately after harvesting in 2016 and used for animal feed in Serbia. A total of 22 maize samples were collected from four different districts across the country: City of Belgrade (nine samples), Å umadija (eight samples), Podunavlje (four samples) and Kolubara (one sample). Toxigenic fungi were identified according to the morphological characteristics whereas the mycotoxins contamination were detected using biochemistry enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent (ELISA) assay. The tested samples were mostly infected with Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium spp., except that one sample originated from Kolubara was not contaminated with Aspergillus species. Fusarium graminearum was the most common species in the maize sample from Kolubara district (60%), F. verticillioides in the maize samples from Podunavlje (43.75%) and City of Belgrade (22.4%) districts, and Penicillium spp. in the maize samples from Å umadija district (26.38%). In the analysed maize samples the presence of Aspergillus species was low (0-1.78%). Mycotoxicological analysis revealed the presence of zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in all the investigated samples, except that DON and AFB1 were not recorded in the samples from Podunavlje and Kolubara districts, respectively. The investigated samples were highly contaminated with ZEA, with incidence of 100% for the samples from Å umadija, Podunavlje and Kolubara districts and 88.89% for the samples from City of Belgrade district. In addition, the samples contamination with DON was 100% and 22.2% for the samples from Å umadija, Kolubara and City of Belgrade, districts, respectively. The highest number of AFB1 positive samples was found in Å umadija district (87.5%), while in the City of Belgrade and Podunavlje districts, 55.56% and 50% AFB1 positive samples were established, respectively. Generally, remarkable infection of all the tested samples with toxigenic fungal species from Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium genera were recorded. In addition, high contamination with mycotoxins ZEA, DON and AFB1 were also recorded; nevertheless, only in one sample the level of DON exceeded the allowed legal limit (1750 Ī¼g kg-1 ) according to Regulation for unprocessed maize. Therefore, permanent mycological and mycotoxicological analyses of maize grain are necessary for risk assessment of fungal and mycotoxin contamination throughout the food chain.Ispitivanja u ovom radu izvedena su s ciljem da se odredi prirodna pojava potencijalno toksigenih gljiva iz rodova Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium i sadržaj mikotoksina zearalenona (ZEA), deoksinivalenola (DON) i aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) u kukuruzu uskladiÅ”tenom neposredno posle berbe u 2016. godini i koriŔćenom za ishranu životinja. Ukupno 22 uzoraka zrna kukuruza sakupljeni su iz četiri regiona u Srbiji: Beogradski (devet uzoraka), Å umadijski (osam uzoraka), Podunavski (četiri uzorka) i Kolubarski (jedan uzorak). Toksigene vrste gljiva su identifikovane na osnovu morfoloÅ”kih osobina, a sadržaj mikotoksina određen je pomoću biohemijske, imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Ispitivani uzorci kukuruza većinom su bili inficirani sa Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium spp., izuzev Å”to u uzorku iz Kolubarskog regiona nisu bile identifikovane Aspergillus vrste. Fusarium graminearum bila je najučestalija vrsta u uzorku kukuruza iz Kolubarskog regiona (60%), F. verticillioides u uzorcima iz Podunavskog (43,75%) i Beogradskog regiona (22,4%) i Penicillium spp. u uzorcima iz Å umadijskog regiona (26,38%). U ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza zastupljenost Aspergillus vrsta bila je niska (0-1,78%). MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama ustanovljeno je prisustvo zearalenona (ZEA), deoksinivalenola (DON) i aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) u svim ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza, izuzev Å”to DON nije detektovan u uzorcima iz Podunavskog a AFB1 u uzorku iz Kolubarskog regiona. Ispitivani uzorci su visoko kontaminirani sa ZEA, 100% uzoraka iz Å umadijskog, Podunavskog i Kolubarskog regiona i 88,89% uzoraka iz Beogradskog regiona. Isto tako, sa DON bilo je kontaminirano 100% uzoraka iz Å umadijskog i Kolubarskog regiona i 22,2% iz Beogradskog regiona. Najveći broj AFB1 pozitivnih uzoraka ustanovljen je u Å umadijskom regionu (87,5%), dok je u Beogradskom i Podunavskom regionu ustanovljeno 55,56% i 50% AFB1 pozitivnih uzoraka, respektivno. UopÅ”teno razmatrajući, u ovim analizama ustanovljena je visoka zastupljenost toksigenih vrsta u svim ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza. Isto tako, ustanovljena je visoka kontaminiranost uzoraka sa mikotoksinima ZEA, DON i AFB1, iako je samo u jednom uzorku sadržaj DON premaÅ”io dozvoljeni limit (1750 Ī¼g kg-1 ) prema zakonskoj regulativi za neprerađeni kukuruz. Zbog toga, stalne mikoloÅ”ke i mikotoksikoloÅ”ke analize zrna kukuruza neophodne su radi ocene rizika od gljivične i mikotoksin kontaminacije u lancu ishrane

