303 research outputs found

    Reversibility in the Extended Measurement-based Quantum Computation

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    When applied on some particular quantum entangled states, measurements are universal for quantum computing. In particular, despite the fondamental probabilistic evolution of quantum measurements, any unitary evolution can be simulated by a measurement-based quantum computer (MBQC). We consider the extended version of the MBQC where each measurement can occur not only in the (X,Y)-plane of the Bloch sphere but also in the (X,Z)- and (Y,Z)-planes. The existence of a gflow in the underlying graph of the computation is a necessary and sufficient condition for a certain kind of determinism. We extend the focused gflow (a gflow in a particular normal form) defined for the (X,Y)-plane to the extended case, and we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such normal forms

    Gardner's Minichess Variant is solved

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    A 5x5 board is the smallest board on which one can set up all kind of chess pieces as a start position. We consider Gardner's minichess variant in which all pieces are set as in a standard chessboard (from Rook to King). This game has roughly 9x10^{18} legal positions and is comparable in this respect with checkers. We weakly solve this game, that is we prove its game-theoretic value and give a strategy to draw against best play for White and Black sides. Our approach requires surprisingly small computing power. We give a human readable proof. The way the result is obtained is generic and could be generalized to bigger chess settings or to other games

    Graph States, Pivot Minor, and Universality of (X,Z)-measurements

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    The graph state formalism offers strong connections between quantum information processing and graph theory. Exploring these connections, first we show that any graph is a pivot-minor of a planar graph, and even a pivot minor of a triangular grid. Then, we prove that the application of measurements in the (X,Z)-plane over graph states represented by triangular grids is a universal measurement-based model of quantum computation. These two results are in fact two sides of the same coin, the proof of which is a combination of graph theoretical and quantum information techniques

    Complexity of Graph State Preparation

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    The graph state formalism is a useful abstraction of entanglement. It is used in some multipartite purification schemes and it adequately represents universal resources for measurement-only quantum computation. We focus in this paper on the complexity of graph state preparation. We consider the number of ancillary qubits, the size of the primitive operators, and the duration of preparation. For each lexicographic order over these parameters we give upper and lower bounds for the complexity of graph state preparation. The first part motivates our work and introduces basic notions and notations for the study of graph states. Then we study some graph properties of graph states, characterizing their minimal degree by local unitary transformations, we propose an algorithm to reduce the degree of a graph state, and show the relationship with Sutner sigma-game. These properties are used in the last part, where algorithms and lower bounds for each lexicographic order over the considered parameters are presented.Comment: 17 page

    Toward Quantum Combinatorial Games

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    In this paper, we propose a Quantum variation of combinatorial games, generalizing the Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe proposed by Allan Goff. A combinatorial game is a two-player game with no chance and no hidden information, such as Go or Chess. In this paper, we consider the possibility of playing superpositions of moves in such games. We propose different rulesets depending on when superposed moves should be played, and prove that all these rulesets may lead similar games to different outcomes. We then consider Quantum variations of the game of Nim. We conclude with some discussion on the relative interest of the different rulesets

    Optimal accessing and non-accessing structures for graph protocols

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    An accessing set in a graph is a subset B of vertices such that there exists D subset of B, such that each vertex of V\B has an even number of neighbors in D. In this paper, we introduce new bounds on the minimal size kappa'(G) of an accessing set, and on the maximal size kappa(G) of a non-accessing set of a graph G. We show strong connections with perfect codes and give explicitly kappa(G) and kappa'(G) for several families of graphs. Finally, we show that the corresponding decision problems are NP-Complete

    Online Diagnosis based on Chronicle Recognition of a Coil Winding Machine

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    This paper falls under the problems of the diagnosis of Discrete Event System (DES) such as coil winding machine. Among the various techniques used for the on-line diagnosis, we are interested in the chronicle recognition and fault tree. The Chronicle can be defined as temporal patterns that represent system possible evolutions of an observed system. Starting from the model of the system to be diagnosed, the proposed method based on the P-time Petri net allows to generate the chronicles necessary to the diagnosis. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the monitoring approach, an application to a coil winding unit is outlined
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