437 research outputs found

    Heavy landings of snappers at Mumbai with notes on the biology of Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskal, 1975) and Lutjanus johnii (Bloch,1792)

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    Snappers are considered valuable seafood delicacy and enjoy great demand in international market. Snapper landings in Maharashtra have increased over a period of time. The major species of snappers landed in Maharashtra is Lutjanus johnii which is accompanied by occasional landings of Lutjanus argentimaculatus

    Observations on the fecundity of Rhynchobatus djiddensis (Forskal, 1775)

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    The resource is not targeted but is landed as a by-catch. However, when compared to 1960s and 1970s the landing of R. rijiddensis are very less indicating overfishing. As it is included as a Vulnerable (VU) one in the mCN Red list the fishes should be tlu'own back in to the sea, if alive, as a conservation measure. There is also a need to emphasise the need to conduct the detailed maturity and reproduction studies for better conservation practices. The observations in respect of the fecundity of this species in this contribution can be used as a baseline data for further studies on the reproductive biology of the fish which would help in formulating a conservation policy towards sustaining and conserving this specie

    A clinical study of arrhythmias associated with acute myocardial infarction and thrombolysis

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    Background: Arrhythmias are a common occurrence in ACS. This study was undertaken to analyze the incidence, frequency and type of arrhythmias in relation to the site of infarction to aid in timely intervention to modify the outcome in MI and to study the significance of Reperfusion arrhythmias.Methods: 100 patients were evaluated. ECG and cardiac enzymes were studied. Arrhythmias complicating AMI in terms of their incidence, timing, severity, type, relation, reperfusion and results were studied.Results: Of the 100 cases, 74% were males and 26% females of which incidence being common between 4th to 7th decades of life. AMI was common in patients with Diabetes and Hypertension (23% each). Incidence of AWMI (58%) is higher than IWMI (40%). Out of all arrhythmias, Ventricular Tachycardia was seen in 24% cases with 50% mortality and preponderance to Antero Lateral Myocardial Infarction. Sinus Tachycardia was seen in 23% of cases with preponderance to Antero Lateral Myocardial Infarction and persistence of Sinus Tachycardia was a prognostic sign, mortality being 22%. Complete Heart Block and Sinus Bradycardia were seen with IWMI, incidence being 53.8% and 100% respectively. Bundle Branch Block was common in AWMI (31%) than IWMI (10%). Among 64 thrombo-lysed cases, 21 had Reperfusion Arrhythmias without any mortality, whereas remaining 43 without Reperfusion Arrhythmias had mortality of 18.6%.Conclusions: According to the study, Tachy-arrhythmias are common with Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction and Brady-arrhythmias in Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction. Reperfusion Arrhythmias are a benign phenomenon and good indicator of successful reperfusion


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    The present research is concerned with proper recovery of the R-22 [1] gas, which is widely used in various R.A.C. fields on the system failure and reusing these recovered gases again for the future use. It is well known that various cooling units are widely spread in their applications and are circulating R-22 as a refrigerant. It is intended to recover this type of refrigerant by any means preventing its ill effects on environment. The time required for recovering is less, hence the system requires less time. The recovery rate of the unit ranges between 1 to 2 kg/min for 1 ton capacity of the system. We can use the unit for any ton capacity of the breakdown system refrigeration and air conditioning system to recover the gas. The. Global warming [2] is the process wherein the average temperature of the Earth\u27s near surface air increases, owing largely to various man-made activities. Though there are some natural causes for this rise in temperature, they stand to be insignificant when compared to the man-made causes. Understanding global warming & green house gas causes and effects can give us a brief idea of the dreadful phenomena our future generations may have to face. There are some of the prominent global warming causes and effects

    Case series of orthopaedic complications associated with endocrine disorders presented at tertiary care center and review of literature

