1 research outputs found

    An assessment of records management practices in support of service delivery (in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa): the case of Engcobo local municipality

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    The aim of this study was to assess records management practices in support of service delivery in Engcobo Local Municipality. This study sought to determine the type of records received, created and maintained by Engcobo Local Municipality, how records are processed for use in Engcobo Local Municipality, to what extend does the Records Management Practices in Engcobo Local Municipality comply with the legal and Regulatory requirements, and lastly what are the challenges faced by Engcobo Local Municipality and lastly to find out the impact of records management on service delivery The population of the study was 168 municipality workers and the sample of the study was 50 selected municipality workers who was representative of the whole population. This study employed a triangulated approach whereby the qualitative and the quantitative approaches were used. 35 survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and only 30 (thirty) were retained back for data analysis process and 15 indepth interviews were administered with the participants. The study employed purposive sampling in selecting the sample for the study based on the knowledge of the population. The study employed thematic analysis in analyzing the qualitative data. Thematic analysis allowed the researcher to discuss the common themes from the thick descriptions obtained from the municipality workers. Quantitative data from the semi structured questionnaires administered were analyzed using statistical methods 6 | P a g e (SPSS). The presentation of the findings was in the form of tables, graphs and piechats. The results revealed the Municipality does not have enough space for their records, due to continuous increase in technology, there is need for the municipality to upgrade its infrastructure to suit the standards of 21st century, shortages of skills within the municipality staff pose a big challenge to the development in the municipality and the system is bureaucratic in nature, long channels of communication. The study recommends that research should be extended to other Municipalities in the Eastern Cape to ensure that the management of records is harmonized to enhance service delivery, accountability and transparency in the Municipalities