    Cattle Herd book and Record Keeping in Central Serbia

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    Serbia has a tradition of cattle production, and the area of Central Serbia, as a hilly region is suitable for farming of the combined Simmental and dairy Holstein-Friesian breed. The first Herd Book of Serbia was founded in 1935. The high quality breeding animals registered in the main register and the herd book are under the control of production performance. According to the expert report of the Institute for Animal Husbandry and the results of the implementation of the breeding program in 2017, on the territory of Central Serbia, there were 147,997 high quality breeding animals of the Simmental and 17,192 of Holstein-Friesian breed in the main/parent herd. Both breeds of national interest for rearing in the territory of Central Serbia are included in the breeding ā€“ selection programs for cattle for milk production, which are implemented through the cooperation of farmers and local breeding organizations in the field. In the territory of Central Serbia there are 157 registered local breeding organizations that are carrying out the activities of cattle recording/registering and selection. In this paper the data of the Main Breeding Organization in cattle breeding, the Institute for Animal Husbandry, and its annual report are used. A tabular analysis and a five-year trend of animals are presented according to: the number of registered animals, linearly evaluated first calving females, the realized yield of milk, milk fat and protein, as well as the trend of the number of bull dams in the population. Based on the analysis of the results of work on the selection of bovine animals, it can be concluded that some progress has been made in the production of milk of both breeds. It is important to emphasize that the mentioned results are reflected on the productivity of the entire population of cattle in Central Serbia


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    There are numerous methods for decontamination of animal feed, and a relatively inexpensive method is the application of inorganic adsorbents. Adsorbents from the group of alumosilicates are particularly important, especially bentonite. Inorganic adsorbents are able to detoxify foods contaminated with mycotoxins by their adsorption power, while minimizing the negative effects on the organism. The aim of this study was to examine and determine whether the use of natural bentonite has an effect on adsorption of aflatoxins from food. The influence of daily intake of bentonite at different doses (30 and 50 g / head) on the content of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk of examined cows was examined. By mycotoxicological analysis of the feed it was determined that maize grains were infested with aflatoxin B1 (1.24 Ī¼g/kg) and that this was the cause of the AFM1 metabolite in raw milk of cows. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the content of AFM1 in milk of cows consuming food with a daily intake of 30 and 50 g bentonite was significantly reduced

    The effect of animal-related and some environmental effects on daily milk production of dairy cows under the heat stress conditions

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of different fixed factors (breed, region, calving year, calving season, parity and lactation stage) on daily milk production (yield and content) of four dairy cattle breeds under the heat stress conditions (THIā‰„72). The research was conducted on a set of test-day records of four dairy cattle breeds (Simmental, Holstein-Friesian, Red Holstein and Brown Swiss) reared in the Republic of Serbia (Region of Mačva, Podunavlje and Å umadija). The statistical analysis included test-day records collected in the period from the beginning of the year 2012 to the end of the year 2019. Based on the performed analysis, it could be demonstrated that all the effects included in the statistical model (breed, region, calving year, calving season, parity and lactation stage) statistically highly significant (p<0.001) affected daily milk production (yield and content) of cows reared in the terms of the heat stress conditions. The highest daily milk production was determined in the region of Podunavlje, and by the Holstein-Friesian breed. Furthermore, dairy cows calved during the spring season, in the third lactation and from the 61st to the 120th day of lactation, had the highest milk production during the summer period in an environment characterised by heat stress. Also, daily milk yield of cows in a heat stress environment decreased in the period from June to September. The results obtained indicate different animalsā€™ responses to heat stress concerning the animalā€™s breed, rearing region, calving year, calving season, parity and lactation stage