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    Endocrine glands affecting skeletal system are parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid and gonads. If any abnormality occurs in these glands, they cause structural and functional impairment of the skeletal system. Early diagnosis and treatment of these endocrine problems and ruling out musculoskeletal involvement helps to maintain skeletal integrity and prevent osteoporotic fractures and chronic bone pathologies. Here we present a case series of 4 patients who came to us with chronic bone pathologies or post-traumatic fractures associated with endocrine abnormalities­; such as parathyroid adenoma (hyperparathyroidism), Cushing’s syndrome and thyroid adenocarcinoma. One patient with osteoporotic and pathological fracture was managed operatively and sent for management of endocrine pathology and other three patients after evaluating cause for the bone pathology were referred for primary management of endocrine disease. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts of the bone are affected by the endocrine hormones, such as parathyroid hormone, thyroid, glucocorticoids and gonadotropins. Any abnormality in these hormones leads to alteration of bone mineral density. Hyperthyroidism, glucocorticoid excess, hyperparathyroidism, hypogonadism, and acromegaly decrease bone mineral density and aggravate the osteoporotic tendencies and leading to orthopaedic complications. As an orthopaedic practitioner we should be well aware of endocrine disorders affecting bones. Early diagnosis and treatment of these endocrine problems in older patients helps to maintain their skeletal integrity, prevent osteoporotic fracture and orthopaedic complications

    Simulations of a weakly conducting droplet under the influence of an alternating electric field

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    We investigate the electrohydrodynamics of an initially spherical droplet under the influence of an external alternating electric field by conducting axisymmetric numerical simulations using a charge-conservative volume-of-fluid based finite volume flow solver. The mean amplitude of shape oscillations of a droplet subjected to an alternating electric field for leaky dielectric fluids is the same as the steady-state deformation under an equivalent root mean squared direct electric field for all possible electrical conductivity ratio (Kr)(K_r) and permittivity ratio (S)(S) of the droplet to the surrounding fluid. In contrast, our simulations for weakly conducting media show that this equivalence between alternating and direct electric fields does not hold for KrSK_r \ne S. Moreover, for a range of parameters, the deformation obtained using the alternating and direct electric fields is qualitatively different, i.e. for low KrK_r and high SS, the droplet becomes prolate under alternating electric field but deforms to an oblate shape in the case of the equivalent direct electric field. A parametric study is conducted by varying the time period of the applied alternating electric field, the permittivity and the electrical conductivity ratios. It is observed that while increasing KrK_r has a negligible effect on the deformation dynamics of the droplet for Kr<SK_r<S, it enhances the deformation of the droplet when Kr>SK_r>S for both alternating and direct electric fields. We believe that our results may be of immense consequence in explaining the morphological evolution of droplets in a plethora of scenarios ranging from nature to biology.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    महाराष्ट्र की डोल जाल मात्स्यिकी

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    महाराष्ट्र की डोल जाल मात्स्यिक

    Plastic menace faced by fishers of Satpati, Maharashtra

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    Small conical stationary bag nets (Bokshi) are operated by artisanal fishers mostly in creeks, with strong tidal currents in certain regions of Maharashtra. The net is set using wooden pole (Khunt) driven at creek bottom against the flood or ebb tide. At Satpati, Bokshi nets are operated in the near shore creek for about 16 days in a month at a rate of 2 hauls per day. Here, fishermen are concerned about the increasing quantity of plastic debris entering their nets during fishing operations adversely affecting their livelihood

    Indiscriminate exploitation of Epinephelus diacanthus juveniles at Mumbai

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    New Ferry Wharf is one of the major fish landing centres of Mumbai and 80-100 trawlers operate daily from here. On 13th May 2011, large numbers of juveniles of Epinephelus diacanthus was landed at the New Ferry Whar

    Unseasonal high landings of Loligo duvauceli at Sassoon docks, Mumbai

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    At Sassoon docks (new jetty), which is a major cephalopod landing centre in Mumbai, very high landings of Loligo duvaucelli were observed on 09-06-11. The fishing ground was south of Mumbai in the depth range of 40-50 m. Usually in the month of June, not many trawlers are operated from Sasson docks due to the monsoon ban on trawling. Eight trawlers landed squids on this day and about 1.5-2 t was observed in each trawler. A catch of this magnitude in the month of June is very unusual and therefore gains a lot of importance