5 research outputs found

    Generation of donor-specific T regulatory type 1 cells from patients on dialysis for cell therapy after kidney transplantation

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    Background. Tregulatory type 1 (Tr1) cell-mediated induction of tolerance in preclinicalmodels of transplantation is remarkably effective. The clinical application of such a therapy in patients on dialysis undergoing kidney transplantation should take into account the possible alterations of the immune systemobserved in these patients. Herein, we aimed at testing the ability to generate donor-specific Tr1 cell-enriched lymphocytes from patients on dialysis on the waiting list for kidney transplantation. Methods. The Tr1 cell-enriched lymphocytes were generated by coculturing interleukin-10-producing dendritic cells obtained from healthy donors with peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients on dialysis, following the same protocol used in a previous cell therapy clinical trial to prevent graft-versus-host disease. Alternatively, purified CD4+ Tcells were used instead of total PBMCs. The ability to generate clinical-grade Tr1 cell-enriched products was defined by testing the reduced response to restimulation withmature dendritic cells generated fromthe original donor (i.e., anergy assay). Results. The Tr1 cell-enrichedmedicinal products generated from PBMCs of patients on dialysis showed a low anergic phenotype, incompatible with their eventual clinical application. This was irrespective of HLA matching with the donor or the intrinsically reduced ability to proliferate in response to alloantigens. On the contrary, the use of purified CD4+ T cells isolated from patients on dialysis led to the generation of a highly anergic donor-specific medicinal product containing an average of 10% Tr1 cells. Conclusions. The Tr1 cell-enriched medicinal products can be efficiently generated from patients on dialysis by carefully tailoring the protocol on the patients' immunological characteristics

    Regulatory T-cells from pancreatic lymphnodes of patients with type-1 diabetes express increased levels of microRNA miR-125a-5p that limits CCR2 expression

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    Autoimmune type 1 diabetes (T1D) is thought to be caused by a defective immune regulation with regulatory T (Treg) cells playing a fundamental role in this process. Tolerance mechanisms depend on tunable responses that are sensitive to minor perturbations in the expression of molecules that can be carried out by multiple epigenetic mechanisms, including regulation by microRNAs. In this study, microRNA expression profile was investigated in Treg cells isolated from peripheral blood (PB) and from pancreatic draining lymph nodes (PLN) of T1D patients and non-diabetic subjects. Among 72 microRNAs analyzed, miR-125a-5p resulted specifically hyper-expressed in Treg cells purified from PLN of T1D patients. TNFR2 and CCR2 were identified as miR-125a-5p target genes. Elevated miR-125a-5p was detected in Treg cells isolated from PLN but not from PB of donors with T1D and was associated with reduced CCR2 expression. A specific beta-cell expression of the CCR2-ligand (CCL2) was observed in the pancreata of cadaveric donors, suggesting that beta-cells are prone to attract CCR2+ Treg cells. These novel data propose a mechanism, occurring in PLNs of T1D patients, involving increased expression of miR-125a-5p on Treg cells which results into reduced expression of CCR2, thus limiting their migration and eventual function in the pancreas

    Key role of macrophages in tolerance induction via T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cells

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    T regulatory type 1 (Tr1) cells are a class of regulatory T cells (Tregs) participating in peripheral tolerance, hence the rationale behind their testing in clinical trials in different disease settings. One of their applications is tolerance induction to allogeneic islets for long-term diabetes-free survival. Currently the cellular and molecular mechanisms that promote Tr1-cell induction in vivo remain poorly understood. We employed a mouse model of transplant tolerance where treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)/rapamycin induces permanent engraftment of allogeneic pancreatic islets in C57BL/6 mice via Tr1 cells. The innate composition of graft and spleen cells in tolerant mice was analyzed by flow cytometry. Graft phagocytic cells were co-cultured with CD4+ T cells in vitro to test their ability to induce Tr1-cell induction. Graft phagocytic cells were depleted in vivo at different time-points during G-CSF/rapamycin treatment, to identify their role in Tr1-cell induction and consequently in graft survival. In the spleen, the site of Tr1-cell induction, no differences in the frequencies of macrophages or dendritic cells (DC) were observed. In the graft, the site of antigen uptake, a high proportion of macrophages and not DC was detected in tolerant but not in rejecting mice. Graft-infiltrating macrophages of G-CSF/rapamycin-treated mice had an M2 phenotype, characterized by higher CD206 expression and interleukin (IL)-10 production, whereas splenic macrophages only had an increased CD206 expression. Graft-infiltrating cells from G-CSF/rapamycin-treated mice-induced Tr1-cell expansion in vitro. Furthermore, Tr1-cell induction was perturbed upon in-vivo depletion of phagocytic cells, early and not late during treatment, leading to graft loss suggesting that macrophages play a key role in tolerance induction mediated by Tr1 cells. Taken together, in this mouse model of Tr1-cell induced tolerance to allogeneic islets, M2 macrophages infiltrating the graft upon G-CSF/rapamycin treatment are key for Tr1-cell induction. This work provides mechanistic insight into pharmacologically induced Tr1-cell expansion in vivo in this stringent model of allogeneic transplantation