    Uticaj vremena žetve na prinos i kvalitet silokrme kukuruza

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    Maize is the very important silage source in the world. Timely harvesting ensure high maize forage yield and quality. Therefore, the study focused on the effects of four harvesting times (starting at the 12 August every 7 days) on yield and qualitative parameters of forage green mass of maize hybrid ZP 677. The experiment was set in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, ear percentage, forage yield, dry matter content and crude protein content were higher, while stem percentage was lower in 2014 with favorable climatic condition. Forage yield, crude protein content, ADF and NDF decreased, while dry matter content significantly increased with delay in harvesting. The maize hybrid should be harvested when the milk line is three-quarter of the way down the grain that is in the third decade of August.Kukuruz je veoma važan izvor silaže u svetu. Pravovremenom žetvom kukuruza obezbeđuje se visok prinos i kvalitet krme za silažu. Stoga je istraživanje fokusirano na uticaj četiri datuma žetve (počev od 12. avgusta svakih sedam dana) na prinos i kvalitativne parametre silokrme hibrida kukuruza ZP 677. Eksperiment je postavljen u Vojvodini, u Srbiji, tokom 2013. i 2014. godine. Visina biljke, prečnik stabla, broj listova po biljci, udeo stabla, prinos krme, sadržaj suve materije i sadržaj sirovih proteina bili su veći, dok je udeo stabla bio manji u 2014. godini sa povoljnim klimatskim uslovima. Prinos krme, sadržaj sirovih proteina, ADF i NDF su se smanjivali, dok se sadržaj suve materije povećavao sa kaÅ”njenjem u žetvi. Hibrid kukuruza za krmu treba sakupljati kada je mlečna linija tri četvrtine visine zrna Å”to je u trećoj dekadi avgusta

    Fenotipske korelacije linearnih ocena tipa i proizvodnih osobina krava simentalske rase

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    Determining the degree of correlation between two or more traits depends to a large extent on their manifestation. The knowledge of genetic and phenotypic correlations between body characteristics of the animal and product characteristics can help define the breeding goal, but also to define and harmonize the assessment criteria. Although the phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits of body development and type and the milk yield show different degrees of variation, they should be taken into account in the final assessment of the breeding value of the animal so that the selection programs are more comprehesively defined. The examination of phenotypic correlations of linear assessment scores of the type, milk and fertility traits was performed on a total of 303 cows of the Simental breed in the first three lactations. The examination of phenotypic correlations included the following milk performance properties in the first three standard lactations: milk yield, milk fat content, milk fat yield, yield of 4% corrected milk; also fertility traits: age at current calving and service period in each lactation; while the linear type scoring included a group of traits: type or frame, muscularity, fundament, udder.Poznavanje fenotipske povezanosti osobina mlečnosti i plodnosti, sa linearnim ocenama tipa je veoma značajno u selekcijskom radu, gde se pored visoke proizvodnje, očekuje dobro zdravlje kao i dug produktivni život grla u stadu. U ovom istraživanju medjusobna pozitivna i potpuna fenotipska povezanost prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i 4% mast korigovanog mleka ustanovljena je u sve tri laktacije, kao i niska i uglavnom pozitivna povezanost pokazatelja prinosa i sadržaja mlečne masti. Niska i uglavnom pozitivna fenotipska povezanost utanovljena je u sve tri laktacije i za pokazatelje mlečnosti i plodnosti, ali i za pokazatelje plodnosti i tipa. Fenotipska povezanost pokazatelja mlečnosti i prosečnih ocena tipa je bila srednje jaka i uglavnom pozitivna za osobine prinosa i slaba i uglavnom negativna izmedju osobina tipa i sadržaja mlečne masti. Fenotipska povezanost ispitivanih osobina pokazuje da se prilikom odabira kako priplodnih junica, tako i semena za oplodnju krava i junica, mora povesti računa i o tipskim karakteristikama, jer će to pored odabira po mlečnosti doprineti ostvarenju veće proizvodnje mleka i bržem genetskom unapredjenju naÅ”e populacije

    The effect of age on eemen quality of Holsteinfriesian bulls

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of the bull age on production and some semen quality traits. The semen was collected during 2014. The LSD test (Least Significant Difference) was used to compare the bulls of different age groups and the results of this test showed in some cases significant differences. This test showed that there was no significant difference in ejaculate volume between six-year-old and four-year-old bulls, but in two-year-old bulls a significant difference to older bull groups was determined. The results showed that there was a significant effect of the bull age (p<0.001) on the ejaculate volume and the number of doses per ejaculate